Laurent@814: #!/usr/bin/env python
Laurent@814: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
andrej@1571: # This file is part of Beremiz, a Integrated Development Environment for
andrej@1571: # programming IEC 61131-3 automates supporting plcopen standard and CanFestival.
Laurent@814: #
andrej@1571: # Copyright (C) 2007: Edouard TISSERANT and Laurent BESSARD
Laurent@814: #
andrej@1571: # See COPYING file for copyrights details.
Laurent@814: #
andrej@1571: # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
andrej@1571: # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
andrej@1571: # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
andrej@1571: # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Laurent@814: #
andrej@1571: # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
andrej@1571: # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
andrej@1571: # GNU General Public License for more details.
Laurent@814: #
andrej@1571: # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
andrej@1571: # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
andrej@1571: # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
kinsamanka@3759: from functools import cmp_to_key
kinsamanka@3759: from operator import eq
andrej@1832: import re
andrej@2456: from functools import reduce
Laurent@1297: from plcopen import PLCOpenParser
Laurent@814: from plcopen.structures import *
Edouard@1948: from plcopen.types_enums import *
Edouard@1418: # Dictionary associating PLCOpen variable categories to the corresponding
Laurent@814: # IEC 61131-3 variable categories
andrej@1739: varTypeNames = {"localVars": "VAR", "tempVars": "VAR_TEMP", "inputVars": "VAR_INPUT",
andrej@1739:                 "outputVars": "VAR_OUTPUT", "inOutVars": "VAR_IN_OUT", "externalVars": "VAR_EXTERNAL",
andrej@1739:                 "globalVars": "VAR_GLOBAL", "accessVars": "VAR_ACCESS"}
Edouard@1418: # Dictionary associating PLCOpen POU categories to the corresponding
Laurent@814: # IEC 61131-3 POU categories
andrej@1739: pouTypeNames = {"function": "FUNCTION", "functionBlock": "FUNCTION_BLOCK", "program": "PROGRAM"}
Laurent@814: errorVarTypes = {
Laurent@814:     "VAR_INPUT": "var_input",
Laurent@814:     "VAR_OUTPUT": "var_output",
Laurent@814:     "VAR_INOUT": "var_inout",
Laurent@814: }
Laurent@814: def ReIndentText(text, nb_spaces):
andrej@1736:     """ Helper function for reindenting text """
Laurent@814:     compute = ""
Laurent@814:     lines = text.splitlines()
Laurent@814:     if len(lines) > 0:
Laurent@814:         line_num = 0
Laurent@814:         while line_num < len(lines) and len(lines[line_num].strip()) == 0:
Laurent@814:             line_num += 1
Laurent@814:         if line_num < len(lines):
Laurent@814:             spaces = 0
Laurent@814:             while lines[line_num][spaces] == " ":
Laurent@814:                 spaces += 1
Laurent@814:             indent = ""
kinsamanka@3750:             for dummy in range(spaces, nb_spaces):
Laurent@814:                 indent += " "
Laurent@814:             for line in lines:
Laurent@814:                 if line != "":
andrej@1734:                     compute += "%s%s\n" % (indent, line)
Laurent@814:                 else:
Laurent@814:                     compute += "\n"
Laurent@814:     return compute
Laurent@814: def SortInstances(a, b):
Laurent@814:     ax, ay = int(a.getx()), int(a.gety())
Laurent@814:     bx, by = int(b.getx()), int(b.gety())
Laurent@814:     if abs(ay - by) < 10:
kinsamanka@3759:         return eq(ax, bx)
Laurent@814:     else:
kinsamanka@3759:         return eq(ay, by)
Laurent@1310: def JoinList(separator, mylist):
andrej@1736:     """ Helper for emulate join on element list """
andrej@1739:     if len(mylist) > 0:
Laurent@1310:         return reduce(lambda x, y: x + separator + y, mylist)
andrej@1739:     else:
Laurent@1310:         return mylist
andrej@1782: # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Laurent@814: #                  Specific exception for PLC generating errors
andrej@1782: # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Laurent@814: class PLCGenException(Exception):
Laurent@814:     pass
andrej@1782: # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Laurent@814: #                           Generator of PLC program
andrej@1782: # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
andrej@1831: class ProgramGenerator(object):
Laurent@814:     # Create a new PCL program generator
Laurent@814:     def __init__(self, controler, project, errors, warnings):
Laurent@814:         # Keep reference of the controler and project
Laurent@814:         self.Controler = controler
Laurent@814:         self.Project = project
Laurent@814:         # Reset the internal variables used to generate PLC programs
Laurent@814:         self.Program = []
Laurent@814:         self.DatatypeComputed = {}
Laurent@814:         self.PouComputed = {}
Laurent@814:         self.Errors = errors
Laurent@814:         self.Warnings = warnings
Laurent@814:     # Compute value according to type given
Laurent@814:     def ComputeValue(self, value, var_type):
Laurent@814:         base_type = self.Controler.GetBaseType(var_type)
Laurent@1032:         if base_type == "STRING" and not value.startswith("'") and not value.endswith("'"):
andrej@1734:             return "'%s'" % value
Laurent@1032:         elif base_type == "WSTRING" and not value.startswith('"') and not value.endswith('"'):
andrej@1734:             return "\"%s\"" % value
Laurent@814:         return value
Laurent@814:     # Generate a data type from its name
Laurent@814:     def GenerateDataType(self, datatype_name):
Laurent@814:         # Verify that data type hasn't been generated yet
Laurent@814:         if not self.DatatypeComputed.get(datatype_name, True):
Laurent@814:             # If not mark data type as computed
Laurent@814:             self.DatatypeComputed[datatype_name] = True
Laurent@814:             # Getting datatype model from project
Laurent@814:             datatype = self.Project.getdataType(datatype_name)
Edouard@1948:             tagname = ComputeDataTypeName(datatype.getname())
Edouard@1418:             datatype_def = [("  ", ()),
Laurent@814:                             (datatype.getname(), (tagname, "name")),
Laurent@814:                             (" : ", ())]
Laurent@814:             basetype_content = datatype.baseType.getcontent()
Laurent@1297:             basetype_content_type = basetype_content.getLocalTag()
Edouard@1418:             # Data type derived directly from a user defined type
Laurent@1297:             if basetype_content_type == "derived":
Laurent@1297:                 basetype_name = basetype_content.getname()
Laurent@814:                 self.GenerateDataType(basetype_name)
Laurent@814:                 datatype_def += [(basetype_name, (tagname, "base"))]
Laurent@814:             # Data type is a subrange
Laurent@1297:             elif basetype_content_type in ["subrangeSigned", "subrangeUnsigned"]:
Laurent@1297:                 base_type = basetype_content.baseType.getcontent()
Laurent@1297:                 base_type_type = base_type.getLocalTag()
Edouard@1418:                 # Subrange derived directly from a user defined type
Laurent@1297:                 if base_type_type == "derived":
Laurent@1297:                     basetype_name = base_type_type.getname()
Laurent@814:                     self.GenerateDataType(basetype_name)
Edouard@1418:                 # Subrange derived directly from an elementary type
Laurent@814:                 else:
Laurent@1297:                     basetype_name = base_type_type
Laurent@1297:                 min_value = basetype_content.range.getlower()
Laurent@1297:                 max_value = basetype_content.range.getupper()
Laurent@814:                 datatype_def += [(basetype_name, (tagname, "base")),
Laurent@814:                                  (" (", ()),
andrej@1734:                                  ("%s" % min_value, (tagname, "lower")),
Laurent@814:                                  ("..", ()),
andrej@1734:                                  ("%s" % max_value, (tagname, "upper")),
andrej@1740:                                  (")", ())]
Laurent@814:             # Data type is an enumerated type
Laurent@1297:             elif basetype_content_type == "enum":
Laurent@814:                 values = [[(value.getname(), (tagname, "value", i))]
Laurent@1297:                           for i, value in enumerate(
Edouard@1418:                               basetype_content.xpath("ppx:values/ppx:value",
andrej@1768:                                                      namespaces=PLCOpenParser.NSMAP))]
Laurent@814:                 datatype_def += [("(", ())]
Laurent@814:                 datatype_def += JoinList([(", ", ())], values)
Laurent@814:                 datatype_def += [(")", ())]
Laurent@814:             # Data type is an array
Laurent@1297:             elif basetype_content_type == "array":
Laurent@1297:                 base_type = basetype_content.baseType.getcontent()
Laurent@1297:                 base_type_type = base_type.getLocalTag()
Edouard@1418:                 # Array derived directly from a user defined type
Laurent@1297:                 if base_type_type == "derived":
Laurent@1297:                     basetype_name = base_type.getname()
Laurent@814:                     self.GenerateDataType(basetype_name)
Edouard@1418:                 # Array derived directly from an elementary type
Laurent@814:                 else:
Laurent@1297:                     basetype_name = base_type_type.upper()
andrej@1734:                 dimensions = [[("%s" % dimension.getlower(), (tagname, "range", i, "lower")),
Laurent@814:                                ("..", ()),
andrej@1734:                                ("%s" % dimension.getupper(), (tagname, "range", i, "upper"))]
Laurent@1297:                               for i, dimension in enumerate(basetype_content.getdimension())]
Laurent@814:                 datatype_def += [("ARRAY [", ())]
Laurent@814:                 datatype_def += JoinList([(",", ())], dimensions)
andrej@1739:                 datatype_def += [("] OF ", ()),
Laurent@814:                                  (basetype_name, (tagname, "base"))]
Laurent@814:             # Data type is a structure
Laurent@1297:             elif basetype_content_type == "struct":
Laurent@814:                 elements = []
Laurent@1297:                 for i, element in enumerate(basetype_content.getvariable()):
Laurent@814:                     element_type = element.type.getcontent()
Laurent@1297:                     element_type_type = element_type.getLocalTag()
Edouard@1418:                     # Structure element derived directly from a user defined type
Laurent@1297:                     if element_type_type == "derived":
Laurent@1297:                         elementtype_name = element_type.getname()
Laurent@814:                         self.GenerateDataType(elementtype_name)
Laurent@1297:                     elif element_type_type == "array":
Laurent@1297:                         base_type = element_type.baseType.getcontent()
Laurent@1297:                         base_type_type = base_type.getLocalTag()
Edouard@1418:                         # Array derived directly from a user defined type
Laurent@1297:                         if base_type_type == "derived":
Laurent@1297:                             basetype_name = base_type.getname()
Laurent@864:                             self.GenerateDataType(basetype_name)
Edouard@1418:                         # Array derived directly from an elementary type
Laurent@864:                         else:
Laurent@1297:                             basetype_name = base_type_type.upper()
Laurent@864:                         dimensions = ["%s..%s" % (dimension.getlower(), dimension.getupper())
Laurent@1297:                                       for dimension in element_type.getdimension()]
Laurent@864:                         elementtype_name = "ARRAY [%s] OF %s" % (",".join(dimensions), basetype_name)
Edouard@1418:                     # Structure element derived directly from an elementary type
Laurent@814:                     else:
Laurent@1297:                         elementtype_name = element_type_type.upper()
Laurent@814:                     element_text = [("\n    ", ()),
Laurent@814:                                     (element.getname(), (tagname, "struct", i, "name")),
Laurent@814:                                     (" : ", ()),
Laurent@814:                                     (elementtype_name, (tagname, "struct", i, "type"))]
Laurent@814:                     if element.initialValue is not None:
Laurent@814:                         element_text.extend([(" := ", ()),
Laurent@814:                                              (self.ComputeValue(element.initialValue.getvalue(), elementtype_name), (tagname, "struct", i, "initial value"))])
Laurent@814:                     element_text.append((";", ()))
Laurent@814:                     elements.append(element_text)
Laurent@814:                 datatype_def += [("STRUCT", ())]
Laurent@814:                 datatype_def += JoinList([("", ())], elements)
Laurent@814:                 datatype_def += [("\n  END_STRUCT", ())]
Edouard@1418:             # Data type derived directly from a elementary type
Laurent@814:             else:
Laurent@1297:                 datatype_def += [(basetype_content_type.upper(), (tagname, "base"))]
Laurent@814:             # Data type has an initial value
Laurent@814:             if datatype.initialValue is not None:
Laurent@814:                 datatype_def += [(" := ", ()),
Laurent@814:                                  (self.ComputeValue(datatype.initialValue.getvalue(), datatype_name), (tagname, "initial value"))]
Laurent@814:             datatype_def += [(";\n", ())]
Laurent@814:             self.Program += datatype_def
Laurent@814:     # Generate a POU from its name
Laurent@814:     def GeneratePouProgram(self, pou_name):
Laurent@814:         # Verify that POU hasn't been generated yet
Laurent@814:         if not self.PouComputed.get(pou_name, True):
Laurent@814:             # If not mark POU as computed
Laurent@814:             self.PouComputed[pou_name] = True
Laurent@814:             # Getting POU model from project
Laurent@814:             pou = self.Project.getpou(pou_name)
Laurent@814:             pou_type = pou.getpouType()
Laurent@814:             # Verify that POU type exists
andrej@1763:             if pou_type in pouTypeNames:
Laurent@814:                 # Create a POU program generator
Laurent@814:                 pou_program = PouProgramGenerator(self, pou.getname(), pouTypeNames[pou_type], self.Errors, self.Warnings)
Laurent@814:                 program = pou_program.GenerateProgram(pou)
Laurent@814:                 self.Program += program
Laurent@814:             else:
andrej@1765:                 raise PLCGenException(_("Undefined pou type \"%s\"") % pou_type)
Laurent@814:     # Generate a POU defined and used in text
Laurent@814:     def GeneratePouProgramInText(self, text):
kinsamanka@3750:         for pou_name in list(self.PouComputed.keys()):
andrej@1734:             model = re.compile("(?:^|[^0-9^A-Z])%s(?:$|[^0-9^A-Z])" % pou_name.upper())
Laurent@814:             if is not None:
Laurent@814:                 self.GeneratePouProgram(pou_name)
Laurent@814:     # Generate a configuration from its model
Laurent@814:     def GenerateConfiguration(self, configuration):
Edouard@1948:         tagname = ComputeConfigurationName(configuration.getname())
Laurent@814:         config = [("\nCONFIGURATION ", ()),
Laurent@814:                   (configuration.getname(), (tagname, "name")),
Laurent@814:                   ("\n", ())]
Laurent@814:         var_number = 0
Edouard@3704:         varlists = configuration.getglobalVars()[:]
Laurent@883:         extra_variables = self.Controler.GetConfigurationExtraVariables()
Edouard@3704:         extra_CTN_globals = []
Edouard@3704:         for item in extra_variables:
Edouard@3704:             if item.getLocalTag() == "globalVars":
Edouard@3704:                 varlists.append(item)
Edouard@3704:             else:
Edouard@3704:                 extra_CTN_globals.append(item)
Edouard@3704:         if len(extra_CTN_globals) > 0:
Edouard@3704:             extra_varlist = PLCOpenParser.CreateElement("globalVars", "interface")
Edouard@3704:             for variable in extra_CTN_globals:
Edouard@3704:                 extra_varlist.appendvariable(variable)
Edouard@3704:             varlists.append(extra_varlist)
Laurent@814:         # Generate any global variable in configuration
Edouard@3704:         for varlist in varlists:
Laurent@814:             variable_type = errorVarTypes.get("VAR_GLOBAL", "var_local")
Laurent@814:             # Generate variable block with modifier
Laurent@814:             config += [("  VAR_GLOBAL", ())]
Laurent@814:             if varlist.getconstant():
Laurent@814:                 config += [(" CONSTANT", (tagname, variable_type, (var_number, var_number + len(varlist.getvariable())), "constant"))]
Laurent@814:             elif varlist.getretain():
Laurent@814:                 config += [(" RETAIN", (tagname, variable_type, (var_number, var_number + len(varlist.getvariable())), "retain"))]
Laurent@814:             elif varlist.getnonretain():
Laurent@814:                 config += [(" NON_RETAIN", (tagname, variable_type, (var_number, var_number + len(varlist.getvariable())), "non_retain"))]
Laurent@814:             config += [("\n", ())]
Laurent@814:             # Generate any variable of this block
Edouard@3704:             for var in varlist.getvariable():
Laurent@814:                 vartype_content = var.gettype().getcontent()
Laurent@1297:                 if vartype_content.getLocalTag() == "derived":
Laurent@1297:                     var_type = vartype_content.getname()
Laurent@814:                     self.GenerateDataType(var_type)
Laurent@814:                 else:
Laurent@814:                     var_type = var.gettypeAsText()
Laurent@814:                 config += [("    ", ()),
Laurent@814:                            (var.getname(), (tagname, variable_type, var_number, "name")),
Laurent@814:                            (" ", ())]
Laurent@814:                 # Generate variable address if exists
Laurent@814:                 address = var.getaddress()
Laurent@814:                 if address:
Laurent@814:                     config += [("AT ", ()),
Laurent@814:                                (address, (tagname, variable_type, var_number, "location")),
Laurent@814:                                (" ", ())]
Laurent@814:                 config += [(": ", ()),
Laurent@814:                            (var.gettypeAsText(), (tagname, variable_type, var_number, "type"))]
Laurent@814:                 # Generate variable initial value if exists
Laurent@814:                 initial = var.getinitialValue()
Laurent@1315:                 if initial is not None:
Laurent@814:                     config += [(" := ", ()),
Laurent@814:                                (self.ComputeValue(initial.getvalue(), var_type), (tagname, variable_type, var_number, "initial value"))]
Laurent@814:                 config += [(";\n", ())]
Laurent@814:                 var_number += 1
Laurent@814:             config += [("  END_VAR\n", ())]
Laurent@814:         # Generate any resource in the configuration
Laurent@814:         for resource in configuration.getresource():
Laurent@814:             config += self.GenerateResource(resource, configuration.getname())
Laurent@814:         config += [("END_CONFIGURATION\n", ())]
Laurent@814:         return config
Laurent@814:     # Generate a resource from its model
Laurent@814:     def GenerateResource(self, resource, config_name):
Edouard@1948:         tagname = ComputeConfigurationResourceName(config_name, resource.getname())
Laurent@814:         resrce = [("\n  RESOURCE ", ()),
Laurent@814:                   (resource.getname(), (tagname, "name")),
Laurent@814:                   (" ON PLC\n", ())]
Laurent@814:         var_number = 0
Laurent@814:         # Generate any global variable in configuration
Laurent@814:         for varlist in resource.getglobalVars():
Laurent@814:             variable_type = errorVarTypes.get("VAR_GLOBAL", "var_local")
Laurent@814:             # Generate variable block with modifier
Laurent@814:             resrce += [("    VAR_GLOBAL", ())]
Laurent@814:             if varlist.getconstant():
Laurent@814:                 resrce += [(" CONSTANT", (tagname, variable_type, (var_number, var_number + len(varlist.getvariable())), "constant"))]
Laurent@814:             elif varlist.getretain():
Laurent@814:                 resrce += [(" RETAIN", (tagname, variable_type, (var_number, var_number + len(varlist.getvariable())), "retain"))]
Laurent@814:             elif varlist.getnonretain():
Laurent@814:                 resrce += [(" NON_RETAIN", (tagname, variable_type, (var_number, var_number + len(varlist.getvariable())), "non_retain"))]
Laurent@814:             resrce += [("\n", ())]
Laurent@814:             # Generate any variable of this block
Laurent@814:             for var in varlist.getvariable():
Laurent@814:                 vartype_content = var.gettype().getcontent()
Laurent@1297:                 if vartype_content.getLocalTag() == "derived":
Laurent@1297:                     var_type = vartype_content.getname()
Laurent@814:                     self.GenerateDataType(var_type)
Laurent@814:                 else:
Laurent@814:                     var_type = var.gettypeAsText()
Laurent@814:                 resrce += [("      ", ()),
Laurent@814:                            (var.getname(), (tagname, variable_type, var_number, "name")),
Laurent@814:                            (" ", ())]
Laurent@814:                 address = var.getaddress()
Laurent@814:                 # Generate variable address if exists
Laurent@814:                 if address:
Laurent@814:                     resrce += [("AT ", ()),
Laurent@814:                                (address, (tagname, variable_type, var_number, "location")),
Laurent@814:                                (" ", ())]
Laurent@814:                 resrce += [(": ", ()),
Laurent@814:                            (var.gettypeAsText(), (tagname, variable_type, var_number, "type"))]
Laurent@814:                 # Generate variable initial value if exists
Laurent@814:                 initial = var.getinitialValue()
Laurent@1315:                 if initial is not None:
Laurent@814:                     resrce += [(" := ", ()),
Laurent@814:                                (self.ComputeValue(initial.getvalue(), var_type), (tagname, variable_type, var_number, "initial value"))]
Laurent@814:                 resrce += [(";\n", ())]
Laurent@814:                 var_number += 1
Laurent@814:             resrce += [("    END_VAR\n", ())]
Laurent@814:         # Generate any task in the resource
Laurent@814:         tasks = resource.gettask()
Laurent@814:         task_number = 0
Laurent@814:         for task in tasks:
Laurent@814:             # Task declaration
Laurent@814:             resrce += [("    TASK ", ()),
Laurent@814:                        (task.getname(), (tagname, "task", task_number, "name")),
Laurent@814:                        ("(", ())]
Laurent@814:             single = task.getsingle()
Laurent@814:             # Single argument if exists
Laurent@1315:             if single is not None:
andrej@1614:                 if len(single) == 0:
andrej@1765:                     raise PLCGenException(
andrej@1765:                         _("Source signal has to be defined for single task '{a1}' in resource '{a2}.{a3}'.").
andrej@1765:                         format(a1=task.getname(), a2=config_name, a3=resource.getname()))
andrej@1742:                 if single[0] == '[' and single[-1] == ']':
Edouard@1420:                     SNGLKW = "MULTI"
Edouard@1420:                 else:
Edouard@1420:                     SNGLKW = "SINGLE"
Edouard@1420:                 resrce += [(SNGLKW + " := ", ()),
Laurent@814:                            (single, (tagname, "task", task_number, "single")),
Laurent@814:                            (",", ())]
Laurent@814:             # Interval argument if exists
Laurent@814:             interval = task.getinterval()
Laurent@1315:             if interval is not None:
Laurent@814:                 resrce += [("INTERVAL := ", ()),
Laurent@814:                            (interval, (tagname, "task", task_number, "interval")),
Laurent@814:                            (",", ())]
andrej@1753: #                resrce += [("INTERVAL := t#", ())]
andrej@1753: #                if interval.hour != 0:
andrej@1753: #                    resrce += [("%dh"%interval.hour, (tagname, "task", task_number, "interval", "hour"))]
andrej@1753: #                if interval.minute != 0:
andrej@1753: #                    resrce += [("%dm"%interval.minute, (tagname, "task", task_number, "interval", "minute"))]
andrej@1753: #                if interval.second != 0:
andrej@1753: #                    resrce += [("%ds"%interval.second, (tagname, "task", task_number, "interval", "second"))]
andrej@1753: #                if interval.microsecond != 0:
andrej@1753: #                    resrce += [("%dms"%(interval.microsecond / 1000), (tagname, "task", task_number, "interval", "millisecond"))]
andrej@1753: #                resrce += [(",", ())]
Laurent@814:             # Priority argument
Edouard@1418:             resrce += [("PRIORITY := ", ()),
andrej@1734:                        ("%d" % task.getpriority(), (tagname, "task", task_number, "priority")),
Laurent@814:                        (");\n", ())]
Laurent@814:             task_number += 1
Laurent@814:         instance_number = 0
Laurent@814:         # Generate any program assign to each task
Laurent@814:         for task in tasks:
Laurent@814:             for instance in task.getpouInstance():
Laurent@814:                 resrce += [("    PROGRAM ", ()),
Laurent@814:                            (instance.getname(), (tagname, "instance", instance_number, "name")),
Laurent@814:                            (" WITH ", ()),
Laurent@814:                            (task.getname(), (tagname, "instance", instance_number, "task")),
Laurent@814:                            (" : ", ()),
Laurent@814:                            (instance.gettypeName(), (tagname, "instance", instance_number, "type")),
Laurent@814:                            (";\n", ())]
Laurent@814:                 instance_number += 1
Laurent@814:         # Generate any program assign to no task
Laurent@814:         for instance in resource.getpouInstance():
Laurent@814:             resrce += [("    PROGRAM ", ()),
andrej@1767:                        (instance.getname(),     (tagname, "instance", instance_number, "name")),
andrej@1767:                        (" : ", ()),
andrej@1767:                        (instance.gettypeName(), (tagname, "instance", instance_number, "type")),
andrej@1767:                        (";\n", ())]
Laurent@814:             instance_number += 1
Laurent@814:         resrce += [("  END_RESOURCE\n", ())]
Laurent@814:         return resrce
Laurent@814:     # Generate the entire program for current project
Edouard@3704:     def GenerateProgram(self, log, noconfig=False):
Edouard@2727:         log("Collecting data types")
Laurent@814:         # Find all data types defined
Laurent@814:         for datatype in self.Project.getdataTypes():
Laurent@814:             self.DatatypeComputed[datatype.getname()] = False
Edouard@2727:         log("Collecting POUs")
Laurent@814:         # Find all data types defined
Laurent@814:         for pou in self.Project.getpous():
Laurent@814:             self.PouComputed[pou.getname()] = False
Edouard@1418:         # Generate data type declaration structure if there is at least one data
Laurent@814:         # type defined
Laurent@814:         if len(self.DatatypeComputed) > 0:
Laurent@814:             self.Program += [("TYPE\n", ())]
Laurent@814:             # Generate every data types defined
kinsamanka@3750:             for datatype_name in list(self.DatatypeComputed.keys()):
Edouard@2727:                 log("Generate Data Type %s"%datatype_name)
Laurent@814:                 self.GenerateDataType(datatype_name)
Laurent@814:             self.Program += [("END_TYPE\n\n", ())]
Laurent@814:         # Generate every POUs defined
kinsamanka@3750:         for pou_name in list(self.PouComputed.keys()):
Edouard@2727:             log("Generate POU %s"%pou_name)
Laurent@814:             self.GeneratePouProgram(pou_name)
Edouard@3704:         if noconfig:
Edouard@3704:             return
Laurent@814:         # Generate every configurations defined
Edouard@2727:         log("Generate Config(s)")
Laurent@814:         for config in self.Project.getconfigurations():
Laurent@814:             self.Program += self.GenerateConfiguration(config)
Laurent@814:     # Return generated program
Laurent@814:     def GetGeneratedProgram(self):
Laurent@814:         return self.Program
andrej@1782: # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Laurent@814: #                           Generator of POU programs
andrej@1782: # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Laurent@1297: [ConnectorClass, ContinuationClass, ActionBlockClass] = [
Laurent@1297:     PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass(instance_name, "commonObjects")
Laurent@1297:     for instance_name in ["connector", "continuation", "actionBlock"]]
Laurent@1297: [InVariableClass, InOutVariableClass, OutVariableClass, BlockClass] = [
Laurent@1297:     PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass(instance_name, "fbdObjects")
Laurent@1297:     for instance_name in ["inVariable", "inOutVariable", "outVariable", "block"]]
Laurent@1297: [ContactClass, CoilClass, LeftPowerRailClass, RightPowerRailClass] = [
Laurent@1297:     PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass(instance_name, "ldObjects")
Laurent@1297:     for instance_name in ["contact", "coil", "leftPowerRail", "rightPowerRail"]]
Edouard@1418: [StepClass, TransitionClass, JumpStepClass,
Laurent@1297:  SelectionConvergenceClass, SelectionDivergenceClass,
Laurent@1297:  SimultaneousConvergenceClass, SimultaneousDivergenceClass] = [
andrej@1878:      PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass(instance_name, "sfcObjects")
andrej@1878:      for instance_name in ["step",
andrej@1878:                            "transition",
andrej@1878:                            "jumpStep",
andrej@1878:                            "selectionConvergence",
andrej@1878:                            "selectionDivergence",
andrej@1878:                            "simultaneousConvergence",
andrej@1878:                            "simultaneousDivergence"]]
Laurent@1297: TransitionObjClass = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("transition", "transitions")
Laurent@1297: ActionObjClass = PLCOpenParser.GetElementClass("action", "actions")
andrej@1831: class PouProgramGenerator(object):
Laurent@814:     # Create a new POU program generator
Laurent@814:     def __init__(self, parent, name, type, errors, warnings):
Laurent@814:         # Keep Reference to the parent generator
Laurent@814:         self.ParentGenerator = parent
Laurent@814:         self.Name = name
Laurent@814:         self.Type = type
Edouard@1948:         self.TagName = ComputePouName(name)
Laurent@814:         self.CurrentIndent = "  "
Laurent@814:         self.ReturnType = None
Laurent@814:         self.Interface = []
Laurent@814:         self.InitialSteps = []
Laurent@814:         self.ComputedBlocks = {}
Laurent@814:         self.ComputedConnectors = {}
Laurent@814:         self.ConnectionTypes = {}
Laurent@814:         self.RelatedConnections = []
andrej@1740:         self.SFCNetworks = {"Steps": {}, "Transitions": {}, "Actions": {}}
Laurent@814:         self.SFCComputedBlocks = []
Laurent@814:         self.ActionNumber = 0
Laurent@814:         self.Program = []
Laurent@814:         self.Errors = errors
Laurent@814:         self.Warnings = warnings
Laurent@814:     def GetBlockType(self, type, inputs=None):
Laurent@814:         return self.ParentGenerator.Controler.GetBlockType(type, inputs)
Laurent@814:     def IndentLeft(self):
Laurent@814:         if len(self.CurrentIndent) >= 2:
Laurent@814:             self.CurrentIndent = self.CurrentIndent[:-2]
Laurent@814:     def IndentRight(self):
Laurent@814:         self.CurrentIndent += "  "
Laurent@814:     # Generator of unique ID for inline actions
Laurent@814:     def GetActionNumber(self):
Laurent@814:         self.ActionNumber += 1
Laurent@814:         return self.ActionNumber
Laurent@814:     # Test if a variable has already been defined
Laurent@814:     def IsAlreadyDefined(self, name):
andrej@1847:         for _list_type, _option, _located, vars in self.Interface:
andrej@1847:             for _var_type, var_name, _var_address, _var_initial in vars:
Laurent@814:                 if name == var_name:
Laurent@814:                     return True
Laurent@814:         return False
Laurent@814:     # Return the type of a variable defined in interface
Laurent@814:     def GetVariableType(self, name):
Laurent@814:         parts = name.split('.')
Laurent@814:         current_type = None
Laurent@814:         if len(parts) > 0:
Laurent@814:             name = parts.pop(0)
andrej@1847:             for _list_type, _option, _located, vars in self.Interface:
andrej@1847:                 for var_type, var_name, _var_address, _var_initial in vars:
Laurent@814:                     if name == var_name:
Laurent@814:                         current_type = var_type
Laurent@814:                         break
Laurent@814:             while current_type is not None and len(parts) > 0:
Laurent@883:                 blocktype = self.ParentGenerator.Controler.GetBlockType(current_type)
Laurent@883:                 if blocktype is not None:
Laurent@883:                     name = parts.pop(0)
Laurent@883:                     current_type = None
andrej@1847:                     for var_name, var_type, _var_modifier in blocktype["inputs"] + blocktype["outputs"]:
Laurent@883:                         if var_name == name:
Laurent@883:                             current_type = var_type
Laurent@814:                             break
Laurent@883:                 else:
Edouard@1948:                     tagname = ComputeDataTypeName(current_type)
Laurent@883:                     infos = self.ParentGenerator.Controler.GetDataTypeInfos(tagname)
Laurent@883:                     if infos is not None and infos["type"] == "Structure":
Laurent@883:                         name = parts.pop(0)
Laurent@883:                         current_type = None
Laurent@883:                         for element in infos["elements"]:
Laurent@883:                             if element["Name"] == name:
Laurent@883:                                 current_type = element["Type"]
Laurent@883:                                 break
Laurent@814:         return current_type
Laurent@814:     # Return connectors linked by a connection to the given connector
Laurent@814:     def GetConnectedConnector(self, connector, body):
Laurent@814:         links = connector.getconnections()
Laurent@1298:         if links is not None and len(links) == 1:
Laurent@814:             return self.GetLinkedConnector(links[0], body)
Edouard@1418:         return None
Laurent@814:     def GetLinkedConnector(self, link, body):
Laurent@814:         parameter = link.getformalParameter()
Laurent@814:         instance = body.getcontentInstance(link.getrefLocalId())
Edouard@1418:         if isinstance(instance, (InVariableClass, InOutVariableClass,
andrej@1768:                                  ContinuationClass, ContactClass, CoilClass)):
Laurent@814:             return instance.connectionPointOut
Laurent@1297:         elif isinstance(instance, BlockClass):
Laurent@814:             outputvariables = instance.outputVariables.getvariable()
Laurent@814:             if len(outputvariables) == 1:
Laurent@814:                 return outputvariables[0].connectionPointOut
Laurent@814:             elif parameter:
Laurent@814:                 for variable in outputvariables:
Laurent@814:                     if variable.getformalParameter() == parameter:
Laurent@814:                         return variable.connectionPointOut
Laurent@814:             else:
Laurent@814:                 point = link.getposition()[-1]
Laurent@814:                 for variable in outputvariables:
Laurent@814:                     relposition = variable.connectionPointOut.getrelPositionXY()
Laurent@814:                     blockposition = instance.getposition()
Laurent@814:                     if point.x == blockposition.x + relposition[0] and point.y == blockposition.y + relposition[1]:
Laurent@814:                         return variable.connectionPointOut
Laurent@1297:         elif isinstance(instance, LeftPowerRailClass):
Laurent@814:             outputconnections = instance.getconnectionPointOut()
Laurent@814:             if len(outputconnections) == 1:
Laurent@814:                 return outputconnections[0]
Laurent@814:             else:
Laurent@814:                 point = link.getposition()[-1]
Laurent@814:                 for outputconnection in outputconnections:
Laurent@814:                     relposition = outputconnection.getrelPositionXY()
Laurent@814:                     powerrailposition = instance.getposition()
Laurent@814:                     if point.x == powerrailposition.x + relposition[0] and point.y == powerrailposition.y + relposition[1]:
Laurent@814:                         return outputconnection
Laurent@814:         return None
Laurent@814:     def ExtractRelatedConnections(self, connection):
Laurent@814:         for i, related in enumerate(self.RelatedConnections):
Laurent@814:             if connection in related:
Laurent@814:                 return self.RelatedConnections.pop(i)
Laurent@814:         return [connection]
Laurent@814:     def ComputeInterface(self, pou):
Laurent@814:         interface = pou.getinterface()
Laurent@814:         if interface is not None:
Laurent@814:             if self.Type == "FUNCTION":
Edouard@1418:                 returntype_content = interface.getreturnType()[0]
Laurent@1297:                 returntype_content_type = returntype_content.getLocalTag()
Laurent@1297:                 if returntype_content_type == "derived":
Laurent@1297:                     self.ReturnType = returntype_content.getname()
Laurent@1297:                 else:
Laurent@1297:                     self.ReturnType = returntype_content_type.upper()
Laurent@814:             for varlist in interface.getcontent():
Laurent@814:                 variables = []
Laurent@814:                 located = []
Laurent@1297:                 varlist_type = varlist.getLocalTag()
Laurent@1297:                 for var in varlist.getvariable():
Laurent@814:                     vartype_content = var.gettype().getcontent()
Laurent@1297:                     if vartype_content.getLocalTag() == "derived":
Laurent@1297:                         var_type = vartype_content.getname()
Laurent@814:                         blocktype = self.GetBlockType(var_type)
Laurent@814:                         if blocktype is not None:
Laurent@814:                             self.ParentGenerator.GeneratePouProgram(var_type)
Laurent@1310:                             variables.append((var_type, var.getname(), None, None))
Laurent@814:                         else:
Laurent@814:                             self.ParentGenerator.GenerateDataType(var_type)
Laurent@814:                             initial = var.getinitialValue()
Laurent@1310:                             if initial is not None:
Laurent@814:                                 initial_value = initial.getvalue()
Laurent@814:                             else:
Laurent@814:                                 initial_value = None
Laurent@814:                             address = var.getaddress()
Laurent@814:                             if address is not None:
Laurent@1297:                                 located.append((vartype_content.getname(), var.getname(), address, initial_value))
Laurent@814:                             else:
Laurent@1297:                                 variables.append((vartype_content.getname(), var.getname(), None, initial_value))
Laurent@814:                     else:
Laurent@814:                         var_type = var.gettypeAsText()
Laurent@814:                         initial = var.getinitialValue()
Laurent@1310:                         if initial is not None:
Laurent@814:                             initial_value = initial.getvalue()
Laurent@814:                         else:
Laurent@814:                             initial_value = None
Laurent@814:                         address = var.getaddress()
Laurent@814:                         if address is not None:
Laurent@814:                             located.append((var_type, var.getname(), address, initial_value))
Laurent@814:                         else:
Laurent@814:                             variables.append((var_type, var.getname(), None, initial_value))
Laurent@1297:                 if varlist.getconstant():
Laurent@814:                     option = "CONSTANT"
Laurent@1297:                 elif varlist.getretain():
Laurent@814:                     option = "RETAIN"
Laurent@1297:                 elif varlist.getnonretain():
Laurent@814:                     option = "NON_RETAIN"
Laurent@814:                 else:
Laurent@814:                     option = None
Laurent@814:                 if len(variables) > 0:
Laurent@1297:                     self.Interface.append((varTypeNames[varlist_type], option, False, variables))
Laurent@814:                 if len(located) > 0:
Laurent@1297:                     self.Interface.append((varTypeNames[varlist_type], option, True, located))
Laurent@1181:     LITERAL_TYPES = {
andrej@1751:         "T":   "TIME",
andrej@1751:         "D":   "DATE",
Laurent@1181:         "TOD": "TIME_OF_DAY",
andrej@1751:         "DT":  "DATE_AND_TIME",
andrej@1751:         "2":    None,
andrej@1751:         "8":    None,
andrej@1751:         "16":   None,
Laurent@1181:     }
Laurent@814:     def ComputeConnectionTypes(self, pou):
Laurent@814:         body = pou.getbody()
andrej@2450:         if isinstance(body, list):
Laurent@814:             body = body[0]
Laurent@814:         body_content = body.getcontent()
Laurent@1297:         body_type = body_content.getLocalTag()
Laurent@814:         if body_type in ["FBD", "LD", "SFC"]:
Laurent@814:             undefined_blocks = []
Laurent@814:             for instance in body.getcontentInstances():
Edouard@1418:                 if isinstance(instance, (InVariableClass, OutVariableClass,
Laurent@1297:                                          InOutVariableClass)):
Laurent@1322:                     expression = instance.getexpression()
Laurent@814:                     var_type = self.GetVariableType(expression)
andrej@1766:                     if isinstance(pou, TransitionObjClass) and expression == pou.getname():
laurent@822:                         var_type = "BOOL"
Laurent@1297:                     elif (not isinstance(pou, (TransitionObjClass, ActionObjClass)) and
laurent@822:                           pou.getpouType() == "function" and expression == pou.getname()):
Laurent@814:                         returntype_content = pou.interface.getreturnType().getcontent()
Laurent@1297:                         returntype_content_type = returntype_content.getLocalTag()
Laurent@1297:                         if returntype_content_type == "derived":
Laurent@1297:                             var_type = returntype_content.getname()
Laurent@814:                         else:
Laurent@1297:                             var_type = returntype_content_type.upper()
Laurent@814:                     elif var_type is None:
Laurent@814:                         parts = expression.split("#")
Laurent@814:                         if len(parts) > 1:
Laurent@1181:                             literal_prefix = parts[0].upper()
Edouard@1418:                             var_type = self.LITERAL_TYPES.get(literal_prefix,
Laurent@1181:                                                               literal_prefix)
Laurent@814:                         elif expression.startswith("'"):
Laurent@814:                             var_type = "STRING"
Laurent@814:                         elif expression.startswith('"'):
Laurent@814:                             var_type = "WSTRING"
Laurent@814:                     if var_type is not None:
Laurent@1297:                         if isinstance(instance, (InVariableClass, InOutVariableClass)):
Laurent@814:                             for connection in self.ExtractRelatedConnections(instance.connectionPointOut):
Laurent@814:                                 self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = var_type
Laurent@1297:                         if isinstance(instance, (OutVariableClass, InOutVariableClass)):
Laurent@814:                             self.ConnectionTypes[instance.connectionPointIn] = var_type
Laurent@814:                             connected = self.GetConnectedConnector(instance.connectionPointIn, body)
andrej@1775:                             if connected is not None and connected not in self.ConnectionTypes:
Laurent@1298:                                 for related in self.ExtractRelatedConnections(connected):
Laurent@1298:                                     self.ConnectionTypes[related] = var_type
Laurent@1297:                 elif isinstance(instance, (ContactClass, CoilClass)):
Laurent@814:                     for connection in self.ExtractRelatedConnections(instance.connectionPointOut):
Laurent@814:                         self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = "BOOL"
Laurent@814:                     self.ConnectionTypes[instance.connectionPointIn] = "BOOL"
Laurent@1298:                     for link in instance.connectionPointIn.getconnections():
Laurent@1298:                         connected = self.GetLinkedConnector(link, body)
andrej@1775:                         if connected is not None and connected not in self.ConnectionTypes:
Laurent@1298:                             for related in self.ExtractRelatedConnections(connected):
Laurent@1298:                                 self.ConnectionTypes[related] = "BOOL"
Laurent@1297:                 elif isinstance(instance, LeftPowerRailClass):
Laurent@814:                     for connection in instance.getconnectionPointOut():
Laurent@814:                         for related in self.ExtractRelatedConnections(connection):
Laurent@814:                             self.ConnectionTypes[related] = "BOOL"
Laurent@1297:                 elif isinstance(instance, RightPowerRailClass):
Laurent@814:                     for connection in instance.getconnectionPointIn():
Laurent@814:                         self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = "BOOL"
Laurent@1298:                         for link in connection.getconnections():
Laurent@1298:                             connected = self.GetLinkedConnector(link, body)
andrej@1775:                             if connected is not None and connected not in self.ConnectionTypes:
Laurent@1298:                                 for related in self.ExtractRelatedConnections(connected):
Laurent@1298:                                     self.ConnectionTypes[related] = "BOOL"
Laurent@1297:                 elif isinstance(instance, TransitionClass):
Laurent@1297:                     content = instance.getconditionContent()
Laurent@1297:                     if content["type"] == "connection":
Laurent@1298:                         self.ConnectionTypes[content["value"]] = "BOOL"
andrej@1603:                         connections = content["value"].getconnections()
andrej@1603:                         if not connections:
andrej@1765:                             raise PLCGenException(
andrej@1765:                                 _("SFC transition in POU \"%s\" must be connected.") % self.Name)
andrej@1730:                         for link in connections:
Laurent@1298:                             connected = self.GetLinkedConnector(link, body)
andrej@1775:                             if connected is not None and connected not in self.ConnectionTypes:
Laurent@1298:                                 for related in self.ExtractRelatedConnections(connected):
Laurent@1298:                                     self.ConnectionTypes[related] = "BOOL"
Laurent@1297:                 elif isinstance(instance, ContinuationClass):
Laurent@814:                     name = instance.getname()
Laurent@814:                     connector = None
Laurent@814:                     var_type = "ANY"
Laurent@814:                     for element in body.getcontentInstances():
Laurent@1297:                         if isinstance(element, ConnectorClass) and element.getname() == name:
Laurent@814:                             if connector is not None:
andrej@1765:                                 raise PLCGenException(
andrej@1765:                                     _("More than one connector found corresponding to \"{a1}\" continuation in \"{a2}\" POU").
andrej@1765:                                     format(a1=name, a2=self.Name))
Laurent@814:                             connector = element
Laurent@814:                     if connector is not None:
Laurent@814:                         undefined = [instance.connectionPointOut, connector.connectionPointIn]
Laurent@814:                         connected = self.GetConnectedConnector(connector.connectionPointIn, body)
Laurent@1298:                         if connected is not None:
Laurent@814:                             undefined.append(connected)
Laurent@814:                         related = []
Laurent@814:                         for connection in undefined:
andrej@1763:                             if connection in self.ConnectionTypes:
Laurent@814:                                 var_type = self.ConnectionTypes[connection]
Laurent@814:                             else:
Laurent@814:                                 related.extend(self.ExtractRelatedConnections(connection))
Laurent@814:                         if var_type.startswith("ANY") and len(related) > 0:
Laurent@814:                             self.RelatedConnections.append(related)
Laurent@814:                         else:
Laurent@814:                             for connection in related:
Laurent@814:                                 self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = var_type
Laurent@814:                     else:
andrej@1765:                         raise PLCGenException(
andrej@1765:                             _("No connector found corresponding to \"{a1}\" continuation in \"{a2}\" POU").
andrej@1765:                             format(a1=name, a2=self.Name))
Laurent@1297:                 elif isinstance(instance, BlockClass):
Laurent@814:                     block_infos = self.GetBlockType(instance.gettypeName(), "undefined")
Laurent@814:                     if block_infos is not None:
Laurent@814:                         self.ComputeBlockInputTypes(instance, block_infos, body)
Laurent@814:                     else:
Laurent@814:                         for variable in instance.inputVariables.getvariable():
Laurent@814:                             connected = self.GetConnectedConnector(variable.connectionPointIn, body)
Laurent@814:                             if connected is not None:
Laurent@814:                                 var_type = self.ConnectionTypes.get(connected, None)
Laurent@814:                                 if var_type is not None:
Laurent@814:                                     self.ConnectionTypes[variable.connectionPointIn] = var_type
Laurent@814:                                 else:
Laurent@814:                                     related = self.ExtractRelatedConnections(connected)
Laurent@814:                                     related.append(variable.connectionPointIn)
Laurent@814:                                     self.RelatedConnections.append(related)
Laurent@814:                         undefined_blocks.append(instance)
Laurent@814:             for instance in undefined_blocks:
Laurent@814:                 block_infos = self.GetBlockType(instance.gettypeName(), tuple([self.ConnectionTypes.get(variable.connectionPointIn, "ANY") for variable in instance.inputVariables.getvariable() if variable.getformalParameter() != "EN"]))
Laurent@814:                 if block_infos is not None:
Laurent@814:                     self.ComputeBlockInputTypes(instance, block_infos, body)
Laurent@814:                 else:
andrej@1765:                     raise PLCGenException(
andrej@1765:                         _("No informations found for \"%s\" block") % (instance.gettypeName()))
laurent@822:             if body_type == "SFC":
laurent@822:                 previous_tagname = self.TagName
laurent@822:                 for action in pou.getactionList():
Edouard@1948:                     self.TagName = ComputePouActionName(self.Name, action.getname())
laurent@822:                     self.ComputeConnectionTypes(action)
laurent@822:                 for transition in pou.gettransitionList():
Edouard@1948:                     self.TagName = ComputePouTransitionName(self.Name, transition.getname())
laurent@822:                     self.ComputeConnectionTypes(transition)
laurent@822:                 self.TagName = previous_tagname
Laurent@814:     def ComputeBlockInputTypes(self, instance, block_infos, body):
Laurent@814:         undefined = {}
Laurent@814:         for variable in instance.outputVariables.getvariable():
Laurent@814:             output_name = variable.getformalParameter()
Laurent@814:             if output_name == "ENO":
Laurent@814:                 for connection in self.ExtractRelatedConnections(variable.connectionPointOut):
Laurent@814:                     self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = "BOOL"
Laurent@814:             else:
andrej@1847:                 for oname, otype, _oqualifier in block_infos["outputs"]:
Laurent@814:                     if output_name == oname:
Laurent@814:                         if otype.startswith("ANY"):
andrej@1775:                             if otype not in undefined:
Laurent@814:                                 undefined[otype] = []
Laurent@814:                             undefined[otype].append(variable.connectionPointOut)
andrej@1775:                         elif variable.connectionPointOut not in self.ConnectionTypes:
Laurent@814:                             for connection in self.ExtractRelatedConnections(variable.connectionPointOut):
Laurent@814:                                 self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = otype
Laurent@814:         for variable in instance.inputVariables.getvariable():
Laurent@814:             input_name = variable.getformalParameter()
Laurent@814:             if input_name == "EN":
Laurent@814:                 for connection in self.ExtractRelatedConnections(variable.connectionPointIn):
Laurent@814:                     self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = "BOOL"
Laurent@814:             else:
andrej@1847:                 for iname, itype, _iqualifier in block_infos["inputs"]:
Laurent@814:                     if input_name == iname:
Laurent@814:                         connected = self.GetConnectedConnector(variable.connectionPointIn, body)
Laurent@814:                         if itype.startswith("ANY"):
andrej@1775:                             if itype not in undefined:
Laurent@814:                                 undefined[itype] = []
Laurent@814:                             undefined[itype].append(variable.connectionPointIn)
Laurent@1298:                             if connected is not None:
Laurent@814:                                 undefined[itype].append(connected)
Laurent@814:                         else:
Laurent@814:                             self.ConnectionTypes[variable.connectionPointIn] = itype
andrej@1775:                             if connected is not None and connected not in self.ConnectionTypes:
Laurent@814:                                 for connection in self.ExtractRelatedConnections(connected):
Laurent@814:                                     self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = itype
kinsamanka@3750:         for var_type, connections in list(undefined.items()):
Laurent@814:             related = []
Laurent@814:             for connection in connections:
Laurent@854:                 connection_type = self.ConnectionTypes.get(connection)
Laurent@854:                 if connection_type and not connection_type.startswith("ANY"):
Laurent@854:                     var_type = connection_type
Laurent@814:                 else:
Laurent@814:                     related.extend(self.ExtractRelatedConnections(connection))
Laurent@814:             if var_type.startswith("ANY") and len(related) > 0:
Laurent@814:                 self.RelatedConnections.append(related)
Laurent@814:             else:
Laurent@814:                 for connection in related:
Laurent@814:                     self.ConnectionTypes[connection] = var_type
andrej@2258:     def GetUsedEno(self, body, connections):
andrej@2258:         """
andrej@2258:             Function checks whether value on given connection
andrej@2258:             comes from block, that has used EN input and
andrej@2258:             returns variable name for ENO output.
andrej@2258:             This is needed to avoid value propagation from blocks
andrej@2258:             with false signal on EN input.
andrej@2258:         :param body:
andrej@2258:             body of the block for that program is currently generated
andrej@2258:         :param connections:
andrej@2258:             connection, that's source is checked for EN/ENO usage
andrej@2258:         :return:
andrej@2258:             if EN/ENO are not used, then None is returned
andrej@2258:             Otherwise BOOL variable corresponding to ENO
andrej@2258:             output is returned.
andrej@2258:         """
andrej@2258:         if len(connections) != 1:
andrej@2258:             return None
andrej@2258:         ref_local_id = connections[0].getrefLocalId()
andrej@2258:         blk = body.getcontentInstance(ref_local_id)
andrej@2258:         if blk is None:
andrej@2258:             return None
andrej@2275:         if not hasattr(blk, "inputVariables"):
andrej@2275:             return None
andrej@2258:         for invar in blk.inputVariables.getvariable():
andrej@2258:             if invar.getformalParameter() == "EN":
andrej@2258:                 if len(invar.getconnectionPointIn().getconnections()) > 0:
andrej@2258:                     if blk.getinstanceName() is None:
Edouard@2633:                         var_name = "_TMP_%s%d_ENO" % (blk.gettypeName(), blk.getlocalId())
andrej@2258:                     else:
andrej@2258:                         var_name = "%s.ENO" % blk.getinstanceName()
andrej@2258:                     return var_name
andrej@2258:         return None
Laurent@814:     def ComputeProgram(self, pou):
Laurent@814:         body = pou.getbody()
andrej@2450:         if isinstance(body, list):
Laurent@814:             body = body[0]
Laurent@814:         body_content = body.getcontent()
Laurent@1297:         body_type = body_content.getLocalTag()
andrej@1740:         if body_type in ["IL", "ST"]:
Laurent@1297:             text = body_content.getanyText()
Laurent@814:             self.ParentGenerator.GeneratePouProgramInText(text.upper())
Edouard@1418:             self.Program = [(ReIndentText(text, len(self.CurrentIndent)),
andrej@1878:                              (self.TagName, "body", len(self.CurrentIndent)))]
Laurent@814:         elif body_type == "SFC":
Laurent@814:             self.IndentRight()
Laurent@814:             for instance in body.getcontentInstances():
Laurent@1297:                 if isinstance(instance, StepClass):
Laurent@814:                     self.GenerateSFCStep(instance, pou)
Laurent@1297:                 elif isinstance(instance, ActionBlockClass):
Laurent@814:                     self.GenerateSFCStepActions(instance, pou)
Laurent@1297:                 elif isinstance(instance, TransitionClass):
Laurent@814:                     self.GenerateSFCTransition(instance, pou)
Laurent@1298:                 elif isinstance(instance, JumpStepClass):
Laurent@814:                     self.GenerateSFCJump(instance, pou)
Laurent@814:             if len(self.InitialSteps) > 0 and len(self.SFCComputedBlocks) > 0:
Laurent@814:                 action_name = "COMPUTE_FUNCTION_BLOCKS"
andrej@1739:                 action_infos = {"qualifier": "S", "content": action_name}
Laurent@814:                 self.SFCNetworks["Steps"][self.InitialSteps[0]]["actions"].append(action_infos)
Laurent@814:                 self.SFCNetworks["Actions"][action_name] = (self.SFCComputedBlocks, ())
Laurent@814:                 self.Program = []
Laurent@814:             self.IndentLeft()
Laurent@814:             for initialstep in self.InitialSteps:
Laurent@814:                 self.ComputeSFCStep(initialstep)
Laurent@814:         else:
andrej@1739:             otherInstances = {"outVariables&coils": [], "blocks": [], "connectors": []}
Laurent@814:             orderedInstances = []
Laurent@814:             for instance in body.getcontentInstances():
Laurent@1297:                 if isinstance(instance, (OutVariableClass, InOutVariableClass, BlockClass)):
kinsamanka@3769:                     executionOrderId = instance.getexecutionOrderId() or 0  # 0 if None
Laurent@814:                     if executionOrderId > 0:
Laurent@814:                         orderedInstances.append((executionOrderId, instance))
Laurent@1297:                     elif isinstance(instance, (OutVariableClass, InOutVariableClass)):
Laurent@814:                         otherInstances["outVariables&coils"].append(instance)
Laurent@1297:                     elif isinstance(instance, BlockClass):
Laurent@814:                         otherInstances["blocks"].append(instance)
Laurent@1297:                 elif isinstance(instance, ConnectorClass):
Laurent@814:                     otherInstances["connectors"].append(instance)
Laurent@1297:                 elif isinstance(instance, CoilClass):
Laurent@814:                     otherInstances["outVariables&coils"].append(instance)
kinsamanka@3759:             orderedInstances.sort(key=lambda n: n[0])
kinsamanka@3759:             otherInstances["outVariables&coils"].sort(key=cmp_to_key(SortInstances))
kinsamanka@3759:             otherInstances["blocks"].sort(key=cmp_to_key(SortInstances))
Laurent@814:             instances = [instance for (executionOrderId, instance) in orderedInstances]
Laurent@1048:             instances.extend(otherInstances["outVariables&coils"] + otherInstances["blocks"] + otherInstances["connectors"])
Laurent@814:             for instance in instances:
Laurent@1297:                 if isinstance(instance, (OutVariableClass, InOutVariableClass)):
Laurent@814:                     connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
Laurent@814:                     if connections is not None:
Laurent@814:                         expression = self.ComputeExpression(body, connections)
Laurent@1239:                         if expression is not None:
andrej@2258:                             eno_var = self.GetUsedEno(body, connections)
andrej@2258:                             if eno_var is not None:
andrej@2258:                                 self.Program += [(self.CurrentIndent + "IF %s" % eno_var, ())]
andrej@2258:                                 self.Program += [(" THEN\n  ", ())]
andrej@2258:                                 self.IndentRight()
Laurent@1239:                             self.Program += [(self.CurrentIndent, ()),
Laurent@1322:                                              (instance.getexpression(), (self.TagName, "io_variable", instance.getlocalId(), "expression")),
Laurent@1239:                                              (" := ", ())]
Laurent@1239:                             self.Program += expression
Laurent@1239:                             self.Program += [(";\n", ())]
andrej@2258:                             if eno_var is not None:
andrej@2258:                                 self.IndentLeft()
andrej@2258:                                 self.Program += [(self.CurrentIndent + "END_IF;\n", ())]
Laurent@1297:                 elif isinstance(instance, BlockClass):
Laurent@814:                     block_type = instance.gettypeName()
Laurent@814:                     self.ParentGenerator.GeneratePouProgram(block_type)
Laurent@814:                     block_infos = self.GetBlockType(block_type, tuple([self.ConnectionTypes.get(variable.connectionPointIn, "ANY") for variable in instance.inputVariables.getvariable() if variable.getformalParameter() != "EN"]))
Laurent@814:                     if block_infos is None:
Laurent@814:                         block_infos = self.GetBlockType(block_type)
Laurent@814:                     if block_infos is None:
andrej@1765:                         raise PLCGenException(
andrej@1765:                             _("Undefined block type \"{a1}\" in \"{a2}\" POU").
andrej@1765:                             format(a1=block_type, a2=self.Name))
Laurent@1134:                     try:
Laurent@1310:                         self.GenerateBlock(instance, block_infos, body, None)
andrej@2418:                     except ValueError as e:
andrej@2447:                         raise PLCGenException(str(e))
Laurent@1297:                 elif isinstance(instance, ConnectorClass):
Laurent@814:                     connector = instance.getname()
Laurent@814:                     if self.ComputedConnectors.get(connector, None):
Laurent@1239:                         continue
Laurent@1239:                     expression = self.ComputeExpression(body, instance.connectionPointIn.getconnections())
Laurent@1239:                     if expression is not None:
Laurent@1239:                         self.ComputedConnectors[connector] = expression
Laurent@1297:                 elif isinstance(instance, CoilClass):
Laurent@814:                     connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
Laurent@814:                     if connections is not None:
Laurent@814:                         coil_info = (self.TagName, "coil", instance.getlocalId())
Laurent@1239:                         expression = self.ComputeExpression(body, connections)
Laurent@1239:                         if expression is not None:
Laurent@1239:                             expression = self.ExtractModifier(instance, expression, coil_info)
Laurent@1239:                             self.Program += [(self.CurrentIndent, ())]
Laurent@1322:                             self.Program += [(instance.getvariable(), coil_info + ("reference",))]
Laurent@1239:                             self.Program += [(" := ", ())] + expression + [(";\n", ())]
Laurent@814:     def FactorizePaths(self, paths):
Laurent@814:         same_paths = {}
kinsamanka@3750:         uncomputed_index = list(range(len(paths)))
Laurent@814:         factorized_paths = []
Laurent@814:         for num, path in enumerate(paths):
andrej@2450:             if isinstance(path, list):
Laurent@814:                 if len(path) > 1:
Laurent@814:                     str_path = str(path[-1:])
Laurent@814:                     same_paths.setdefault(str_path, [])
Laurent@814:                     same_paths[str_path].append((path[:-1], num))
Laurent@814:             else:
Laurent@814:                 factorized_paths.append(path)
Laurent@814:                 uncomputed_index.remove(num)
kinsamanka@3750:         for same_path, elements in list(same_paths.items()):
Laurent@814:             if len(elements) > 1:
Laurent@814:                 elements_paths = self.FactorizePaths([path for path, num in elements])
Laurent@814:                 if len(elements_paths) > 1:
Edouard@1418:                     factorized_paths.append([tuple(elements_paths)] + eval(same_path))
Laurent@814:                 else:
Laurent@814:                     factorized_paths.append(elements_paths + eval(same_path))
Laurent@814:                 for path, num in elements:
Laurent@814:                     uncomputed_index.remove(num)
Laurent@814:         for num in uncomputed_index:
Laurent@814:             factorized_paths.append(paths[num])
Laurent@814:         factorized_paths.sort()
Laurent@814:         return factorized_paths
Laurent@1310:     def GenerateBlock(self, block, block_infos, body, link, order=False, to_inout=False):
andrej@1864:         def _GetBlockName(name, type):
andrej@1864:             """function returns name of function or function block instance"""
andrej@1864:             if name:
andrej@1864:                 # function blocks
andrej@1864:                 blockname = "{a1}({a2})".format(a1=name, a2=type)
andrej@1864:             else:
andrej@1864:                 # functions
andrej@1864:                 blockname = type
andrej@1864:             return blockname
andrej@1864:         def _RaiseUnconnectedInOutError(name, type, parameter, place):
andrej@1864:             blockname = _GetBlockName(name, type)
andrej@1864:             raise ValueError(
andrej@1864:                 _("InOut variable {a1} in block {a2} in POU {a3} must be connected.").
andrej@1864:                 format(a1=parameter, a2=blockname, a3=place))
Laurent@1310:         name = block.getinstanceName()
Laurent@1310:         type = block.gettypeName()
kinsamanka@3769:         executionOrderId = block.getexecutionOrderId() or 0     # 0 if None
Laurent@1310:         input_variables = block.inputVariables.getvariable()
Laurent@1310:         output_variables = block.outputVariables.getvariable()
Laurent@1310:         inout_variables = {}
Laurent@1310:         for input_variable in input_variables:
Laurent@1310:             for output_variable in output_variables:
Laurent@1310:                 if input_variable.getformalParameter() == output_variable.getformalParameter():
Laurent@1310:                     inout_variables[input_variable.getformalParameter()] = ""
Laurent@1310:         input_names = [input[0] for input in block_infos["inputs"]]
Laurent@1310:         output_names = [output[0] for output in block_infos["outputs"]]
Laurent@1310:         if block_infos["type"] == "function":
Laurent@1310:             if not self.ComputedBlocks.get(block, False) and not order:
Laurent@1310:                 self.ComputedBlocks[block] = True
Laurent@1310:                 connected_vars = []
Laurent@1310:                 if not block_infos["extensible"]:
Edouard@1418:                     input_connected = dict([("EN", None)] +
Laurent@1310:                                            [(input_name, None) for input_name in input_names])
Laurent@1310:                     for variable in input_variables:
Laurent@1310:                         parameter = variable.getformalParameter()
andrej@1763:                         if parameter in input_connected:
Laurent@1310:                             input_connected[parameter] = variable
Laurent@1310:                     if input_connected["EN"] is None:
Laurent@1310:                         input_connected.pop("EN")
Laurent@1310:                         input_parameters = input_names
Laurent@1310:                     else:
Laurent@1310:                         input_parameters = ["EN"] + input_names
Laurent@1310:                 else:
Laurent@1310:                     input_connected = dict([(variable.getformalParameter(), variable)
Laurent@1310:                                             for variable in input_variables])
Laurent@1310:                     input_parameters = [variable.getformalParameter()
Laurent@1310:                                         for variable in input_variables]
Laurent@1310:                 one_input_connected = False
Laurent@1310:                 all_input_connected = True
Laurent@1310:                 for i, parameter in enumerate(input_parameters):
Laurent@1310:                     variable = input_connected.get(parameter)
Laurent@1310:                     if variable is not None:
Laurent@1310:                         input_info = (self.TagName, "block", block.getlocalId(), "input", i)
Laurent@1310:                         connections = variable.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
Laurent@1310:                         if connections is not None:
Laurent@1310:                             if parameter != "EN":
Laurent@1310:                                 one_input_connected = True
andrej@1763:                             if parameter in inout_variables:
Laurent@1310:                                 expression = self.ComputeExpression(body, connections, executionOrderId > 0, True)
Laurent@1310:                                 if expression is not None:
andrej@1863:                                     inout_variables[parameter] = expression
andrej@1864:                                 else:
andrej@1864:                                     _RaiseUnconnectedInOutError(name, type, parameter, self.Name)
Laurent@1310:                             else:
Laurent@1310:                                 expression = self.ComputeExpression(body, connections, executionOrderId > 0)
Laurent@1310:                             if expression is not None:
Laurent@1310:                                 connected_vars.append(([(parameter, input_info), (" := ", ())],
Laurent@1310:                                                        self.ExtractModifier(variable, expression, input_info)))
Laurent@1310:                         else:
Laurent@1310:                             all_input_connected = False
Laurent@1310:                     else:
Laurent@1310:                         all_input_connected = False
Laurent@1310:                 if len(output_variables) > 1 or not all_input_connected:
Laurent@1310:                     vars = [name + value for name, value in connected_vars]
Laurent@1310:                 else:
Laurent@1310:                     vars = [value for name, value in connected_vars]
Laurent@1310:                 if one_input_connected:
Laurent@1310:                     for i, variable in enumerate(output_variables):
Laurent@1310:                         parameter = variable.getformalParameter()
andrej@1775:                         if parameter not in inout_variables and parameter in output_names + ["", "ENO"]:
Laurent@1310:                             if variable.getformalParameter() == "":
andrej@1734:                                 variable_name = "%s%d" % (type, block.getlocalId())
Laurent@1310:                             else:
Edouard@2629:                                 variable_name = "_TMP_%s%d_%s" % (type, block.getlocalId(), parameter)
Laurent@1310:                             if self.Interface[-1][0] != "VAR" or self.Interface[-1][1] is not None or self.Interface[-1][2]:
Laurent@1310:                                 self.Interface.append(("VAR", None, False, []))
Laurent@1310:                             if variable.connectionPointOut in self.ConnectionTypes:
Laurent@1310:                                 self.Interface[-1][3].append((self.ConnectionTypes[variable.connectionPointOut], variable_name, None, None))
Laurent@1310:                             else:
Laurent@1310:                                 self.Interface[-1][3].append(("ANY", variable_name, None, None))
Laurent@1310:                             if len(output_variables) > 1 and parameter not in ["", "OUT"]:
Edouard@1418:                                 vars.append([(parameter, (self.TagName, "block", block.getlocalId(), "output", i)),
andrej@1734:                                              (" => %s" % variable_name, ())])
Laurent@1310:                             else:
Laurent@1310:                                 output_info = (self.TagName, "block", block.getlocalId(), "output", i)
Laurent@1310:                                 output_name = variable_name
Laurent@1310:                     self.Program += [(self.CurrentIndent, ()),
Laurent@1310:                                      (output_name, output_info),
Laurent@1310:                                      (" := ", ()),
Laurent@1310:                                      (type, (self.TagName, "block", block.getlocalId(), "type")),
Laurent@1310:                                      ("(", ())]
Laurent@1310:                     self.Program += JoinList([(", ", ())], vars)
Laurent@1310:                     self.Program += [(");\n", ())]
Laurent@1310:                 else:
andrej@1744:                     msg = _("\"{a1}\" function cancelled in \"{a2}\" POU: No input connected").format(a1=type, a2=self.TagName.split("::")[-1])
andrej@1581:                     self.Warnings.append(msg)
Laurent@1310:         elif block_infos["type"] == "functionBlock":
Laurent@1310:             if not self.ComputedBlocks.get(block, False) and not order:
Laurent@1310:                 self.ComputedBlocks[block] = True
Laurent@1310:                 vars = []
Laurent@1310:                 offset_idx = 0
Laurent@1310:                 for variable in input_variables:
Laurent@1310:                     parameter = variable.getformalParameter()
Laurent@1310:                     if parameter in input_names or parameter == "EN":
Laurent@1310:                         if parameter == "EN":
Laurent@1310:                             input_idx = 0
Laurent@1310:                             offset_idx = 1
Laurent@1310:                         else:
Laurent@1310:                             input_idx = offset_idx + input_names.index(parameter)
Laurent@1310:                         input_info = (self.TagName, "block", block.getlocalId(), "input", input_idx)
Laurent@1310:                         connections = variable.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
Laurent@1310:                         if connections is not None:
andrej@1763:                             expression = self.ComputeExpression(body, connections, executionOrderId > 0, parameter in inout_variables)
Laurent@1310:                             if expression is not None:
Laurent@1310:                                 vars.append([(parameter, input_info),
Laurent@1310:                                              (" := ", ())] + self.ExtractModifier(variable, expression, input_info))
andrej@1864:                             elif parameter in inout_variables:
andrej@1864:                                 _RaiseUnconnectedInOutError(name, type, parameter, self.Name)
Edouard@1418:                 self.Program += [(self.CurrentIndent, ()),
Laurent@1310:                                  (name, (self.TagName, "block", block.getlocalId(), "name")),
Laurent@1310:                                  ("(", ())]
Laurent@1310:                 self.Program += JoinList([(", ", ())], vars)
Laurent@1310:                 self.Program += [(");\n", ())]
Laurent@1310:         if link is not None:
Laurent@1310:             connectionPoint = link.getposition()[-1]
Laurent@1310:             output_parameter = link.getformalParameter()
Laurent@1310:         else:
Laurent@1310:             connectionPoint = None
Laurent@1310:             output_parameter = None
Laurent@1310:         output_variable = None
Laurent@1310:         output_idx = 0
Laurent@1310:         if output_parameter is not None:
Laurent@1310:             if output_parameter in output_names or output_parameter == "ENO":
Laurent@1310:                 for variable in output_variables:
Laurent@1310:                     if variable.getformalParameter() == output_parameter:
Laurent@1310:                         output_variable = variable
Laurent@1310:                         if output_parameter != "ENO":
Laurent@1310:                             output_idx = output_names.index(output_parameter)
Laurent@1310:         else:
Laurent@1310:             for i, variable in enumerate(output_variables):
Laurent@1310:                 blockPointx, blockPointy = variable.connectionPointOut.getrelPositionXY()
andrej@1766:                 if connectionPoint is None or \
andrej@1766:                    block.getx() + blockPointx == connectionPoint.getx() and \
andrej@1766:                    block.gety() + blockPointy == connectionPoint.gety():
Laurent@1310:                     output_variable = variable
Laurent@1310:                     output_parameter = variable.getformalParameter()
Laurent@1310:                     output_idx = i
Laurent@1310:         if output_variable is not None:
Laurent@1310:             if block_infos["type"] == "function":
Laurent@1310:                 output_info = (self.TagName, "block", block.getlocalId(), "output", output_idx)
andrej@1763:                 if output_parameter in inout_variables:
andrej@1864:                     for variable in input_variables:
andrej@1864:                         if variable.getformalParameter() == output_parameter:
andrej@1864:                             connections = variable.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
andrej@1864:                             if connections is not None:
andrej@1864:                                 expression = self.ComputeExpression(
andrej@1864:                                     body, connections, executionOrderId > 0, True)
andrej@1864:                                 output_value = expression
andrej@1864:                                 break
Laurent@1310:                 else:
Laurent@1310:                     if output_parameter == "":
andrej@1734:                         output_name = "%s%d" % (type, block.getlocalId())
Laurent@1310:                     else:
Edouard@2629:                         output_name = "_TMP_%s%d_%s" % (type, block.getlocalId(), output_parameter)
Laurent@1310:                     output_value = [(output_name, output_info)]
Laurent@1310:                 return self.ExtractModifier(output_variable, output_value, output_info)
Laurent@1310:             if block_infos["type"] == "functionBlock":
Laurent@1310:                 output_info = (self.TagName, "block", block.getlocalId(), "output", output_idx)
andrej@1734:                 output_name = self.ExtractModifier(output_variable, [("%s.%s" % (name, output_parameter), output_info)], output_info)
Laurent@1310:                 if to_inout:
andrej@1734:                     variable_name = "%s_%s" % (name, output_parameter)
Laurent@1310:                     if not self.IsAlreadyDefined(variable_name):
Laurent@1310:                         if self.Interface[-1][0] != "VAR" or self.Interface[-1][1] is not None or self.Interface[-1][2]:
Laurent@1310:                             self.Interface.append(("VAR", None, False, []))
Laurent@1310:                         if variable.connectionPointOut in self.ConnectionTypes:
Laurent@1310:                             self.Interface[-1][3].append(
Laurent@1310:                                 (self.ConnectionTypes[output_variable.connectionPointOut], variable_name, None, None))
Laurent@1310:                         else:
Laurent@1310:                             self.Interface[-1][3].append(("ANY", variable_name, None, None))
Laurent@1310:                         self.Program += [(self.CurrentIndent, ()),
andrej@1734:                                          ("%s := " % variable_name, ())]
Laurent@1310:                         self.Program += output_name
Laurent@1310:                         self.Program += [(";\n", ())]
Laurent@1310:                     return [(variable_name, ())]
Edouard@1418:                 return output_name
Laurent@1310:         if link is not None:
Laurent@1310:             if output_parameter is None:
Laurent@1310:                 output_parameter = ""
andrej@1864:             blockname = _GetBlockName(name, type)
andrej@1765:             raise ValueError(
andrej@1765:                 _("No output {a1} variable found in block {a2} in POU {a3}. Connection must be broken").
andrej@1765:                 format(a1=output_parameter, a2=blockname, a3=self.Name))
andrej@1744:     def GeneratePaths(self, connections, body, order=False, to_inout=False):
Laurent@814:         paths = []
Laurent@814:         for connection in connections:
Laurent@814:             localId = connection.getrefLocalId()
Laurent@814:             next = body.getcontentInstance(localId)
Laurent@1297:             if isinstance(next, LeftPowerRailClass):
Laurent@814:                 paths.append(None)
Laurent@1297:             elif isinstance(next, (InVariableClass, InOutVariableClass)):
Laurent@1322:                 paths.append(str([(next.getexpression(), (self.TagName, "io_variable", localId, "expression"))]))
Laurent@1297:             elif isinstance(next, BlockClass):
Laurent@814:                 block_type = next.gettypeName()
Laurent@814:                 self.ParentGenerator.GeneratePouProgram(block_type)
Laurent@814:                 block_infos = self.GetBlockType(block_type, tuple([self.ConnectionTypes.get(variable.connectionPointIn, "ANY") for variable in next.inputVariables.getvariable() if variable.getformalParameter() != "EN"]))
Laurent@814:                 if block_infos is None:
Laurent@814:                     block_infos = self.GetBlockType(block_type)
Laurent@814:                 if block_infos is None:
andrej@1765:                     raise PLCGenException(
andrej@1765:                         _("Undefined block type \"{a1}\" in \"{a2}\" POU").
andrej@1765:                         format(a1=block_type, a2=self.Name))
Laurent@1134:                 try:
Laurent@1310:                     paths.append(str(self.GenerateBlock(next, block_infos, body, connection, order, to_inout)))
andrej@2418:                 except ValueError as e:
andrej@2447:                     raise PLCGenException(str(e))
Laurent@1297:             elif isinstance(next, ContinuationClass):
Laurent@814:                 name = next.getname()
Laurent@814:                 computed_value = self.ComputedConnectors.get(name, None)
andrej@1743:                 if computed_value is not None:
Laurent@814:                     paths.append(str(computed_value))
Laurent@814:                 else:
Laurent@814:                     connector = None
Laurent@814:                     for instance in body.getcontentInstances():
Laurent@1297:                         if isinstance(instance, ConnectorClass) and instance.getname() == name:
Laurent@814:                             if connector is not None:
andrej@1765:                                 raise PLCGenException(
andrej@1765:                                     _("More than one connector found corresponding to \"{a1}\" continuation in \"{a2}\" POU").
andrej@1765:                                     format(a1=name, a2=self.Name))
Laurent@814:                             connector = instance
Laurent@814:                     if connector is not None:
Laurent@814:                         connections = connector.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
Laurent@814:                         if connections is not None:
Laurent@814:                             expression = self.ComputeExpression(body, connections, order)
Laurent@1239:                             if expression is not None:
Laurent@1239:                                 self.ComputedConnectors[name] = expression
Laurent@1239:                                 paths.append(str(expression))
Laurent@814:                     else:
andrej@1765:                         raise PLCGenException(
andrej@1765:                             _("No connector found corresponding to \"{a1}\" continuation in \"{a2}\" POU").
andrej@1765:                             format(a1=name, a2=self.Name))
Laurent@1297:             elif isinstance(next, ContactClass):
Laurent@814:                 contact_info = (self.TagName, "contact", next.getlocalId())
Laurent@1322:                 variable = str(self.ExtractModifier(next, [(next.getvariable(), contact_info + ("reference",))], contact_info))
Laurent@814:                 result = self.GeneratePaths(next.connectionPointIn.getconnections(), body, order)
andrej@2519:                 if len(result) == 0:
andrej@2519:                     raise PLCGenException(_("Contact \"{a1}\" in POU \"{a2}\" must be connected.").
andrej@2519:                                           format(a1=next.getvariable(), a2=self.Name))
Laurent@814:                 if len(result) > 1:
Laurent@814:                     factorized_paths = self.FactorizePaths(result)
Laurent@814:                     if len(factorized_paths) > 1:
Laurent@814:                         paths.append([variable, tuple(factorized_paths)])
Laurent@814:                     else:
Laurent@814:                         paths.append([variable] + factorized_paths)
andrej@2450:                 elif isinstance(result[0], list):
Laurent@814:                     paths.append([variable] + result[0])
Laurent@814:                 elif result[0] is not None:
Laurent@814:                     paths.append([variable, result[0]])
Laurent@814:                 else:
Laurent@814:                     paths.append(variable)
Laurent@1297:             elif isinstance(next, CoilClass):
andrej@2277:                 paths.append(self.GeneratePaths(next.connectionPointIn.getconnections(), body, order))
Laurent@814:         return paths
andrej@1744:     def ComputePaths(self, paths, first=False):
andrej@2450:         if isinstance(paths, tuple):
Laurent@814:             if None in paths:
Laurent@814:                 return [("TRUE", ())]
Laurent@814:             else:
Laurent@814:                 vars = [self.ComputePaths(path) for path in paths]
Laurent@814:                 if first:
Laurent@814:                     return JoinList([(" OR ", ())], vars)
Laurent@814:                 else:
Laurent@814:                     return [("(", ())] + JoinList([(" OR ", ())], vars) + [(")", ())]
andrej@2450:         elif isinstance(paths, list):
Laurent@814:             vars = [self.ComputePaths(path) for path in paths]
Laurent@814:             return JoinList([(" AND ", ())], vars)
Laurent@814:         elif paths is None:
Laurent@814:             return [("TRUE", ())]
Laurent@814:         else:
Laurent@814:             return eval(paths)
andrej@1744:     def ComputeExpression(self, body, connections, order=False, to_inout=False):
Laurent@814:         paths = self.GeneratePaths(connections, body, order, to_inout)
Laurent@1239:         if len(paths) == 0:
Laurent@1239:             return None
Laurent@814:         if len(paths) > 1:
Laurent@814:             factorized_paths = self.FactorizePaths(paths)
Laurent@814:             if len(factorized_paths) > 1:
Laurent@814:                 paths = tuple(factorized_paths)
Laurent@814:             else:
Laurent@814:                 paths = factorized_paths[0]
Laurent@814:         else:
Laurent@814:             paths = paths[0]
Laurent@814:         return self.ComputePaths(paths, True)
Laurent@814:     def ExtractModifier(self, variable, expression, var_info):
Laurent@814:         if variable.getnegated():
Laurent@814:             return [("NOT(", var_info + ("negated",))] + expression + [(")", ())]
Laurent@814:         else:
Laurent@814:             storage = variable.getstorage()
Laurent@814:             if storage in ["set", "reset"]:
Laurent@814:                 self.Program += [(self.CurrentIndent + "IF ", var_info + (storage,))] + expression
Laurent@814:                 self.Program += [(" THEN\n  ", ())]
Laurent@814:                 if storage == "set":
Laurent@814:                     return [("TRUE; (*set*)\n" + self.CurrentIndent + "END_IF", ())]
Laurent@814:                 else:
Laurent@814:                     return [("FALSE; (*reset*)\n" + self.CurrentIndent + "END_IF", ())]
Laurent@814:             edge = variable.getedge()
Laurent@814:             if edge == "rising":
Laurent@814:                 return self.AddTrigger("R_TRIG", expression, var_info + ("rising",))
Laurent@814:             elif edge == "falling":
Laurent@814:                 return self.AddTrigger("F_TRIG", expression, var_info + ("falling",))
Laurent@814:         return expression
Laurent@814:     def AddTrigger(self, edge, expression, var_info):
Laurent@814:         if self.Interface[-1][0] != "VAR" or self.Interface[-1][1] is not None or self.Interface[-1][2]:
Laurent@814:             self.Interface.append(("VAR", None, False, []))
Laurent@814:         i = 1
andrej@1734:         name = "%s%d" % (edge, i)
Laurent@814:         while self.IsAlreadyDefined(name):
Laurent@814:             i += 1
andrej@1734:             name = "%s%d" % (edge, i)
Laurent@814:         self.Interface[-1][3].append((edge, name, None, None))
Edouard@1418:         self.Program += [(self.CurrentIndent, ()), (name, var_info), ("(CLK := ", ())]
Laurent@814:         self.Program += expression
Laurent@814:         self.Program += [(");\n", ())]
andrej@1734:         return [("%s.Q" % name, var_info)]
Laurent@814:     def ExtractDivergenceInput(self, divergence, pou):
Laurent@814:         connectionPointIn = divergence.getconnectionPointIn()
Laurent@1298:         if connectionPointIn is not None:
Laurent@814:             connections = connectionPointIn.getconnections()
Laurent@814:             if connections is not None and len(connections) == 1:
Laurent@814:                 instanceLocalId = connections[0].getrefLocalId()
Laurent@814:                 body = pou.getbody()
andrej@2450:                 if isinstance(body, list):
Laurent@814:                     body = body[0]
Laurent@814:                 return body.getcontentInstance(instanceLocalId)
Laurent@814:         return None
Laurent@814:     def ExtractConvergenceInputs(self, convergence, pou):
Laurent@814:         instances = []
Laurent@814:         for connectionPointIn in convergence.getconnectionPointIn():
Laurent@814:             connections = connectionPointIn.getconnections()
Laurent@814:             if connections is not None and len(connections) == 1:
Laurent@814:                 instanceLocalId = connections[0].getrefLocalId()
Laurent@814:                 body = pou.getbody()
andrej@2450:                 if isinstance(body, list):
Laurent@814:                     body = body[0]
Laurent@814:                 instances.append(body.getcontentInstance(instanceLocalId))
Laurent@814:         return instances
Laurent@814:     def GenerateSFCStep(self, step, pou):
Laurent@814:         step_name = step.getname()
kinsamanka@3750:         if step_name not in list(self.SFCNetworks["Steps"].keys()):
Laurent@814:             if step.getinitialStep():
Laurent@814:                 self.InitialSteps.append(step_name)
andrej@1739:             step_infos = {"id":          step.getlocalId(),
andrej@1739:                           "initial":     step.getinitialStep(),
andrej@1739:                           "transitions": [],
andrej@1739:                           "actions":     []}
Laurent@889:             self.SFCNetworks["Steps"][step_name] = step_infos
Laurent@1298:             if step.connectionPointIn is not None:
Laurent@814:                 instances = []
Laurent@814:                 connections = step.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
Laurent@814:                 if connections is not None and len(connections) == 1:
Laurent@814:                     instanceLocalId = connections[0].getrefLocalId()
Laurent@814:                     body = pou.getbody()
andrej@2450:                     if isinstance(body, list):
Laurent@814:                         body = body[0]
Laurent@814:                     instance = body.getcontentInstance(instanceLocalId)
Laurent@1297:                     if isinstance(instance, TransitionClass):
Laurent@814:                         instances.append(instance)
Laurent@1297:                     elif isinstance(instance, SelectionConvergenceClass):
Laurent@814:                         instances.extend(self.ExtractConvergenceInputs(instance, pou))
Laurent@1297:                     elif isinstance(instance, SimultaneousDivergenceClass):
Laurent@814:                         transition = self.ExtractDivergenceInput(instance, pou)
Laurent@1298:                         if transition is not None:
Laurent@1297:                             if isinstance(transition, TransitionClass):
Laurent@814:                                 instances.append(transition)
Laurent@1297:                             elif isinstance(transition, SelectionConvergenceClass):
Laurent@814:                                 instances.extend(self.ExtractConvergenceInputs(transition, pou))
Laurent@814:                 for instance in instances:
Laurent@814:                     self.GenerateSFCTransition(instance, pou)
kinsamanka@3750:                     if instance in list(self.SFCNetworks["Transitions"].keys()):
Laurent@814:                         target_info = (self.TagName, "transition", instance.getlocalId(), "to", step_infos["id"])
Laurent@814:                         self.SFCNetworks["Transitions"][instance]["to"].append([(step_name, target_info)])
Laurent@814:     def GenerateSFCJump(self, jump, pou):
Laurent@814:         jump_target = jump.gettargetName()
andrej@1626:         if not pou.hasstep(jump_target):
andrej@1626:             pname = pou.getname()
andrej@1765:             raise PLCGenException(
andrej@1765:                 _("SFC jump in pou \"{a1}\" refers to non-existent SFC step \"{a2}\"").
andrej@1765:                 format(a1=pname, a2=jump_target))
Laurent@1298:         if jump.connectionPointIn is not None:
Laurent@814:             instances = []
Laurent@814:             connections = jump.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
Laurent@814:             if connections is not None and len(connections) == 1:
Laurent@814:                 instanceLocalId = connections[0].getrefLocalId()
Laurent@814:                 body = pou.getbody()
andrej@2450:                 if isinstance(body, list):
Laurent@814:                     body = body[0]
Laurent@814:                 instance = body.getcontentInstance(instanceLocalId)
Laurent@1297:                 if isinstance(instance, TransitionClass):
Laurent@814:                     instances.append(instance)
Laurent@1297:                 elif isinstance(instance, SelectionConvergenceClass):
Laurent@814:                     instances.extend(self.ExtractConvergenceInputs(instance, pou))
Laurent@1297:                 elif isinstance(instance, SimultaneousDivergenceClass):
Laurent@814:                     transition = self.ExtractDivergenceInput(instance, pou)
Laurent@1298:                     if transition is not None:
Laurent@1297:                         if isinstance(transition, TransitionClass):
Laurent@814:                             instances.append(transition)
Laurent@1297:                         elif isinstance(transition, SelectionConvergenceClass):
Laurent@814:                             instances.extend(self.ExtractConvergenceInputs(transition, pou))
Laurent@814:             for instance in instances:
Laurent@814:                 self.GenerateSFCTransition(instance, pou)
kinsamanka@3750:                 if instance in list(self.SFCNetworks["Transitions"].keys()):
Laurent@814:                     target_info = (self.TagName, "jump", jump.getlocalId(), "target")
Laurent@814:                     self.SFCNetworks["Transitions"][instance]["to"].append([(jump_target, target_info)])
Laurent@814:     def GenerateSFCStepActions(self, actionBlock, pou):
Laurent@814:         connections = actionBlock.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
Laurent@814:         if connections is not None and len(connections) == 1:
Laurent@814:             stepLocalId = connections[0].getrefLocalId()
Laurent@814:             body = pou.getbody()
andrej@2450:             if isinstance(body, list):
Laurent@814:                 body = body[0]
Laurent@814:             step = body.getcontentInstance(stepLocalId)
Laurent@814:             self.GenerateSFCStep(step, pou)
Laurent@814:             step_name = step.getname()
kinsamanka@3750:             if step_name in list(self.SFCNetworks["Steps"].keys()):
Laurent@814:                 actions = actionBlock.getactions()
Laurent@814:                 for i, action in enumerate(actions):
andrej@1739:                     action_infos = {"id":        actionBlock.getlocalId(),
andrej@1739:                                     "qualifier": action["qualifier"],
andrej@1739:                                     "content":   action["value"],
andrej@1739:                                     "num":       i}
Laurent@814:                     if "duration" in action:
Laurent@814:                         action_infos["duration"] = action["duration"]
Laurent@814:                     if "indicator" in action:
Laurent@814:                         action_infos["indicator"] = action["indicator"]
Laurent@814:                     if action["type"] == "reference":
Laurent@814:                         self.GenerateSFCAction(action["value"], pou)
Laurent@814:                     else:
andrej@1734:                         action_name = "%s_INLINE%d" % (step_name.upper(), self.GetActionNumber())
andrej@1768:                         self.SFCNetworks["Actions"][action_name] = ([
andrej@1768:                             (self.CurrentIndent, ()),
andrej@1768:                             (action["value"], (
andrej@1768:                                 self.TagName, "action_block", action_infos["id"],
andrej@1768:                                 "action", i, "inline")),
Laurent@814:                             ("\n", ())], ())
Laurent@814:                         action_infos["content"] = action_name
Laurent@814:                     self.SFCNetworks["Steps"][step_name]["actions"].append(action_infos)
Laurent@814:     def GenerateSFCAction(self, action_name, pou):
kinsamanka@3750:         if action_name not in list(self.SFCNetworks["Actions"].keys()):
Laurent@814:             actionContent = pou.getaction(action_name)
Laurent@1298:             if actionContent is not None:
Laurent@814:                 previous_tagname = self.TagName
Edouard@1948:                 self.TagName = ComputePouActionName(self.Name, action_name)
Laurent@814:                 self.ComputeProgram(actionContent)
Laurent@814:                 self.SFCNetworks["Actions"][action_name] = (self.Program, (self.TagName, "name"))
Laurent@814:                 self.Program = []
Laurent@814:                 self.TagName = previous_tagname
Laurent@814:     def GenerateSFCTransition(self, transition, pou):
kinsamanka@3750:         if transition not in list(self.SFCNetworks["Transitions"].keys()):
Laurent@814:             steps = []
Laurent@814:             connections = transition.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
Laurent@814:             if connections is not None and len(connections) == 1:
Laurent@814:                 instanceLocalId = connections[0].getrefLocalId()
Laurent@814:                 body = pou.getbody()
andrej@2450:                 if isinstance(body, list):
Laurent@814:                     body = body[0]
Laurent@814:                 instance = body.getcontentInstance(instanceLocalId)
Laurent@1297:                 if isinstance(instance, StepClass):
Laurent@814:                     steps.append(instance)
Laurent@1297:                 elif isinstance(instance, SelectionDivergenceClass):
Laurent@814:                     step = self.ExtractDivergenceInput(instance, pou)
Laurent@1298:                     if step is not None:
Laurent@1297:                         if isinstance(step, StepClass):
Laurent@814:                             steps.append(step)
Laurent@1297:                         elif isinstance(step, SimultaneousConvergenceClass):
Laurent@814:                             steps.extend(self.ExtractConvergenceInputs(step, pou))
Laurent@1297:                 elif isinstance(instance, SimultaneousConvergenceClass):
Laurent@814:                     steps.extend(self.ExtractConvergenceInputs(instance, pou))
andrej@1739:             transition_infos = {"id":       transition.getlocalId(),
Edouard@1418:                                 "priority": transition.getpriority(),
andrej@1739:                                 "from":     [],
andrej@1739:                                 "to":       [],
andrej@1739:                                 "content":  []}
Laurent@889:             self.SFCNetworks["Transitions"][transition] = transition_infos
Laurent@814:             transitionValues = transition.getconditionContent()
Laurent@814:             if transitionValues["type"] == "inline":
andrej@1734:                 transition_infos["content"] = [("\n%s:= " % self.CurrentIndent, ()),
Laurent@814:                                                (transitionValues["value"], (self.TagName, "transition", transition.getlocalId(), "inline")),
Laurent@814:                                                (";\n", ())]
Laurent@814:             elif transitionValues["type"] == "reference":
Laurent@814:                 transitionContent = pou.gettransition(transitionValues["value"])
Laurent@814:                 transitionType = transitionContent.getbodyType()
Laurent@814:                 transitionBody = transitionContent.getbody()
Laurent@814:                 previous_tagname = self.TagName
Edouard@1948:                 self.TagName = ComputePouTransitionName(self.Name, transitionValues["value"])
Laurent@814:                 if transitionType == "IL":
Laurent@814:                     transition_infos["content"] = [(":\n", ()),
Edouard@1450:                                                    (ReIndentText(transitionBody.getcontent().getanyText(), len(self.CurrentIndent)), (self.TagName, "body", len(self.CurrentIndent)))]
Laurent@814:                 elif transitionType == "ST":
Laurent@814:                     transition_infos["content"] = [("\n", ()),
Edouard@1450:                                                    (ReIndentText(transitionBody.getcontent().getanyText(), len(self.CurrentIndent)), (self.TagName, "body", len(self.CurrentIndent)))]
Laurent@814:                 else:
Laurent@814:                     for instance in transitionBody.getcontentInstances():
andrej@1769:                         if isinstance(instance, OutVariableClass) and instance.getexpression() == transitionValues["value"] or \
andrej@1769:                            isinstance(instance, CoilClass) and instance.getvariable() == transitionValues["value"]:
Laurent@814:                             connections = instance.connectionPointIn.getconnections()
Laurent@814:                             if connections is not None:
Laurent@814:                                 expression = self.ComputeExpression(transitionBody, connections)
Laurent@1239:                                 if expression is not None:
andrej@1734:                                     transition_infos["content"] = [("\n%s:= " % self.CurrentIndent, ())] + expression + [(";\n", ())]
Laurent@1239:                                     self.SFCComputedBlocks += self.Program
Laurent@1239:                                     self.Program = []
andrej@1775:                     if "content" not in transition_infos:
andrej@1765:                         raise PLCGenException(
andrej@1765:                             _("Transition \"%s\" body must contain an output variable or coil referring to its name")
andrej@1765:                             % transitionValues["value"])
Laurent@814:                 self.TagName = previous_tagname
Laurent@814:             elif transitionValues["type"] == "connection":
Laurent@814:                 body = pou.getbody()
andrej@2450:                 if isinstance(body, list):
Laurent@814:                     body = body[0]
Laurent@1298:                 connections = transitionValues["value"].getconnections()
Laurent@814:                 if connections is not None:
Laurent@814:                     expression = self.ComputeExpression(body, connections)
Laurent@1239:                     if expression is not None:
andrej@1734:                         transition_infos["content"] = [("\n%s:= " % self.CurrentIndent, ())] + expression + [(";\n", ())]
Laurent@1239:                         self.SFCComputedBlocks += self.Program
Laurent@1239:                         self.Program = []
Laurent@814:             for step in steps:
Laurent@814:                 self.GenerateSFCStep(step, pou)
Laurent@814:                 step_name = step.getname()
kinsamanka@3750:                 if step_name in list(self.SFCNetworks["Steps"].keys()):
Laurent@814:                     transition_infos["from"].append([(step_name, (self.TagName, "transition", transition.getlocalId(), "from", step.getlocalId()))])
Laurent@814:                     self.SFCNetworks["Steps"][step_name]["transitions"].append(transition)
Laurent@814:     def ComputeSFCStep(self, step_name):
kinsamanka@3750:         if step_name in list(self.SFCNetworks["Steps"].keys()):
Laurent@814:             step_infos = self.SFCNetworks["Steps"].pop(step_name)
Laurent@814:             self.Program += [(self.CurrentIndent, ())]
Laurent@814:             if step_infos["initial"]:
Laurent@814:                 self.Program += [("INITIAL_", ())]
Laurent@814:             self.Program += [("STEP ", ()),
Laurent@814:                              (step_name, (self.TagName, "step", step_infos["id"], "name")),
Laurent@814:                              (":\n", ())]
Laurent@814:             actions = []
Laurent@814:             self.IndentRight()
Laurent@814:             for action_infos in step_infos["actions"]:
Laurent@814:                 if action_infos.get("id", None) is not None:
Laurent@814:                     action_info = (self.TagName, "action_block", action_infos["id"], "action", action_infos["num"])
Laurent@814:                 else:
Laurent@814:                     action_info = ()
Laurent@814:                 actions.append(action_infos["content"])
Laurent@814:                 self.Program += [(self.CurrentIndent, ()),
Laurent@814:                                  (action_infos["content"], action_info + ("reference",)),
Laurent@814:                                  ("(", ()),
Laurent@814:                                  (action_infos["qualifier"], action_info + ("qualifier",))]
Laurent@814:                 if "duration" in action_infos:
Laurent@814:                     self.Program += [(", ", ()),
Laurent@814:                                      (action_infos["duration"], action_info + ("duration",))]
Laurent@814:                 if "indicator" in action_infos:
Laurent@814:                     self.Program += [(", ", ()),
Laurent@814:                                      (action_infos["indicator"], action_info + ("indicator",))]
Laurent@814:                 self.Program += [(");\n", ())]
Laurent@814:             self.IndentLeft()
andrej@1734:             self.Program += [("%sEND_STEP\n\n" % self.CurrentIndent, ())]
Laurent@814:             for action in actions:
Laurent@814:                 self.ComputeSFCAction(action)
Laurent@814:             for transition in step_infos["transitions"]:
Laurent@814:                 self.ComputeSFCTransition(transition)
Laurent@814:     def ComputeSFCAction(self, action_name):
kinsamanka@3750:         if action_name in list(self.SFCNetworks["Actions"].keys()):
Laurent@814:             action_content, action_info = self.SFCNetworks["Actions"].pop(action_name)
andrej@1734:             self.Program += [("%sACTION " % self.CurrentIndent, ()),
Laurent@814:                              (action_name, action_info),
Laurent@1298:                              (":\n", ())]
Laurent@814:             self.Program += action_content
andrej@1734:             self.Program += [("%sEND_ACTION\n\n" % self.CurrentIndent, ())]
Laurent@814:     def ComputeSFCTransition(self, transition):
kinsamanka@3750:         if transition in list(self.SFCNetworks["Transitions"].keys()):
Laurent@814:             transition_infos = self.SFCNetworks["Transitions"].pop(transition)
andrej@1734:             self.Program += [("%sTRANSITION" % self.CurrentIndent, ())]
andrej@1743:             if transition_infos["priority"] is not None:
Laurent@814:                 self.Program += [(" (PRIORITY := ", ()),
andrej@1734:                                  ("%d" % transition_infos["priority"], (self.TagName, "transition", transition_infos["id"], "priority")),
Laurent@814:                                  (")", ())]
Laurent@814:             self.Program += [(" FROM ", ())]
Laurent@814:             if len(transition_infos["from"]) > 1:
Laurent@814:                 self.Program += [("(", ())]
Laurent@814:                 self.Program += JoinList([(", ", ())], transition_infos["from"])
Laurent@814:                 self.Program += [(")", ())]
Laurent@814:             elif len(transition_infos["from"]) == 1:
Laurent@814:                 self.Program += transition_infos["from"][0]
Laurent@814:             else:
andrej@1765:                 raise PLCGenException(
andrej@1765:                     _("Transition with content \"{a1}\" not connected to a previous step in \"{a2}\" POU").
andrej@1765:                     format(a1=transition_infos["content"], a2=self.Name))
Laurent@814:             self.Program += [(" TO ", ())]
Laurent@814:             if len(transition_infos["to"]) > 1:
Laurent@814:                 self.Program += [("(", ())]
Laurent@814:                 self.Program += JoinList([(", ", ())], transition_infos["to"])
Laurent@814:                 self.Program += [(")", ())]
Laurent@814:             elif len(transition_infos["to"]) == 1:
Laurent@814:                 self.Program += transition_infos["to"][0]
Laurent@814:             else:
andrej@1765:                 raise PLCGenException(
andrej@1765:                     _("Transition with content \"{a1}\" not connected to a next step in \"{a2}\" POU").
andrej@1765:                     format(a1=transition_infos["content"], a2=self.Name))
Laurent@814:             self.Program += transition_infos["content"]
andrej@1734:             self.Program += [("%sEND_TRANSITION\n\n" % self.CurrentIndent, ())]
andrej@1847:             for [(step_name, _step_infos)] in transition_infos["to"]:
Laurent@814:                 self.ComputeSFCStep(step_name)
Laurent@814:     def GenerateProgram(self, pou):
Laurent@814:         self.ComputeInterface(pou)
Laurent@814:         self.ComputeConnectionTypes(pou)
Laurent@814:         self.ComputeProgram(pou)
andrej@1734:         program = [("%s " % self.Type, ()),
Laurent@814:                    (self.Name, (self.TagName, "name"))]
Laurent@1310:         if self.ReturnType is not None:
Laurent@814:             program += [(" : ", ()),
Laurent@814:                         (self.ReturnType, (self.TagName, "return"))]
Laurent@814:         program += [("\n", ())]
Laurent@814:         if len(self.Interface) == 0:
andrej@1765:             raise PLCGenException(_("No variable defined in \"%s\" POU") % self.Name)
andrej@1739:         if len(self.Program) == 0:
andrej@1765:             raise PLCGenException(_("No body defined in \"%s\" POU") % self.Name)
Laurent@814:         var_number = 0
andrej@1847:         for list_type, option, _located, variables in self.Interface:
Laurent@814:             variable_type = errorVarTypes.get(list_type, "var_local")
andrej@1734:             program += [("  %s" % list_type, ())]
Laurent@814:             if option is not None:
andrej@1734:                 program += [(" %s" % option, (self.TagName, variable_type, (var_number, var_number + len(variables)), option.lower()))]
Laurent@814:             program += [("\n", ())]
Laurent@814:             for var_type, var_name, var_address, var_initial in variables:
Laurent@814:                 program += [("    ", ())]
Laurent@814:                 if var_name:
Laurent@814:                     program += [(var_name, (self.TagName, variable_type, var_number, "name")),
Laurent@814:                                 (" ", ())]
andrej@1743:                 if var_address is not None:
Laurent@814:                     program += [("AT ", ()),
Laurent@814:                                 (var_address, (self.TagName, variable_type, var_number, "location")),
Laurent@814:                                 (" ", ())]
Laurent@814:                 program += [(": ", ()),
Laurent@814:                             (var_type, (self.TagName, variable_type, var_number, "type"))]
andrej@1743:                 if var_initial is not None:
Laurent@814:                     program += [(" := ", ()),
Laurent@814:                                 (self.ParentGenerator.ComputeValue(var_initial, var_type), (self.TagName, variable_type, var_number, "initial value"))]
Laurent@814:                 program += [(";\n", ())]
Laurent@814:                 var_number += 1
Laurent@814:             program += [("  END_VAR\n", ())]
Laurent@814:         program += [("\n", ())]
Laurent@814:         program += self.Program
andrej@1734:         program += [("END_%s\n\n" % self.Type, ())]
Laurent@814:         return program
Edouard@3704: def GenerateCurrentProgram(controler, project, errors, warnings, **kwargs):
Laurent@814:     generator = ProgramGenerator(controler, project, errors, warnings)
Edouard@2727:     if hasattr(controler, "logger"):
Edouard@2727:         def log(txt):
Edouard@2727:             controler.logger.write("    "+txt+"\n")
Edouard@2727:     else:
Edouard@2727:         def log(txt):
Edouard@2727:             pass
Edouard@3704:     generator.GenerateProgram(log,**kwargs)
Laurent@814:     return generator.GetGeneratedProgram()