Edouard@3112: #!/usr/bin/env python
Edouard@3112: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Edouard@3112: # This file is part of Beremiz
Edouard@3112: # Copyright (C) 2021: Edouard TISSERANT
Edouard@3112: #
Edouard@3112: # See COPYING file for copyrights details.
Edouard@3112: from __future__ import absolute_import
Edouard@3115: from lxml import etree
edouard@3113: import os
Edouard@3112: import sys
Edouard@3112: import subprocess
edouard@3108: import time
edouard@3113: import ast
Edouard@3112: import wx
Edouard@3157: import re
edouard@3133: # to have it for python 2, had to install 
edouard@3133: # https://pypi.org/project/pycountry/18.12.8/
edouard@3133: # python2 -m pip install pycountry==18.12.8 --user
edouard@3133: import pycountry
edouard@3573: from dialogs import MessageBoxOnce
Edouard@3157: cmd_parser = re.compile(r'(?:"([^"]+)"\s*|([^\s]+)\s*)?')
Edouard@3112: def open_pofile(pofile):
Edouard@3112:     """ Opens PO file with POEdit """
Edouard@3112:     if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
Edouard@3112:         from six.moves import winreg
Edouard@3112:         poedit_cmd = None
Edouard@3112:         try:
Edouard@3112:             poedit_cmd = winreg.QueryValue(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
Edouard@3112:                                            'SOFTWARE\\Classes\\poedit\\shell\\open\\command')
Edouard@3157:             cmd = re.findall(cmd_parser, poedit_cmd)
Edouard@3157:             dblquote_value,smpl_value = cmd[0]
Edouard@3157:             poedit_path = dblquote_value+smpl_value
Edouard@3112:         except OSError:
Edouard@3112:             poedit_path = None
Edouard@3112:     else:
edouard@3573:         if os.environ.has_key("SNAP"):
edouard@3573:             MessageBoxOnce("Launching POEdit with xdg-open",
edouard@3573:                     "Confined app can't launch POEdit directly.\n"+
edouard@3573:                         "Instead, PO/POT file is passed to xdg-open.\n"+
edouard@3573:                         "Please select POEdit when proposed.\n\n"+
edouard@3573:                     "Notes: \n"+
edouard@3573:                     " - POEdit must be installed on you system.\n"+
edouard@3573:                     " - If no choice is proposed, use file manager to change POT/PO file properties.\n",
edouard@3573:                     "SVGHMII18SnapWarning")
edouard@3573:             poedit_path = "xdg-open"
edouard@3573:         else:
edouard@3573:             try:
edouard@3573:                 poedit_path = subprocess.check_output("command -v poedit", shell=True).strip()
edouard@3573:             except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
edouard@3573:                 poedit_path = None
Edouard@3112:     if poedit_path is None:
Edouard@3112:         wx.MessageBox("POEdit is not found or installed !")
Edouard@3112:     else:
Edouard@3112:         subprocess.Popen([poedit_path,pofile])
edouard@3113: def EtreeToMessages(msgs):
edouard@3113:     """ Converts XML tree from 'extract_i18n' templates into a list of tuples """
edouard@3113:     messages = []
edouard@3113:     for msg in msgs:
edouard@3113:         messages.append((
Edouard@3115:             "\n".join([line.text for line in msg]),
edouard@3113:             msg.get("label"), msg.get("id")))
edouard@3113:     return messages
edouard@3113: def SaveCatalog(fname, messages):
edouard@3113:     """ Save messages given as list of tupple (msg,label,id) in POT file """
edouard@3113:     w = POTWriter()
edouard@3113:     w.ImportMessages(messages)
edouard@3113:     with open(fname, 'w') as POT_file:
edouard@3113:         w.write(POT_file)
edouard@3214: def GetPoFiles(dirpath):
edouard@3214:     po_files = [fname for fname in os.listdir(dirpath) if fname.endswith(".po")]
edouard@3214:     po_files.sort()
Edouard@3218:     return [(po_fname[:-3],os.path.join(dirpath, po_fname)) for po_fname in po_files]
edouard@3113: def ReadTranslations(dirpath):
edouard@3144:     """ Read all PO files from a directory and return a list of (langcode, translation_dict) tuples """
edouard@3113:     translations = []
Edouard@3218:     for translation_name, po_path in GetPoFiles(dirpath):
edouard@3113:         r = POReader()
Edouard@3218:         with open(po_path, 'r') as PO_file:
edouard@3113:             r.read(PO_file)
Edouard@3218:             translations.append((translation_name, r.get_messages()))
edouard@3113:     return translations
edouard@3113: def MatchTranslations(translations, messages, errcallback):
Edouard@3114:     """
Edouard@3114:     Matches translations against original message catalog,
Edouard@3114:     warn about inconsistancies,
Edouard@3114:     returns list of langs, and a list of (msgid, [translations]) tuples
edouard@3113:     """
edouard@3113:     translated_messages = []
Edouard@3114:     broken_lang = set()
edouard@3113:     for msgid,label,svgid in messages:
edouard@3113:         translated_message = []
edouard@3144:         for langcode,translation in translations:
edouard@3113:             msg = translation.pop(msgid, None)
edouard@3113:             if msg is None:
edouard@3144:                 broken_lang.add(langcode)
Edouard@3198:                 errcallback(_('{}: Missing translation for "{}" (label:{}, id:{})\n').format(langcode,msgid,label,svgid))
Edouard@3115:                 translated_message.append(msgid)
Edouard@3115:             else:
Edouard@3115:                 translated_message.append(msg)
edouard@3113:         translated_messages.append((msgid,translated_message))
edouard@3113:     langs = []
edouard@3144:     for langcode,translation in translations:
edouard@3133:         try:
edouard@3144:             l,c = langcode.split("_")
edouard@3133:             language_name = pycountry.languages.get(alpha_2 = l).name
edouard@3133:             country_name = pycountry.countries.get(alpha_2 = c).name
edouard@3144:             langname = "{} ({})".format(language_name, country_name)
edouard@3133:         except:
edouard@3133:             try:
edouard@3144:                 langname = pycountry.languages.get(alpha_2 = langcode).name
edouard@3133:             except:
edouard@3144:                 langname = langcode
edouard@3144:         langs.append((langname,langcode))
Edouard@3114:         broken = False
edouard@3113:         for msgid, msg in translation.iteritems():
Edouard@3115:             broken = True
edouard@3144:             errcallback(_('{}: Unused translation "{}":"{}"\n').format(langcode,msgid,msg))
edouard@3144:         if broken or langcode in broken_lang:
Edouard@3198:             errcallback(_('Translation for {} is outdated, please edit {}.po, click "Catalog -> Update from POT File..." and select messages.pot.\n').format(langcode,langcode))
edouard@3113:     return langs,translated_messages
edouard@3113: def TranslationToEtree(langs,translated_messages):
Edouard@3116:     result = etree.Element("translations")
Edouard@3116:     langsroot = etree.SubElement(result, "langs")
edouard@3144:     for name, code in langs:
edouard@3144:         langel = etree.SubElement(langsroot, "lang", {"code":code})
edouard@3144:         langel.text = name
Edouard@3116:     msgsroot = etree.SubElement(result, "messages")
Edouard@3115:     for msgid, msgs in translated_messages:
Edouard@3115:         msgidel = etree.SubElement(msgsroot, "msgid")
Edouard@3115:         for msg in msgs:
Edouard@3115:             msgel = etree.SubElement(msgidel, "msg")
Edouard@3116:             for line in msg.split("\n"):
Edouard@3116:                 lineel = etree.SubElement(msgel, "line")
Edouard@3116:                 lineel.text = escape(line.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8")
Edouard@3116:     return result
edouard@3108: locpfx = '#:svghmi.svg:'
edouard@3108: pot_header = '''\
edouard@3108: # Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION
edouard@3108: #
edouard@3108: msgid ""
edouard@3108: msgstr ""
edouard@3108: "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\\n"
edouard@3108: "POT-Creation-Date: %(time)s\\n"
edouard@3108: "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\\n"
edouard@3108: "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\\n"
edouard@3108: "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\\n"
edouard@3108: "MIME-Version: 1.0\\n"
edouard@3113: "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\n"
edouard@3113: "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\\n"
edouard@3108: "Generated-By: SVGHMI 1.0\\n"
edouard@3108: '''
Edouard@3112: escapes = []
Edouard@3112: def make_escapes(pass_iso8859):
Edouard@3112:     global escapes
Edouard@3112:     escapes = [chr(i) for i in range(256)]
Edouard@3112:     if pass_iso8859:
Edouard@3112:         # Allow iso-8859 characters to pass through so that e.g. 'msgid
Edouard@3112:         # "Höhe"' would result not result in 'msgid "H\366he"'.  Otherwise we
Edouard@3112:         # escape any character outside the 32..126 range.
Edouard@3112:         mod = 128
Edouard@3112:     else:
Edouard@3112:         mod = 256
Edouard@3112:     for i in range(mod):
Edouard@3112:         if not(32 <= i <= 126):
Edouard@3112:             escapes[i] = "\\%03o" % i
Edouard@3112:     escapes[ord('\\')] = '\\\\'
Edouard@3112:     escapes[ord('\t')] = '\\t'
Edouard@3112:     escapes[ord('\r')] = '\\r'
Edouard@3112:     escapes[ord('\n')] = '\\n'
Edouard@3112:     escapes[ord('\"')] = '\\"'
Edouard@3112: make_escapes(pass_iso8859 = True)
Edouard@3112: EMPTYSTRING = ''
Edouard@3112: def escape(s):
Edouard@3112:     global escapes
Edouard@3112:     s = list(s)
Edouard@3112:     for i in range(len(s)):
Edouard@3112:         s[i] = escapes[ord(s[i])]
Edouard@3112:     return EMPTYSTRING.join(s)
Edouard@3112: def normalize(s):
Edouard@3112:     # This converts the various Python string types into a format that is
Edouard@3112:     # appropriate for .po files, namely much closer to C style.
Edouard@3112:     lines = s.split('\n')
Edouard@3112:     if len(lines) == 1:
Edouard@3112:         s = '"' + escape(s) + '"'
Edouard@3112:     else:
Edouard@3112:         if not lines[-1]:
Edouard@3112:             del lines[-1]
Edouard@3112:             lines[-1] = lines[-1] + '\n'
Edouard@3112:         for i in range(len(lines)):
Edouard@3112:             lines[i] = escape(lines[i])
Edouard@3112:         lineterm = '\\n"\n"'
Edouard@3112:         s = '""\n"' + lineterm.join(lines) + '"'
Edouard@3112:     return s
edouard@3108: class POTWriter:
edouard@3108:     def __init__(self):
edouard@3108:         self.__messages = {}
Edouard@3112:     def ImportMessages(self, msgs):
Edouard@3115:         for  msg, label, svgid in msgs:
Edouard@3115:             self.addentry(msg.encode("utf-8"), label, svgid)
edouard@3108:     def addentry(self, msg, label, svgid):
edouard@3108:         entry = (label, svgid)
edouard@3108:         self.__messages.setdefault(msg, set()).add(entry)
edouard@3108:     def write(self, fp):
edouard@3108:         timestamp = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M+%Z')
edouard@3108:         print >> fp, pot_header % {'time': timestamp}
edouard@3108:         reverse = {}
edouard@3108:         for k, v in self.__messages.items():
edouard@3108:             keys = list(v)
edouard@3108:             keys.sort()
edouard@3108:             reverse.setdefault(tuple(keys), []).append((k, v))
edouard@3108:         rkeys = reverse.keys()
edouard@3108:         rkeys.sort()
edouard@3108:         for rkey in rkeys:
edouard@3108:             rentries = reverse[rkey]
edouard@3108:             rentries.sort()
edouard@3108:             for k, v in rentries:
Edouard@3112:                 v = list(v)
edouard@3108:                 v.sort()
edouard@3108:                 locline = locpfx
edouard@3108:                 for label, svgid in v:
edouard@3108:                     d = {'label': label, 'svgid': svgid}
Edouard@3112:                     s = _(' %(label)s:%(svgid)s') % d
edouard@3108:                     if len(locline) + len(s) <= 78:
edouard@3108:                         locline = locline + s
edouard@3108:                     else:
edouard@3108:                         print >> fp, locline
edouard@3108:                         locline = locpfx + s
edouard@3108:                 if len(locline) > len(locpfx):
edouard@3108:                     print >> fp, locline
edouard@3108:                 print >> fp, 'msgid', normalize(k)
edouard@3108:                 print >> fp, 'msgstr ""\n'
edouard@3108: class POReader:
edouard@3108:     def __init__(self):
edouard@3108:         self.__messages = {}
edouard@3113:     def get_messages(self):
edouard@3113:         return self.__messages
edouard@3113:     def add(self, msgid, msgstr, fuzzy):
edouard@3108:         "Add a non-fuzzy translation to the dictionary."
Edouard@3115:         if not fuzzy and msgstr and msgid:
Edouard@3115:             self.__messages[msgid.decode('utf-8')] = msgstr.decode('utf-8')
edouard@3108:     def read(self, fp):
edouard@3108:         ID = 1
edouard@3108:         STR = 2
edouard@3108:         lines = fp.readlines()
edouard@3108:         section = None
edouard@3108:         fuzzy = 0
edouard@3108:         # Parse the catalog
edouard@3108:         lno = 0
edouard@3108:         for l in lines:
edouard@3108:             lno += 1
edouard@3108:             # If we get a comment line after a msgstr, this is a new entry
edouard@3108:             if l[0] == '#' and section == STR:
edouard@3108:                 self.add(msgid, msgstr, fuzzy)
edouard@3108:                 section = None
edouard@3108:                 fuzzy = 0
edouard@3108:             # Record a fuzzy mark
edouard@3108:             if l[:2] == '#,' and 'fuzzy' in l:
edouard@3108:                 fuzzy = 1
edouard@3108:             # Skip comments
edouard@3108:             if l[0] == '#':
edouard@3108:                 continue
edouard@3108:             # Now we are in a msgid section, output previous section
edouard@3108:             if l.startswith('msgid') and not l.startswith('msgid_plural'):
edouard@3108:                 if section == STR:
edouard@3108:                     self.add(msgid, msgstr, fuzzy)
edouard@3108:                 section = ID
edouard@3108:                 l = l[5:]
edouard@3108:                 msgid = msgstr = ''
edouard@3108:                 is_plural = False
edouard@3108:             # This is a message with plural forms
edouard@3108:             elif l.startswith('msgid_plural'):
edouard@3108:                 if section != ID:
edouard@3108:                     print >> sys.stderr, 'msgid_plural not preceded by msgid on %s:%d' %\
edouard@3108:                         (infile, lno)
edouard@3108:                     sys.exit(1)
edouard@3108:                 l = l[12:]
edouard@3108:                 msgid += '\0' # separator of singular and plural
edouard@3108:                 is_plural = True
edouard@3108:             # Now we are in a msgstr section
edouard@3108:             elif l.startswith('msgstr'):
edouard@3108:                 section = STR
edouard@3108:                 if l.startswith('msgstr['):
edouard@3108:                     if not is_plural:
edouard@3108:                         print >> sys.stderr, 'plural without msgid_plural on %s:%d' %\
edouard@3108:                             (infile, lno)
edouard@3108:                         sys.exit(1)
edouard@3108:                     l = l.split(']', 1)[1]
edouard@3108:                     if msgstr:
edouard@3108:                         msgstr += '\0' # Separator of the various plural forms
edouard@3108:                 else:
edouard@3108:                     if is_plural:
edouard@3108:                         print >> sys.stderr, 'indexed msgstr required for plural on  %s:%d' %\
edouard@3108:                             (infile, lno)
edouard@3108:                         sys.exit(1)
edouard@3108:                     l = l[6:]
edouard@3108:             # Skip empty lines
edouard@3108:             l = l.strip()
edouard@3108:             if not l:
edouard@3108:                 continue
edouard@3108:             l = ast.literal_eval(l)
edouard@3108:             if section == ID:
edouard@3108:                 msgid += l
edouard@3108:             elif section == STR:
edouard@3108:                 msgstr += l
edouard@3108:             else:
edouard@3108:                 print >> sys.stderr, 'Syntax error on %s:%d' % (infile, lno), \
edouard@3108:                       'before:'
edouard@3108:                 print >> sys.stderr, l
edouard@3108:                 sys.exit(1)
edouard@3108:         # Add last entry
edouard@3108:         if section == STR:
edouard@3108:             self.add(msgid, msgstr, fuzzy)