// hmi_tree.ysl2 // Location identifies uniquely SVGHMI instance param "instance_name"; // HMI Tree computed from VARIABLES.CSV in svghmi.py const "hmitree", "ns:GetHMITree()"; // HMI Tree Index const "_indexed_hmitree" apply "$hmitree", mode="index"; const "indexed_hmitree", "exsl:node-set($_indexed_hmitree)"; emit "preamble:hmi-tree" { | var hmi_hash = [«$hmitree/@hash»]; | | var heartbeat_index = «$indexed_hmitree/*[@hmipath = '/HEARTBEAT']/@index»; | | var current_page_var_index = «$indexed_hmitree/*[@hmipath = concat('/CURRENT_PAGE_', $instance_name)]/@index»; | | var hmitree_types = [ foreach "$indexed_hmitree/*" | "«substring(local-name(), 5)»"`if "position()!=last()" > ,` | ]; | | var hmitree_paths = [ foreach "$indexed_hmitree/*" | "«@hmipath»"`if "position()!=last()" > ,` | ]; | | var hmitree_nodes = { foreach "$indexed_hmitree/*[local-name() = 'HMI_NODE']" | "«@hmipath»" : [«@index», "«@class»"]`if "position()!=last()" > ,` | }; | } template "*", mode="index" { param "index", "0"; param "parentpath", "''"; const "content" { const "path" choose { when "count(ancestor::*)=0" > / when "count(ancestor::*)=1" > /«@name» otherwise > «$parentpath»/«@name» } xsl:copy { attrib "index" > «$index» attrib "hmipath" > «$path» foreach "@*" xsl:copy; } apply "*[1]", mode="index"{ with "index", "$index + 1"; with "parentpath" > «$path» } } copy "$content"; apply "following-sibling::*[1]", mode="index" { with "index", "$index + count(exsl:node-set($content)/*)"; with "parentpath" > «$parentpath» } } include parse_labels.ysl2 const "_parsed_widgets" { widget type="VarInitPersistent" { arg value="0"; path value="lang"; } apply "$hmi_elements", mode="parselabel"; } const "parsed_widgets","exsl:node-set($_parsed_widgets)"; def "func:widget" { param "id"; result "$parsed_widgets/widget[@id = $id]"; } def "func:is_descendant_path" { param "descend"; param "ancest"; // TODO : use HMI tree to answer more accurately result "string-length($ancest) > 0 and starts-with($descend,$ancest)"; } def "func:same_class_paths" { param "a"; param "b"; const "class_a", "$indexed_hmitree/*[@hmipath = $a]/@class"; const "class_b", "$indexed_hmitree/*[@hmipath = $b]/@class"; result "$class_a and $class_b and $class_a = $class_b"; } // Debug data template "*", mode="testtree"{ param "indent", "''"; > «$indent» «local-name()» foreach "@*" > «local-name()»="«.»" > \n if "text()" > «text()»\n apply "*", mode="testtree" { with "indent" value "concat($indent,'>')" }; } emit "debug:hmi-tree" { | Raw HMI tree apply "$hmitree", mode="testtree"; | | Indexed HMI tree apply "$indexed_hmitree", mode="testtree"; | | Parsed Widgets copy "_parsed_widgets"; apply "$parsed_widgets", mode="testtree"; }