edouard@3424: """ This test opens, builds and runs exemple project named "python". edouard@3424: Test succeeds if runtime's stdout behaves as expected edouard@3424: """ edouard@3424: edouard@3424: import os edouard@3424: import time edouard@3424: edouard@3424: # allow module import from current test directory's parent edouard@3424: addImportPath(os.path.dirname(getBundlePath())) edouard@3424: edouard@3424: # common test definitions module edouard@3424: from sikuliberemiz import * edouard@3424: edouard@3447: def test(app): edouard@3447: # Start the app edouard@3447: edouard@3447: app.k.Clean() edouard@3447: edouard@3447: app.waitForChangeAndIdleStdout() edouard@3447: edouard@3447: app.k.Build() edouard@3447: edouard@3720: app.waitPatternInStdout("Successfully built.", 10) edouard@3447: edouard@3447: app.k.Connect() edouard@3447: edouard@3447: app.waitForChangeAndIdleStdout() edouard@3447: edouard@3447: app.k.Transfer() edouard@3447: edouard@3447: app.waitForChangeAndIdleStdout() edouard@3447: edouard@3447: app.k.Run() edouard@3447: edouard@3447: # wait 10 seconds for 10 Grumpfs edouard@3447: return app.waitPatternInStdout("Grumpf", 10, 10) edouard@3447: edouard@3447: run_test(test, exemple="python") edouard@3424: