author Edouard Tisserant
Tue, 26 Jan 2021 11:17:08 +0100
changeset 3119 17a9c7a334f7
parent 3101 4cbf024a6640
child 3120 7ecaefe38f6f
child 3121 8094494113b6
permissions -rw-r--r--
SVGHMI: Fix browser side exception when some widget are not used, and are then discarded and not present in final SVG. In that case JS code was still making reference to discarded widget elements and was raising exception at init.
// widgets_common.ysl2

in xsl decl labels(*ptr, name="defs_by_labels") alias call-template {
    with "hmi_element", "$hmi_element";
    with "labels"{text *ptr};

decl optional_labels(*ptr) alias - {
    /* TODO add some per label xslt variable to check if exist */
        with "mandatory","'no'";

decl activable_labels(*ptr) alias - {
    optional_labels(*ptr) {
        with "subelements","'active inactive'";

template "svg:*", mode="hmi_widgets" {
    const "widget", "func:widget(@id)";
    const "eltid","@id";
    const "args" foreach "$widget/arg" > "«func:escape_quotes(@value)»"`if "position()!=last()" > ,`
    const "indexes" foreach "$widget/path" {
        choose {
            when "not(@index)" {
                choose {
                    when "not(@type)" {
                        warning > Widget «$widget/@type» id="«$eltid»" : No match for path "«@value»" in HMI tree
                        > undefined
                    when "@type = 'PAGE_LOCAL'" 
                        > "«@value»"
                    when "@type = 'HMI_LOCAL'" 
                        > hmi_local_index("«@value»")
                        error > Internal error while processing widget's non indexed HMI tree path : unknown type
            otherwise {
                > «@index»
        if "position()!=last()" > ,

    const "minmaxes" foreach "$widget/path" {
        choose {
            when "@min and @max"
                > [«@min»,«@max»]
                > undefined
        if "position()!=last()" > ,

    |   "«@id»": new «$widget/@type»Widget ("«@id»",[«$args»],[«$indexes»],[«$minmaxes»],{
    apply "$widget", mode="widget_defs" with "hmi_element",".";
    |   })`if "position()!=last()" > ,`

def "func:unique_types" {
    param "elts_with_type";
    choose {
        when "count($elts_with_type) > 1" {
            const "prior_results","func:unique_types($elts_with_type[position()!=last()])";
            choose {
                when "$elts_with_type[last()][@type = $prior_results/@type]"{
                    // type already in
                    result "$prior_results";
                otherwise {
                    result "$prior_results | $elts_with_type[last()]";
        otherwise {
            result "$elts_with_type";

emit "preamble:local-variable-indexes" {
    let hmi_locals = {};
    var last_remote_index = hmitree_types.length - 1;
    var next_available_index = hmitree_types.length;

    const local_defaults = {
    foreach "$parsed_widgets/widget[@type = 'VarInit']"{
        if "count(path) != 1" error > VarInit «@id» must have only one variable given.
        if "path/@type != 'PAGE_LOCAL' and path/@type != 'HMI_LOCAL'" error > VarInit «@id» only applies to HMI variable.
        | "«path/@value»":«arg[1]/@value»`if "position()!=last()" > ,`
    var cache = => undefined);

    function page_local_index(varname, pagename){
        let pagevars = hmi_locals[pagename];
        let new_index;
        if(pagevars == undefined){
            new_index = next_available_index++;
            hmi_locals[pagename] = {[varname]:new_index}
        } else {
            let result = pagevars[varname];
            if(result != undefined) {
                return result;

            new_index = next_available_index++;
            pagevars[varname] = new_index;
        let defaultval = local_defaults[varname];
        if(defaultval != undefined) 
            cache[new_index] = defaultval; 
        return new_index;

    function hmi_local_index(varname){
        return page_local_index(varname, "HMI_LOCAL");

emit "preamble:widget-base-class" {
    var pending_widget_animates = [];

    class Widget {
        offset = 0;
        frequency = 10; /* FIXME arbitrary default max freq. Obtain from config ? */
        unsubscribable = false;
        pending_animate = false;

            this.element_id = elt_id;
            this.element = id(elt_id);
            this.args = args;
            this.indexes = indexes;
            this.minmaxes = minmaxes;
            Object.keys(members).forEach(prop => this[prop]=members[prop]);

            /* remove subsribers */
                for(let i = 0; i < this.indexes.length; i++) {
                    let index = this.indexes[i];
                        index += this.offset;
            this.offset = 0;
            this.relativeness = undefined;

        sub(new_offset=0, relativeness, container_id){
            this.offset = new_offset;
            this.relativeness = relativeness;
            this.container_id = container_id ;
            /* add this's subsribers */
                for(let i = 0; i < this.indexes.length; i++) {
                    let index = this.get_variable_index(i);
                    if(index == undefined) continue;

        apply_cache() {
            if(!this.unsubscribable) for(let index in this.indexes){
                /* dispatch current cache in newly opened page widgets */
                let realindex = this.get_variable_index(index);
                if(realindex == undefined) continue;
                let cached_val = cache[realindex];
                if(cached_val != undefined)
                    this._dispatch(cached_val, cached_val, index);

        get_variable_index(varnum) {
            let index = this.indexes[varnum];
            if(typeof(index) == "string"){
                index = page_local_index(index, this.container_id);
            } else {
                    index += this.offset;
            return index;

        overshot(new_val, max) {

        undershot(new_val, min) {

        clip_min_max(index, new_val) {
            let minmax = this.minmaxes[index];
            if(minmax !== undefined && typeof new_val == "number") {
                let [min,max] = minmax;
                if(new_val < min){
                    this.undershot(new_val, min);
                    return min;
                if(new_val > max){
                    this.overshot(new_val, max);
                    return max;
            return new_val;

        change_hmi_value(index, opstr) {
            let realindex = this.get_variable_index(index);
            if(realindex == undefined) return undefined;
            let old_val = cache[realindex];
            let new_val = eval_operation_string(old_val, opstr);
            new_val = this.clip_min_max(index, new_val);
            return apply_hmi_value(realindex, new_val);

        apply_hmi_value(index, new_val) {
            let realindex = this.get_variable_index(index);
            if(realindex == undefined) return undefined;
            new_val = this.clip_min_max(index, new_val);
            return apply_hmi_value(realindex, new_val);

        new_hmi_value(index, value, oldval) {
            // TODO avoid searching, store index at sub()
            for(let i = 0; i < this.indexes.length; i++) {
                let refindex = this.get_variable_index(i);
                if(refindex == undefined) continue;

                if(index == refindex) {
                    this._dispatch(value, oldval, i);
        _dispatch(value, oldval, varnum) {
            let dispatch = this.dispatch;
            if(dispatch != undefined){
                try {
          , value, oldval, varnum);
                } catch(err) {

            this.pending_animate = false;

                this.pending_animate = true;


emit "declarations:hmi-classes" {
    const "used_widget_types", "func:unique_types($parsed_widgets/widget)";
    apply "$used_widget_types", mode="widget_class";

template "widget", mode="widget_class"
class «@type»Widget extends Widget{
    /* empty class, as «@type» widget didn't provide any */

const "excluded_types", "str:split('Page Lang VarInit')";
const "included_ids","$parsed_widgets/widget[not(@type = $excluded_types) and not(@id = $discardable_elements/@id)]/@id";

emit "declarations:hmi-elements" {
    | var hmi_widgets = {
    apply "$hmi_elements[@id = $included_ids]", mode="hmi_widgets";
    | }

function "defs_by_labels" {
    param "labels","''";
    param "mandatory","'yes'";
    param "subelements","/..";
    param "hmi_element";
    const "widget_type","@type";
    foreach "str:split($labels)" {
        const "name",".";
        const "elt","$result_svg_ns//*[@id = $hmi_element/@id]//*[@inkscape:label=$name][1]";
        choose {
            when "not($elt/@id)" {
                if "$mandatory='yes'" {
                    error > «$widget_type» widget must have a «$name» element
                // otherwise produce nothing
            otherwise {
                |     «$name»_elt: id("«$elt/@id»"),
                if "$subelements" {
                |     «$name»_sub: {
                    foreach "str:split($subelements)" {
                        const "subname",".";
                        const "subelt","$elt/*[@inkscape:label=$subname][1]";
                        choose {
                            when "not($subelt/@id)" {
                                if "$mandatory='yes'" {
                                    error > «$widget_type» widget must have a «$name»/«$subname» element
                |         /* missing «$name»/«$subname» element */
                            otherwise {
                |         "«$subname»": id("«$subelt/@id»")`if "position()!=last()" > ,`
                |     },

def "func:escape_quotes" {
    param "txt";
    // have to use a python string to enter escaped quote
    // const "frstln", "string-length($frst)";
    choose {
        when !"contains($txt,'\"')"! {
            result !"concat(substring-before($txt,'\"'),'\\\"',func:escape_quotes(substring-after($txt,'\"')))"!;
        otherwise {
            result "$txt";