changeset 1338 c1e6c712cc35
child 1339 6adf05c4508d
equal deleted inserted replaced
1337:204ef2daa33c 1338:c1e6c712cc35
     1 include yslt.yml2
     2 estylesheet xmlns:ppx=""
     3             xmlns:xhtml=""
     4             xmlns:ns="pou_block_instances_ns" 
     5             extension-element-prefixes="ns" 
     6             exclude-result-prefixes="ns" {
     8     template "text()";
    10     template "ppx:pou" {
    11         apply "ppx:body/*[self::ppx:FBD or self::ppx:LD or self::ppx:SFC]/*";
    12     }
    14     function "add_instance" {
    15         param "type";
    16         variable "instance" {
    17             > «ns:AddBlockInstance($type, @localId, ppx:position/@x, ppx:position/@y, @width, @height)»
    18         }
    19     }
    21     function "execution_order" {
    22         choose {
    23             when "@executionOrderId" > «@executionOrderId»
    24             otherwise > 0
    25         }
    26     }
    28     function "ConnectionInfos" {
    29         param "type";
    30         param "modifiers";
    31         param "formalParameter";
    32         variable "negated" {
    33             choose {
    34                 when "$modifiers='input'" > «@negatedIn»
    35                 when "$modifiers='output'" > «@negatedOut»
    36                 otherwise > «@negated»
    37             }
    38         }
    39         variable "edge" {
    40             choose {
    41                 when "$modifiers='input'" > «@edgeIn»
    42                 when "$modifiers='output'" > «@edgeOut»
    43                 otherwise > «@edge»
    44             }
    45         }
    46         variable "instance_connection" {
    47             > «ns:AddInstanceConnection($type, $formalParameter, $negated, $edge, ppx:relPosition/@x, ppx:relPosition/@y)»
    48         }
    49     }
    51     template "ppx:position" {
    52         variable "link_point" {
    53             > «ns:AddLinkPoint(@x, @y)»
    54         }
    55     }
    57     template "ppx:connection" {
    58         variable "connection_link" {
    59             > «ns:AddConnectionLink(@refLocalId, @formalParameter)»
    60         }
    61         apply "ppx:position";
    62     }
    64     template "ppx:connectionPointIn" {
    65         param "modifiers";
    66         param "formalParameter";
    67         call "ConnectionInfos" {
    68             with "type" > input
    69             with "modifiers" > «$modifiers»
    70             with "formalParameter" > «$formalParameter»
    71         }
    72         apply "ppx:connection";
    73     }
    75     template "ppx:connectionPointOut" {
    76         param "modifiers";
    77         param "formalParameter";
    78         call "ConnectionInfos" {
    79             with "type" > output
    80             with "modifiers" > «$modifiers»
    81             with "formalParameter" > «$formalParameter»
    82         }
    83     }
    85     template "ppx:connectionPointOutAction" {
    86         call "ConnectionInfos" {
    87             with "type" > output
    88         }
    89     }
    91     template "ppx:comment" {
    92         variable "type" > «local-name()»
    93         variable "instance_specific_values" {
    94             > «ns:SetSpecificValues(ppx:content/xhtml:p/text())»
    95         }
    96         call "add_instance" {
    97             with "type" > «$type»
    98         }
    99     }
   101     template "ppx:block" {
   102         variable "execution_order" {
   103             call "execution_order";
   104         }
   105         variable "instance_specific_values" {
   106             > «ns:SetSpecificValues(@instanceName, $execution_order)»
   107         }
   108         call "add_instance" {
   109             with "type" > «@typeName»
   110         }
   111         foreach "ppx:inputVariables/ppx:variable" {
   112             apply "ppx:connectionPointIn" {
   113                 with "formalParameter" > «@formalParameter»
   114             }
   115         }
   116         foreach "ppx:outputVariables/ppx:variable" {
   117             apply "ppx:connectionPointOut" {
   118                 with "formalParameter" > «@formalParameter»
   119             }
   120         }
   121     }
   123     template "*[self::ppx:type or self::ppx:baseType or self::ppx:returnType]/ppx:derived" {
   124         > «@name»
   125     }
   127     template "*[self::ppx:type or self::ppx:baseType or self::ppx:returnType]/ppx:string" {
   128         > STRING
   129     }
   131     template "*[self::ppx:type or self::ppx:baseType or self::ppx:returnType]/ppx:wstring" {
   132         > WSTRING
   133     }
   135     template "*[self::ppx:type or self::ppx:baseType or self::ppx:returnType]/*" {
   136         > «local-name()»
   137     }
   139     function "VariableBlockInfos" {
   140         param "type";
   141         variable "expression" > «ppx:expression/text()»
   142         variable "value_type" {
   143             choose {
   144                 when "ancestor::ppx:transition[@name=$expression]" > BOOL
   145                 when "ancestor::ppx:pou[@name=$expression]" {
   146                     apply "ancestor::ppx:pou/child::ppx:interface/ppx:returnType"
   147                 }
   148                 otherwise {
   149                     apply "ancestor::ppx:pou/child::ppx:interface/*/ppx:variable[@name=$expression]/ppx:type"
   150                 }
   151             }
   152         }
   153         variable "execution_order" {
   154             call "execution_order";
   155         }
   156         variable "instance_specific_values" {
   157             > «ns:SetSpecificValues($expression, $value_type, $execution_order)»
   158         }
   159         call "add_instance" {
   160             with "type" > «$type»
   161         }
   162         apply "ppx:connectionPointIn" {
   163             with "modifiers" {
   164                 choose {
   165                     when "$type='inout'" > input
   166                     otherwise > 
   167                 }
   168             }
   169         }
   170         apply "ppx:connectionPointOut" {
   171             with "modifiers" {
   172                 choose {
   173                     when "$type='inout'" > output
   174                     otherwise > 
   175                 }
   176             }
   177         }
   178     }
   180     template "ppx:inVariable" {
   181         call "VariableBlockInfos" with "type", "'input'";
   182     }
   184     template "ppx:outVariable" {
   185         call "VariableBlockInfos" with "type", "'output'";
   186     }
   188     template "ppx:inOutVariable" {
   189         call "VariableBlockInfos" with "type", "'inout'";
   190     }
   192     template "ppx:connector|ppx:continuation" {
   193         variable "type" > «local-name()»
   194         variable "instance_specific_values" {
   195             > «ns:SetSpecificValues(@name)»
   196         }
   197         call "add_instance" {
   198             with "type" > «$type»
   199         }
   200         apply "ppx:connectionPointIn";
   201         apply "ppx:connectionPointOut";
   202     }
   204     template "ppx:leftPowerRail|ppx:rightPowerRail" {
   205         variable "type" > «local-name()»
   206         variable "connectors" {
   207             choose {
   208                 when "$type='leftPowerRail'" > «count(ppx:connectionPointOut)»
   209                 otherwise > «count(ppx:connectionPointIn)»
   210             }
   211         }
   212         variable "instance_specific_values" {
   213             > «ns:SetSpecificValues($connectors)»
   214         }
   215         call "add_instance" {
   216             with "type" > «$type»
   217         }
   218         choose {
   219             when "$type='leftPowerRail'" {
   220                 apply "ppx:connectionPointOut";
   221             }
   222             otherwise {
   223                 apply "ppx:connectionPointIn";
   224             }
   225         }
   226     }
   228     template "ppx:contact|ppx:coil" {
   229         variable "type" > «local-name()»
   230         variable "storage" {
   231             choose {
   232                 when "$type='coil'" > «@storage»
   233                 otherwise > 
   234             }
   235         }
   236         variable "execution_order" {
   237             call "execution_order";
   238         }
   239         variable "instance_specific_values" {
   240             > «ns:SetSpecificValues(ppx:variable/text(), @negated, @edge, $storage, $execution_order)»
   241         }
   242         call "add_instance" {
   243             with "type" > «$type»
   244         }
   245         apply "ppx:connectionPointIn";
   246         apply "ppx:connectionPointOut";
   247     }
   249     template "ppx:step" {
   250         variable "type" > «local-name()»
   251         variable "instance_specific_values" {
   252             > «ns:SetSpecificValues(@name, @initialStep)»
   253         }
   254         apply "ppx:connectionPointOutAction";
   255         call "add_instance" {
   256             with "type" > «$type»
   257         }
   258         apply "ppx:connectionPointIn";
   259         apply "ppx:connectionPointOut";
   260     }
   262     template "ppx:transition" {
   263         variable "type" > «local-name()»
   264         variable "priority" {
   265             choose {
   266                 when "@priority" > «@priority»
   267                 otherwise > 0
   268             }
   269         }
   270         variable "condition_type" {
   271             choose {
   272                 when "ppx:condition/ppx:connectionPointIn" > connection
   273                 when "ppx:condition/ppx:reference" > reference
   274                 when "ppx:condition/ppx:inline" > inline
   275                 otherwise > 
   276             }
   277         }
   278         variable "condition" {
   279             choose {
   280                 when "ppx:reference" > «ppx:condition/ppx:reference/@name»
   281                 when "ppx:inline" > «ppx:condition/ppx:inline/ppx:body/ppx:ST/xhtml:p/text()»
   282                 otherwise > 
   283             }
   284         }
   285         variable "instance_specific_values" {
   286             > «ns:SetSpecificValues($priority, $condition_type, $condition)»
   287         }
   288         apply "ppx:condition/ppx:connectionPointIn";
   289         call "add_instance" {
   290             with "type" > «$type»
   291         }
   292         apply "ppx:connectionPointIn";
   293         apply "ppx:connectionPointOut";
   294     }
   296     template "ppx:selectionDivergence|ppx:selectionConvergence|ppx:simultaneousDivergence|ppx:simultaneousConvergence" {
   297         variable "type" > «local-name()»
   298         variable "connectors" {
   299             choose {
   300                 when "ppx:selectionDivergence|ppx:simultaneousDivergence" {
   301                     > «count(ppx:connectionPointOut)»
   302                 }
   303                 otherwise > «count(ppx:connectionPointIn)»
   304             }
   305         }
   306         variable "instance_specific_values" {
   307             > «ns:SetSpecificValues($connectors)»
   308         }
   309         call "add_instance" {
   310             with "type" > «$type»
   311         }
   312         apply "ppx:connectionPointIn";
   313         apply "ppx:connectionPointOut";
   314     }
   316     template "ppx:jumpStep" {
   317         variable "type" > jump
   318         variable "instance_specific_values" {
   319             > «ns:SetSpecificValues(@targetName)»
   320         }
   321         call "add_instance" {
   322             with "type" > «$type»
   323         }
   324         apply "ppx:connectionPointIn";
   325     }
   327     template "ppx:action" {
   328         variable "type" {
   329             choose {
   330                 when "ppx:reference" > reference
   331                 when "ppx:inline" > inline
   332                 otherwise > 
   333             }
   334         }
   335         variable "value" {
   336             choose {
   337                 when "ppx:reference" > «ppx:reference/@name»
   338                 when "ppx:inline" > «ppx:inline/ppx:ST/xhtml:p/text()»
   339                 otherwise > 
   340             }
   341         }
   342         variable "actionBlock_action" {
   343             > «ns:AddAction(@qualifier, $type, $value, @duration, @indicator)»
   344         }
   345     }
   347     template "ppx:actionBlock" {
   348         variable "type" > «local-name()»
   349         variable "instance_specific_values" {
   350             > «ns:SetSpecificValues()»
   351         }
   352         apply "ppx:action";
   353         call "add_instance" {
   354             with "type" > «$type»
   355         }
   356         apply "ppx:connectionPointIn";
   357     }
   358 }