edouard@3635: edouard@3836: [![CI Automated testing](https://github.com/beremiz/beremiz/actions/workflows/run_tests_in_docker.yml/badge.svg?branch=python3)](https://github.com/beremiz/beremiz/actions/workflows/run_tests_in_docker.yml) andrej@1727: andrej@1679: # Beremiz # andrej@1679: andrej@1679: Beremiz is an integrated development environment for machine automation. It is Free Software, conforming to IEC-61131 among other standards. andrej@1679: andrej@1679: It relies on open standards to be independent of the targeted device, and let you turn any processor into a PLC. Beremiz includes tools to create HMI, and to connect your PLC programs to existing supervisions, databases, or fieldbuses. andrej@1679: andrej@1679: With Beremiz, you conform to standards, avoid vendor lock, and contribute to the better future of Automation. andrej@1679: andrej@2253: Beremiz consists of two components: andrej@2253: edouard@3450: * Integrated Development Environment (IDE), Beremiz.py. It is running on user's computer and is used to write/compile/debug PLC programs and control PLC runtime. edouard@3450: * Reference runtime implementation in python, Beremiz_service.py. It's running on target platform, communicates with I/O and executes PLC program. andrej@2253: andrej@1679: See official [Beremiz website](http://www.beremiz.org/) for more information. andrej@1679: edouard@3635: ## Install latest release ## edouard@3635: edouard@3635: Windows installer and Snap package for Linux are available in [Github releases](https://github.com/beremiz/beremiz/releases) and [Snapcraft's store](https://snapcraft.io/beremiz) edouard@3635: edouard@3635: ## Tutorials and examples ## edouard@3635: edouard@3635: In IDE, find menu "File>Tutorials and examples" to quickly open examples that should run as-is. edouard@3635: edouard@3637: There are more examples in `tests/projects` and `exemples` directories. edouard@3635: edouard@3635: Some example and test are shown on [Beremiz youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcE4KYI0p1f6CmSwtzyg-ZA). edouard@3635: edouard@3635: ## Development with Beremiz ## edouard@3635: edouard@3635: Developers are invited to subscribe to [mailing list](https://sourceforge.net/p/beremiz/mailman/beremiz-devel/) (beremiz-devel@lists.sourceforge.net). edouard@3635: edouard@3635: The list is moderated and requires subscription before posting. edouard@3635: edouard@3635: To subscribe to the mailing list go [here](https://sourceforge.net/p/beremiz/mailman/beremiz-devel/). edouard@3635: edouard@3635: Searchable archive using search engine of your choice is available [here](http://beremiz-devel.2374573.n4.nabble.com/). edouard@3635: edouard@3635: ## Build on Linux (developer setup) ## edouard@3635: edouard@3835: ### System prerequisites (Ubuntu 22.04) : edouard@3835: ``` edouard@3835: # install required system packages as root edouard@3835: sudo apt-get install \ edouard@3835: build-essential automake flex bison mercurial \ edouard@3835: libgtk-3-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev \ edouard@3835: libpython3.10-dev libssl-dev \ edouard@3835: python3.10 virtualenv cmake git mercurial edouard@3835: ``` edouard@3835: edouard@3635: edouard@3635: ### Prepare build directory edouard@3635: edouard@3637: All commands hereafter assume that selected directory to contain all downloaded source code and build results is `~/Beremiz` edouard@3635: edouard@3635: ``` edouard@3635: mkdir ~/Beremiz edouard@3635: cd ~/Beremiz edouard@3635: ``` edouard@3635: edouard@3635: ### Get Source Code (Mercurial) edouard@3635: edouard@3635: ``` edouard@3635: cd ~/Beremiz edouard@3635: hg clone https://hg.beremiz.org/beremiz edouard@3635: hg clone https://hg.beremiz.org/matiec edouard@3635: ``` edouard@3635: edouard@3635: ### Get Source Code (Git) edouard@3635: edouard@3635: ``` edouard@3635: cd ~/Beremiz edouard@3635: git clone https://github.com/beremiz/beremiz edouard@3635: git clone https://github.com/beremiz/matiec edouard@3635: ``` edouard@3635: edouard@3835: ### Python prerequisites (virtualenv) : edouard@3835: ``` edouard@3835: # setup isolated python environment edouard@3835: virtualenv ~/Beremiz/venv edouard@3835: edouard@3835: # install required python packages edouard@3835: ~/Beremiz/venv/bin/pip install -r ~/Beremiz/beremiz/requirements.txt edouard@3835: edouard@3835: ``` edouard@3835: edouard@3635: ### Build MatIEC compiler edouard@3635: edouard@3635: ``` edouard@3635: cd ~/Beremiz/matiec edouard@3635: autoreconf -i edouard@3635: ./configure edouard@3635: make edouard@3635: ``` edouard@3635: edouard@3635: ### Build CanFestival (optional) edouard@3635: edouard@3637: Only needed for CANopen support. Please read CanFestival manual to choose CAN interface other than `virtual`. edouard@3635: edouard@3635: ``` edouard@3635: cd ~/Beremiz edouard@3835: edouard@3835: hg clone http://hg.beremiz.org/canfestival edouard@3835: # -- or -- edouard@3872: git clone https://github.com/beremiz/canfestival edouard@3835: edouard@3835: cd ~/Beremiz/canfestival edouard@3635: ./configure --can=virtual edouard@3635: make edouard@3635: ``` edouard@3635: edouard@3635: ### Build Modbus library (optional) edouard@3635: edouard@3635: Only needed for Modbus support. edouard@3635: edouard@3635: ``` edouard@3635: cd ~/Beremiz edouard@3835: edouard@3835: hg clone http://hg.beremiz.org/Modbus edouard@3835: # -- or -- edouard@3835: git clone https://github.com/beremiz/Modbus edouard@3835: edouard@3635: cd ~/Beremiz/Modbus edouard@3635: make edouard@3635: ``` edouard@3635: edouard@3635: ### Build BACnet (optional) edouard@3635: edouard@3635: Only needed for BACnet support. edouard@3635: edouard@3635: ``` edouard@3635: cd ~/Beremiz edouard@3635: svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/bacnet/code/trunk/bacnet-stack/ BACnet edouard@3635: cd BACnet edouard@3635: make MAKE_DEFINE='-fPIC' MY_BACNET_DEFINES='-DPRINT_ENABLED=1 -DBACAPP_ALL -DBACFILE -DINTRINSIC_REPORTING -DBACNET_TIME_MASTER -DBACNET_PROPERTY_LISTS=1 -DBACNET_PROTOCOL_REVISION=16' library edouard@3635: ``` edouard@3635: edouard@3635: ### Launch Beremiz IDE edouard@3635: edouard@3635: ``` edouard@3951: ~/Beremiz/venv/bin/python ~/Beremiz/beremiz/Beremiz.py edouard@3635: ``` edouard@3635: edouard@3635: ## Run standalone Beremiz runtime ## edouard@3635: edouard@3635: * Start standalone Beremiz service edouard@3635: edouard@3635: ``` edouard@3635: mkdir ~/beremiz_runtime_workdir edouard@3951: ~/Beremiz/venv/bin/python ~/Beremiz/beremiz/Beremiz_service.py -p 61194 -i localhost -x 0 -a 1 ~/beremiz_runtime_workdir edouard@3635: ``` edouard@3635: edouard@3635: To connect IDE with runtime, enter target location URI in project's settings (project->Config->BeremizRoot/URI_location) pointed to your running Beremiz service in this case : edouard@3635: edouard@3635: ``` edouard@3635: PYRO:// edouard@3635: ``` edouard@3635: edouard@3635: If project's URL is 'LOCAL://', then IDE launches on demand a local instance of Beremiz python runtime working on a temporary directory. andrej@1679: edouard@3450: ## Build documentation edouard@3450: edouard@3637: Source code for documentation is stored in `doc` directory in project's source tree. edouard@3635: It's written in reStructuredText (ReST) and uses Sphinx to generate documentation in different formats. edouard@3450: edouard@3450: To build documentation you need following packages on Ubuntu/Debian: edouard@3450: edouard@3450: ``` edouard@3450: sudo apt-get install build-essential python-sphynx edouard@3450: ``` edouard@3450: edouard@3450: ### Documentation in HTML edouard@3450: edouard@3450: Build documentation edouard@3450: edouard@3450: ``` edouard@3450: cd ~/Beremiz/doc edouard@3450: make all edouard@3450: ``` edouard@3450: edouard@3637: Result documentation is stored in directories `doc/_build/dirhtml*`. edouard@3450: edouard@3450: ### Documentation in PDF edouard@3450: edouard@3450: To build pdf documentation you have to install additional packages on Ubuntu/Debian: edouard@3450: edouard@3450: ``` edouard@3450: sudo apt-get install textlive-latex-base texlive-latex-recommended \ edouard@3450: texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-latex-extra edouard@3450: ``` edouard@3450: edouard@3450: Build documentation edouard@3450: edouard@3450: ``` edouard@3450: cd ~/Beremiz/doc edouard@3450: make latexpdf edouard@3450: ``` edouard@3450: edouard@3637: Result documentation is stored in `doc/_build/latex/Beremiz.pdf`. edouard@3450: andrej@2253: ## Documentation ## andrej@1679: andrej@1679: * See [Beremiz youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcE4KYI0p1f6CmSwtzyg-ZA) to get quick information how to use Beremiz IDE. v@3605: edouard@3635: * [Official documentation](http://beremiz.readthedocs.io/) is built from sources in doc directory. andrej@1729: Documentation does not cover all aspects of Beremiz use yet. andrej@1729: Contribution are very welcome! andrej@1727: andrej@1679: * [User manual](http://www.sm1820.ru/files/beremiz/beremiz_manual.pdf) from INEUM (Russian). andrej@1679: Be aware that it contains some information about functions available only in INEUM's fork of Beremiz. andrej@1679: andrej@1679: * [User manual](http://www.beremiz.org/LpcManager_UserManual.pdf) from Smarteh (English). andrej@1679: Be aware that it contains some information about functions available only in Smarteh's fork of Beremiz. andrej@1679: andrej@1679: * Outdated short [user manual](https://www.scribd.com/document/76101511/Manual-Beremiz#scribd) from LOLI Tech (English). andrej@1679: andrej@1679: * See official [Beremiz website](http://www.beremiz.org/) for more information. andrej@1679: