Laurent@814: #!/usr/bin/env python Laurent@814: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- Laurent@814: Laurent@814: #This file is part of PLCOpenEditor, a library implementing an IEC 61131-3 editor Laurent@814: #based on the plcopen standard. Laurent@814: # Laurent@814: #Copyright (C) 2007: Edouard TISSERANT and Laurent BESSARD Laurent@814: # Laurent@814: #See COPYING file for copyrights details. Laurent@814: # Laurent@814: #This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or Laurent@814: #modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Laurent@814: #License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either Laurent@814: #version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Laurent@814: # Laurent@814: #This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, Laurent@814: #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of Laurent@814: #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Laurent@814: #General Public License for more details. Laurent@814: # Laurent@814: #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Laurent@814: #License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Laurent@814: #Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Laurent@814: Laurent@814: import wx Laurent@814: Laurent@1244: from graphics.GraphicCommons import INPUT, INOUT, OUTPUT Laurent@1244: from graphics.FBD_Objects import FBD_Variable Laurent@1244: from BlockPreviewDialog import BlockPreviewDialog Laurent@814: Laurent@814: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Laurent@814: # Helpers Laurent@814: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Laurent@814: Laurent@1244: # Dictionaries containing correspondence between variable block class and string Laurent@1244: # to be shown in Class combo box in both sense Laurent@814: VARIABLE_CLASSES_DICT = {INPUT : _("Input"), Laurent@814: INOUT : _("InOut"), Laurent@814: OUTPUT : _("Output")} Laurent@814: VARIABLE_CLASSES_DICT_REVERSE = dict( Laurent@814: [(value, key) for key, value in VARIABLE_CLASSES_DICT.iteritems()]) Laurent@814: Laurent@814: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Laurent@1244: # Set Variable Parameters Dialog Laurent@814: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Laurent@814: Laurent@1244: """ Laurent@1244: Class that implements a dialog for defining parameters of a FBD variable graphic Laurent@1244: element Laurent@1244: """ Laurent@1244: Laurent@1244: class FBDVariableDialog(BlockPreviewDialog): Laurent@1244: Laurent@1244: def __init__(self, parent, controller, tagname): Laurent@1244: """ Laurent@1244: Constructor Laurent@1244: @param parent: Parent wx.Window of dialog for modal Laurent@1244: @param controller: Reference to project controller Laurent@1244: @param tagname: Tagname of project POU edited Laurent@1244: """ Laurent@1244: BlockPreviewDialog.__init__(self, parent, controller, tagname, Laurent@814: size=wx.Size(400, 380), title=_('Variable Properties')) Laurent@814: Laurent@1244: # Create dialog main sizer Laurent@814: main_sizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=1, hgap=0, rows=4, vgap=10) Laurent@814: main_sizer.AddGrowableCol(0) Laurent@814: main_sizer.AddGrowableRow(2) Laurent@814: Laurent@1244: # Create a sizer for dividing FBD variable parameters in two columns Laurent@814: column_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) Laurent@814: main_sizer.AddSizer(column_sizer, border=20, Laurent@814: flag=wx.GROW|wx.TOP|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT) Laurent@814: Laurent@1244: # Create a sizer for left column Laurent@1182: left_gridsizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=1, hgap=0, rows=4, vgap=5) Laurent@814: left_gridsizer.AddGrowableCol(0) Laurent@814: column_sizer.AddSizer(left_gridsizer, 1, border=5, Laurent@814: flag=wx.GROW|wx.RIGHT) Laurent@814: Laurent@1244: # Create label for variable class Laurent@814: class_label = wx.StaticText(self, label=_('Class:')) Laurent@814: left_gridsizer.AddWindow(class_label, flag=wx.GROW) Laurent@814: Laurent@1244: # Create a combo box for defining variable class Laurent@814: self.Class = wx.ComboBox(self, style=wx.CB_READONLY) Laurent@814: self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnClassChanged, self.Class) Laurent@814: left_gridsizer.AddWindow(self.Class, flag=wx.GROW) Laurent@814: Laurent@1244: # Create label for variable execution order Laurent@1244: execution_order_label = wx.StaticText(self, Laurent@1244: label=_('Execution Order:')) Laurent@814: left_gridsizer.AddWindow(execution_order_label, flag=wx.GROW) Laurent@814: Laurent@1244: # Create spin control for defining variable execution order Laurent@814: self.ExecutionOrder = wx.SpinCtrl(self, min=0, style=wx.SP_ARROW_KEYS) Laurent@1244: self.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRL, self.OnExecutionOrderChanged, Laurent@1244: self.ExecutionOrder) Laurent@814: left_gridsizer.AddWindow(self.ExecutionOrder, flag=wx.GROW) Laurent@814: Laurent@1244: # Create a sizer for right column Laurent@1182: right_gridsizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=1, hgap=0, rows=3, vgap=0) Laurent@814: right_gridsizer.AddGrowableCol(0) Laurent@1182: right_gridsizer.AddGrowableRow(2) Laurent@814: column_sizer.AddSizer(right_gridsizer, 1, border=5, Laurent@814: flag=wx.GROW|wx.LEFT) Laurent@814: Laurent@1244: # Create label for variable expression Laurent@1182: name_label = wx.StaticText(self, label=_('Expression:')) Laurent@1182: right_gridsizer.AddWindow(name_label, border=5, flag=wx.GROW|wx.BOTTOM) Laurent@1182: Laurent@1244: # Create text control for defining variable expression Laurent@1182: self.Expression = wx.TextCtrl(self) Laurent@1182: self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnExpressionChanged, self.Expression) Laurent@1182: right_gridsizer.AddWindow(self.Expression, flag=wx.GROW) Laurent@1182: Laurent@1244: # Create a list box to selected variable expression in the list of Laurent@1244: # variables defined in POU Laurent@1182: self.VariableName = wx.ListBox(self, size=wx.Size(0, 120), Laurent@814: style=wx.LB_SINGLE|wx.LB_SORT) Laurent@814: self.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX, self.OnNameChanged, self.VariableName) Laurent@814: right_gridsizer.AddWindow(self.VariableName, flag=wx.GROW) Laurent@814: Laurent@1244: # Add preview panel and associated label to sizers Laurent@1244: main_sizer.AddWindow(self.PreviewLabel, border=20, Laurent@814: flag=wx.GROW|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT) Laurent@814: main_sizer.AddWindow(self.Preview, border=20, Laurent@814: flag=wx.GROW|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT) Laurent@814: Laurent@1244: # Add buttons sizer to sizers Laurent@1244: main_sizer.AddSizer(self.ButtonSizer, border=20, Laurent@814: flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.BOTTOM|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT) Laurent@814: Laurent@814: self.SetSizer(main_sizer) Laurent@814: Laurent@1244: # Set options that can be selected in class combo box Laurent@814: for choice in VARIABLE_CLASSES_DICT.itervalues(): Laurent@814: self.Class.Append(choice) Laurent@814: self.Class.SetStringSelection(VARIABLE_CLASSES_DICT[INPUT]) Laurent@1244: Laurent@1244: # Get list of variables defined in POU Laurent@1244: self.VarList = { Laurent@1244: var["Name"]: (var["Class"], var["Type"]) Laurent@1244: for var in self.Controller.GetEditedElementInterfaceVars( Laurent@1244: self.TagName) Laurent@1244: if var["Edit"]} Laurent@1244: Laurent@1244: # Add POU name to variable list if POU is a function Laurent@1244: returntype = self.Controller.GetEditedElementInterfaceReturnType( Laurent@1244: self.TagName) Laurent@1244: if returntype is not None: Laurent@1244: self.VarList[ Laurent@1244: self.Controller.GetEditedElementName(self.TagName)] = \ Laurent@1244: ("Output", returntype) Laurent@1244: Laurent@1244: # Add POU name if POU is a transition Laurent@1244: words = tagname.split("::") Laurent@1244: if words[0] == "T": Laurent@1244: self.VarList[words[2]] = ("Output", "BOOL") Laurent@1244: Laurent@1244: # Refresh values in name list box Laurent@814: self.RefreshNameList() Laurent@1244: Laurent@1244: # Class combo box is default control having keyboard focus Laurent@814: self.Class.SetFocus() Laurent@814: Laurent@814: def RefreshNameList(self): Laurent@1244: """ Laurent@1244: Called to refresh names in name list box Laurent@1244: """ Laurent@1244: # Get variable class to select POU variable applicable Laurent@1244: var_class = VARIABLE_CLASSES_DICT_REVERSE[ Laurent@1244: self.Class.GetStringSelection()] Laurent@1244: Laurent@1244: # Refresh names in name list box by selecting variables in POU variables Laurent@1244: # list that can be applied to variable class Laurent@814: self.VariableName.Clear() Laurent@1244: for name, (var_type, value_type) in self.VarList.iteritems(): Laurent@814: if var_type != "Input" or var_class == INPUT: Laurent@814: self.VariableName.Append(name) Laurent@1244: Laurent@1244: # Get variable expression and select corresponding value in name list Laurent@1244: # box if it exists Laurent@1244: selected = self.Expression.GetValue() Laurent@1244: if (selected != "" and Laurent@1244: self.VariableName.FindString(selected) != wx.NOT_FOUND): Laurent@814: self.VariableName.SetStringSelection(selected) Laurent@814: else: Laurent@1182: self.VariableName.SetSelection(wx.NOT_FOUND) Laurent@1244: Laurent@1244: # Disable name list box if no name present inside Laurent@814: self.VariableName.Enable(self.VariableName.GetCount() > 0) Laurent@814: Laurent@814: def SetValues(self, values): Laurent@1244: """ Laurent@1244: Set default variable parameters Laurent@1244: @param values: Variable parameters values Laurent@1244: """ Laurent@1244: Laurent@1244: # Get class parameter value Laurent@1244: var_class = values.get("class", None) Laurent@1244: if var_class is not None: Laurent@1244: # Set class selected in class combo box Laurent@1244: self.Class.SetStringSelection(VARIABLE_CLASSES_DICT[var_class]) Laurent@1244: # Refresh names in name list box according to var class Laurent@814: self.RefreshNameList() Laurent@1244: Laurent@1244: # For each parameters defined, set corresponding control value Laurent@1244: for name, value in values.items(): Laurent@1244: Laurent@1244: # Parameter is variable expression Laurent@1244: if name == "expression": Laurent@1244: # Set expression text control value Laurent@1244: self.Expression.ChangeValue(value) Laurent@1244: # Select corresponding text in name list box if it exists Laurent@1244: if self.VariableName.FindString(value) != wx.NOT_FOUND: Laurent@1244: self.VariableName.SetStringSelection(value) Laurent@1244: else: Laurent@1244: self.VariableName.SetSelection(wx.NOT_FOUND) Laurent@1244: Laurent@1244: # Parameter is variable execution order Laurent@1244: elif name == "executionOrder": Laurent@1244: self.ExecutionOrder.SetValue(value) Laurent@1244: Laurent@1244: # Refresh preview panel Laurent@814: self.RefreshPreview() Laurent@814: Laurent@814: def GetValues(self): Laurent@1244: """ Laurent@1244: Return block parameters defined in dialog Laurent@1244: @return: {parameter_name: parameter_value,...} Laurent@1244: """ Laurent@1244: expression = self.Expression.GetValue() Laurent@1244: values = { Laurent@1244: "class": VARIABLE_CLASSES_DICT_REVERSE[ Laurent@1244: self.Class.GetStringSelection()], Laurent@1244: "expression": expression, Laurent@1244: "var_type": self.VarList.get(expression, (None, None))[1], Laurent@1244: "executionOrder": self.ExecutionOrder.GetValue()} Laurent@1244: values["width"], values["height"] = self.Element.GetSize() Laurent@814: return values Laurent@814: Laurent@814: def OnOK(self, event): Laurent@1244: """ Laurent@1244: Called when dialog OK button is pressed Laurent@1244: Test if parameters defined are valid Laurent@1244: @param event: wx.Event from OK button Laurent@1244: """ Laurent@814: message = None Laurent@1244: Laurent@1244: # Test that an expression have been selected or typed by user Laurent@1182: value = self.Expression.GetValue() Laurent@814: if value == "": Laurent@814: message = _("At least a variable or an expression must be selected!") Laurent@1244: Laurent@1244: # Show error message if an error is detected Laurent@814: if message is not None: Laurent@1244: self.ShowErrorMessage(message) Laurent@1244: Laurent@814: else: Laurent@1244: # Call BlockPreviewDialog function Laurent@1244: BlockPreviewDialog.OnOK(self, event) Laurent@814: Laurent@814: def OnClassChanged(self, event): Laurent@1244: """ Laurent@1244: Called when variable class value changed Laurent@1244: @param event: wx.ComboBoxEvent Laurent@1244: """ Laurent@1244: # Refresh name list box values Laurent@814: self.RefreshNameList() Laurent@1244: Laurent@814: self.RefreshPreview() Laurent@814: event.Skip() Laurent@814: Laurent@814: def OnNameChanged(self, event): Laurent@1244: """ Laurent@1244: Called when name selected in name list box changed Laurent@1244: @param event: wx.ListBoxEvent Laurent@1244: """ Laurent@1244: # Change expression test control value to the value selected in name Laurent@1244: # list box if value selected is valid Laurent@1244: if self.VariableName.GetSelection() != wx.NOT_FOUND: Laurent@1244: self.Expression.ChangeValue(self.VariableName.GetStringSelection()) Laurent@1244: Laurent@814: self.RefreshPreview() Laurent@814: event.Skip() Laurent@814: Laurent@814: def OnExpressionChanged(self, event): Laurent@1244: """ Laurent@1244: Called when expression text control is changed by user Laurent@1244: @param event: wx.ListBoxEvent Laurent@1244: """ Laurent@1244: # Select the corresponding value in name list box if it exists Laurent@1182: self.VariableName.SetSelection( Laurent@1244: self.VariableName.FindString(self.Expression.GetValue())) Laurent@1244: Laurent@814: self.RefreshPreview() Laurent@814: event.Skip() Laurent@814: Laurent@814: def OnExecutionOrderChanged(self, event): Laurent@1244: """ Laurent@1244: Called when block execution control value changed Laurent@1244: @param event: wx.SpinEvent Laurent@1244: """ Laurent@814: self.RefreshPreview() Laurent@814: event.Skip() Laurent@814: Laurent@814: def RefreshPreview(self): Laurent@1244: """ Laurent@1244: Refresh preview panel of graphic element Laurent@1244: Override BlockPreviewDialog function Laurent@1244: """ Laurent@1244: # Get expression value to put in FBD variable element Laurent@1182: name = self.Expression.GetValue() Laurent@1244: Laurent@1244: # Set graphic element displayed, creating a FBD variable element Laurent@1244: self.Element = FBD_Variable(self.Preview, Laurent@1244: VARIABLE_CLASSES_DICT_REVERSE[ Laurent@1244: self.Class.GetStringSelection()], Laurent@1244: name, Laurent@1244: self.VarList.get(name, ("", ""))[1], Laurent@1244: executionOrder = self.ExecutionOrder.GetValue()) Laurent@1244: Laurent@1244: # Call BlockPreviewDialog function Laurent@1244: BlockPreviewDialog.RefreshPreview(self) Laurent@1244: Laurent@1244: