Edouard@2753: include yslt_noindent.yml2 Edouard@2779: Edouard@2779: // overrides yslt's output function to set CDATA Edouard@2798: decl output(method, cdata-section-elements="xhtml:script"); Edouard@2792: Edouard@2808: in xsl decl labels(*ptr, name="defs_by_labels") alias call-template { Edouard@2808: with "hmi_element", "$hmi_element"; Edouard@2810: with "labels"{text *ptr}; Edouard@2808: }; Edouard@2808: Edouard@2836: in xsl decl optional_labels(*ptr, name="defs_by_labels") alias call-template { Edouard@2836: with "hmi_element", "$hmi_element"; Edouard@2836: with "labels"{text *ptr}; Edouard@2836: with "mandatory","'no'"; Edouard@2836: }; Edouard@2836: Edouard@2840: in xsl decl svgtmpl(match, xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg") alias template; Edouard@2854: in xsl decl svgfunc(name, xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg") alias template; Edouard@2840: Edouard@2880: !! Edouard@2880: debug_output_calls = [] Edouard@2880: def gen_debug_calls(): Edouard@2880: # '&bug' is a workaround for pyPEG that choke on Edouard@2880: # yml2 python results not parsing down into a single yml2 call Edouard@2880: return ("&bug {"+ Edouard@2880: "\n".join([""" Edouard@2880: comment { Edouard@2880: | Edouard@2880: | %s: Edouard@2880: call "%s"; Edouard@2880: | Edouard@2880: }"""%(n,n) for n in debug_output_calls])+ Edouard@2880: "}") Edouard@2880: !! edouard@2873: Edouard@2792: istylesheet Edouard@2753: /* From Inkscape */ Edouard@2753: xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" Edouard@2753: xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" Edouard@2753: xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" Edouard@2753: xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" Edouard@2838: xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" Edouard@2753: xmlns:sodipodi="http://sodipodi.sourceforge.net/DTD/sodipodi-0.dtd" Edouard@2753: xmlns:inkscape="http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape" Edouard@2798: xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" Edouard@2753: Edouard@2753: /* Our namespace to invoke python code */ Edouard@2753: xmlns:ns="beremiz" Edouard@2854: extension-element-prefixes="ns func exsl regexp str dyn" Edouard@2854: exclude-result-prefixes="ns str regexp exsl func dyn" { Edouard@2792: Edouard@2790: Edouard@2879: const "hmi_elements", "//svg:*[starts-with(@inkscape:label, 'HMI:')]"; Edouard@2879: Edouard@2877: include hmi_tree.ysl2 Edouard@2877: Edouard@2877: include geometry.ysl2 Edouard@2877: Edouard@2877: include detachable_pages.ysl2 Edouard@2853: Edouard@2878: include inline_svg.ysl2 Edouard@2854: Edouard@2881: include widget_common.ysl2 Edouard@2881: Edouard@2853: template "/" { Edouard@2793: comment > Made with SVGHMI. https://beremiz.org edouard@2873: edouard@2873: // use python to call all debug output from included definitions Edouard@2880: python gen_debug_calls; edouard@2874: Edouard@2840: html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" Edouard@2840: xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" Edouard@2840: xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" { Edouard@2792: head; Edouard@2808: body style="margin:0;overflow:hidden;" { Edouard@2854: copy "$result_svg"; Edouard@2792: script{ Edouard@2792: call "scripts"; Edouard@2792: } Edouard@2792: } Edouard@2792: } Edouard@2792: } Edouard@2792: Edouard@2810: /* Edouard@2810: Parses: Edouard@2810: "HMI:WidgetType:param1:param2@path1@path2" Edouard@2810: Edouard@2810: Into: Edouard@2810: widget type="WidgetType" { Edouard@2810: arg value="param1"; Edouard@2810: arg value="param2"; Edouard@2810: path value="path1"; Edouard@2810: path value="path2"; Edouard@2810: } Edouard@2810: */ Edouard@2810: Edouard@2793: Edouard@2792: function "scripts" Edouard@2792: { Edouard@2799: | //(function(){ Edouard@2798: | edouard@2847: | id = idstr => document.getElementById(idstr); edouard@2847: | Edouard@2797: | var hmi_hash = [«$hmitree/@hash»]; Edouard@2792: Edouard@2792: /* TODO re-enable Edouard@2792: || Edouard@2792: function evaluate_js_from_descriptions() { Edouard@2792: var Page; Edouard@2792: var Input; Edouard@2792: var Display; Edouard@2792: var res = []; Edouard@2792: || Edouard@2792: const "midmark" > \n«$mark» Edouard@2792: apply """//*[contains(child::svg:desc, $midmark) or \ Edouard@2792: starts-with(child::svg:desc, $mark)]""",2 Edouard@2792: mode="code_from_descs"; Edouard@2792: || Edouard@2792: return res; Edouard@2792: } Edouard@2792: || Edouard@2792: */ Edouard@2792: Edouard@2797: | var hmi_widgets = { Edouard@2881: apply "$hmi_elements", mode="hmi_elements"; Edouard@2797: | } Edouard@2797: | Edouard@2822: | var heartbeat_index = «$indexed_hmitree/*[@hmipath = '/HEARTBEAT']/@index»; Edouard@2822: | Edouard@2798: | var hmitree_types = [ Edouard@2798: Edouard@2792: foreach "$indexed_hmitree/*" { edouard@2849: | /* «@index» «@hmipath» */ "«substring(local-name(), 5)»"`if "position()!=last()" > ,` Edouard@2792: } Edouard@2792: Edouard@2797: | ] Edouard@2792: | Edouard@2843: edouard@2847: | var detachable_elements = { edouard@2847: foreach "$detachable_elements"{ edouard@2850: | "«@id»":[id("«@id»"), id("«../@id»")]`if "position()!=last()" > ,` edouard@2847: } edouard@2847: | } edouard@2847: edouard@2847: | Edouard@2792: | var page_desc = { Edouard@2877: apply "$hmi_pages", mode="page_desc"; Edouard@2792: | } Edouard@2792: Edouard@2795: | Edouard@2795: | var default_page = "«$default_page»"; Edouard@2879: | var svg_root = id("«/svg:svg/@id»"); Edouard@2792: include text svghmi.js Edouard@2799: | //})(); Edouard@2792: } Edouard@2792: Edouard@2810: // template "*", mode="code_from_descs" { Edouard@2810: // || Edouard@2810: // { Edouard@2810: // var path, role, name, priv; Edouard@2810: // var id = "«@id»"; Edouard@2810: // || Edouard@2810: Edouard@2810: // /* if label is used, use it as default name */ Edouard@2810: // if "@inkscape:label" Edouard@2810: // |> name = "«@inkscape:label»"; Edouard@2810: Edouard@2810: // | /* -------------- */ Edouard@2810: Edouard@2810: // // this breaks indent, but fixing indent could break string literals Edouard@2810: // value "substring-after(svg:desc, $mark)"; Edouard@2810: // // nobody reads generated code anyhow... Edouard@2810: Edouard@2810: // || Edouard@2810: Edouard@2810: // /* -------------- */ Edouard@2810: // res.push({ Edouard@2810: // path:path, Edouard@2810: // role:role, Edouard@2810: // name:name, Edouard@2810: // priv:priv Edouard@2810: // }) Edouard@2810: // } Edouard@2810: // || Edouard@2810: // } Edouard@2810: Edouard@2810: Edouard@2800: template "widget[@type='Display']", mode="widget_defs" { Edouard@2800: param "hmi_element"; Edouard@2852: | frequency: 5, Edouard@2852: | dispatch: function(value) { Edouard@2800: choose { Edouard@2800: when "$hmi_element[self::svg:text]"{ Edouard@2800: // TODO : care about ? Edouard@2852: | this.element.textContent = String(value); Edouard@2800: } Edouard@2800: otherwise { Edouard@2834: warning > Display widget as a group not implemented Edouard@2800: } Edouard@2800: } Edouard@2852: | }, Edouard@2800: Edouard@2800: } Edouard@2800: template "widget[@type='Meter']", mode="widget_defs" { Edouard@2807: param "hmi_element"; Edouard@2852: | frequency: 10, edouard@2856: labels("needle range"); edouard@2856: optional_labels("value min max"); Edouard@2852: | dispatch: function(value) { edouard@2856: | if(this.value_elt) edouard@2856: | this.value_elt.textContent = String(value); Edouard@2852: | let [min,max,totallength] = this.range; Edouard@2852: | let length = Math.max(0,Math.min(totallength,(Number(value)-min)*totallength/(max-min))); Edouard@2852: | let tip = this.range_elt.getPointAtLength(length); Edouard@2852: | this.needle_elt.setAttribute('d', "M "+this.origin.x+","+this.origin.y+" "+tip.x+","+tip.y); Edouard@2852: | }, Edouard@2852: | origin: undefined, Edouard@2852: | range: undefined, Edouard@2852: | init: function() { edouard@2857: | let min = this.min_elt ? edouard@2857: | Number(this.min_elt.textContent) : edouard@2857: | this.args.length >= 1 ? this.args[0] : 0; edouard@2857: | let max = this.max_elt ? edouard@2857: | Number(this.max_elt.textContent) : edouard@2857: | this.args.length >= 2 ? this.args[1] : 100; edouard@2856: | this.range = [min, max, this.range_elt.getTotalLength()] Edouard@2852: | this.origin = this.needle_elt.getPointAtLength(0); Edouard@2852: | }, Edouard@2807: } Edouard@2807: Edouard@2829: def "func:escape_quotes" { Edouard@2829: param "txt"; Edouard@2829: // have to use a python string to enter escaped quote Edouard@2829: const "frst", !"substring-before($txt,'\"')"!; Edouard@2829: const "frstln", "string-length($frst)"; Edouard@2829: choose { Edouard@2829: when "$frstln > 0 and string-length($txt) > $frstln" { Edouard@2829: result !"concat($frst,'\\\"',func:escape_quotes(substring-after($txt,'\"')))"!; Edouard@2829: } Edouard@2829: otherwise { Edouard@2829: result "$txt"; Edouard@2829: } Edouard@2829: } Edouard@2829: } Edouard@2829: Edouard@2800: template "widget[@type='Input']", mode="widget_defs" { Edouard@2801: param "hmi_element"; Edouard@2836: const "value_elt" { Edouard@2836: optional_labels("value"); Edouard@2836: } Edouard@2861: const "have_value","string-length($value_elt)>0"; Edouard@2836: value "$value_elt"; Edouard@2861: if "$have_value" edouard@2851: | frequency: 5, edouard@2851: edouard@2851: | dispatch: function(value) { edouard@2851: Edouard@2861: if "$have_value" edouard@2851: | this.value_elt.textContent = String(value); edouard@2851: edouard@2851: | }, Edouard@2801: const "edit_elt_id","$hmi_element/*[@inkscape:label='edit'][1]/@id"; edouard@2851: | init: function() { Edouard@2801: if "$edit_elt_id" { edouard@2851: | id("«$edit_elt_id»").addEventListener( edouard@2851: | "click", edouard@2851: | evt => alert('XXX TODO : Edit value')); Edouard@2801: } Edouard@2829: foreach "$hmi_element/*[regexp:test(@inkscape:label,'^[=+\-].+')]" { edouard@2851: | id("«@id»").addEventListener( edouard@2851: | "click", edouard@2851: | evt => {let new_val = change_hmi_value(this.indexes[0], "«func:escape_quotes(@inkscape:label)»"); Edouard@2861: if "$have_value"{ Edouard@2861: | this.value_elt.textContent = String(new_val); Edouard@2861: } Edouard@2861: | }); edouard@2851: /* TODO gray out value until refreshed */ edouard@2851: } edouard@2851: | }, Edouard@2801: } Edouard@2801: template "widget[@type='Button']", mode="widget_defs" { Edouard@2801: } Edouard@2801: template "widget[@type='Toggle']", mode="widget_defs" { Edouard@2801: | frequency: 5, Edouard@2801: } Edouard@2839: template "widget[@type='Switch']", mode="widget_defs" { Edouard@2839: param "hmi_element"; edouard@2851: | frequency: 5, edouard@2851: | dispatch: function(value) { edouard@2851: | for(let choice of this.choices){ edouard@2851: | if(value != choice.value){ edouard@2851: | choice.elt.setAttribute("style", "display:none"); edouard@2851: | } else { edouard@2851: | choice.elt.setAttribute("style", choice.style); edouard@2851: | } Edouard@2839: | } edouard@2851: | }, edouard@2851: | init: function() { edouard@2851: | // Hello Switch edouard@2851: | }, edouard@2851: | choices: [ Edouard@2839: const "regex",!"'^(\"[^\"].*\"|\-?[0-9]+)(#.*)?$'"!; Edouard@2839: foreach "$hmi_element/*[regexp:test(@inkscape:label,$regex)]" { Edouard@2839: const "literal", "regexp:match(@inkscape:label,$regex)[2]"; edouard@2851: | { edouard@2851: | elt:id("«@id»"), edouard@2851: | style:"«@style»", edouard@2851: | value:«$literal» edouard@2851: | }`if "position()!=last()" > ,` edouard@2851: } edouard@2851: | ], Edouard@2800: } Edouard@2808: template "widget[@type='Jump']", mode="widget_defs" { Edouard@2838: param "hmi_element"; edouard@2851: | on_click: function(evt) { Edouard@2869: | switch_page(this.args[0], this.indexes[0]); edouard@2851: | }, edouard@2851: | init: function() { Edouard@2838: /* registering event this way doies not "click" through svg:use Edouard@2838: | this.element.onclick = evt => switch_page(this.args[0]); Edouard@2838: event must be registered by adding attribute to element instead Edouard@2838: TODO : generalize mouse event handling by global event capture + getElementsAtPoint() Edouard@2838: */ edouard@2851: | this.element.setAttribute("onclick", "hmi_widgets['«$hmi_element/@id»'].on_click(evt)"); edouard@2851: | }, Edouard@2808: } Edouard@2753: }