changeset 11 75ae893d5eed
parent 10 2aff8e8cd456
child 12 a1f9e514f708
equal deleted inserted replaced
10:2aff8e8cd456 11:75ae893d5eed
     1 #!/usr/bin/env python
     2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
     4 #This file is part of Beremiz, a Integrated Development Environment for
     5 #programming IEC 61131-3 automates supporting plcopen standard and CanFestival. 
     6 #
     7 #Copyright (C) 2007: Edouard TISSERANT and Laurent BESSARD
     8 #
     9 #See COPYING file for copyrights details.
    10 #
    11 #This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    12 #modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
    13 #License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    14 #version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    15 #
    16 #This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    17 #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    19 #General Public License for more details.
    20 #
    21 #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
    22 #License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
    23 #Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
    25 from types import *
    27 DicoTypes = {"BOOL":0x01, "SINT":0x02, "INT":0x03,"DINT":0x04,"LINT":0x10,
    28              "USINT":0x05,"UINT":0x06,"UDINT":0x07,"ULINT":0x1B,"REAL":0x08,
    29              "LREAL":0x11,"STRING":0x09,"BYTE":0x02,"WORD":0x03,"DWORD":0x04,
    30              "LWORD":0x1B,"WSTRING":0x0B}
    32 DictLocations = {}
    33 DictCobID = {}
    34 DictLocationsNotMapped = {}
    35 ListCobIDAvailable = []
    36 SlavesPdoNumber = {}
    38 # Constants for PDO types 
    39 RPDO = 1
    40 TPDO = 2
    41 SlavePDOType = {"I" : TPDO, "Q" : RPDO}
    42 InvertPDOType = {RPDO : TPDO, TPDO : RPDO}
    44 DefaultTransmitTypeMaster = 0x01
    46 GenerateMasterMapping = lambda x:[None] + [(loc_infos["type"], name) for name, loc_infos in x]
    48 TrashVariableSizes = {1 : 0x01, 8 : 0x05, 16 : 0x06, 32 : 0x07, 64 : 0x1B}
    51 def GetSlavePDOIndexes(slave, type, parameters = False):
    52     indexes = []
    53     if type & RPDO:
    54         indexes.extend([idx for idx in slave.GetIndexes() if 0x1400 <= idx <= 0x15FF])
    55     if type & TPDO:
    56         indexes.extend([idx for idx in slave.GetIndexes() if 0x1800 <= idx <= 0x19FF])
    57     if not parameters:
    58         return [idx + 0x200 for idx in indexes]
    59     else:
    60         return indexes
    63 def LE_to_BE(value, size): # Convert Little Endian to Big Endian
    64     data = ("%" + str(size * 2) + "." + str(size * 2) + "X") % value
    65     list_car = [data[i:i+2] for i in xrange(0, len(data), 2)]
    66     list_car.reverse()
    67     return "".join([chr(int(car, 16)) for car in list_car])
    71 def SearchSlavePDOMapping(loc_infos, slave): # Search the TPDO or RPDO mapping where location is defined on the slave
    72     typeinfos = slave.GetEntryInfos(loc_infos["type"])
    73     model = (loc_infos["index"] << 16) + (loc_infos["subindex"] << 8) + typeinfos["size"]
    74     slavePDOidxlist = GetSlavePDOIndexes(slave, loc_infos["pdotype"])
    76     for PDOidx in slavePDOidxlist:
    77         values = slave.GetEntry(PDOidx)
    78         if values != None:
    79             for subindex, mapping in enumerate(values):
    80                 if subindex != 0 and mapping == model:
    81                     return PDOidx, subindex
    82     return None
    84 def GenerateMappingDCF(cobid, idx, pdomapping, mapped): # Build concise DCF
    86     # Create entry for RPDO or TPDO parameters and Disable PDO
    87     dcfdata = LE_to_BE(idx, 2) + LE_to_BE(0x01, 1) + LE_to_BE(0x04, 4) + LE_to_BE((0x80000000 + cobid), 4)
    88     # Set Transmit type synchrone
    89     dcfdata += LE_to_BE(idx, 2) + LE_to_BE(0x02, 1) + LE_to_BE(0x01, 4) + LE_to_BE(DefaultTransmitTypeSlave, 1)
    90     # Re-Enable PDO
    91     #         ---- INDEX -----   --- SUBINDEX ----   ----- SIZE ------   ------ DATA ------
    92     dcfdata += LE_to_BE(idx, 2) + LE_to_BE(0x01, 1) + LE_to_BE(0x04, 4) + LE_to_BE(0x00000000 + cobid, 4)
    93     nbparams = 3
    94     if mapped == False and pdomapping != None:
    95     # Map Variables
    96         for subindex, (name, loc_infos) in enumerate(pdomapping):
    97             value = (loc_infos["index"] << 16) + (loc_infos["subindex"] << 8) + loc_infos["size"]
    98             dcfdata += LE_to_BE(idx + 0x200, 2) + LE_to_BE(subindex + 1, 1) + LE_to_BE(0x04, 4) + LE_to_BE(value, 4)
    99             nbparams += 1
   100     return dcfdata, nbparams
   102 def GetNewCobID(nodeid, type): # Return a cobid not used
   103     global ListCobIDAvailable, SlavesPdoNumber
   105     if len(ListCobIDAvailable) == 0:
   106         return None
   108     nbSlavePDO = SlavesPdoNumber[nodeid][type]
   109     if type == RPDO:
   110         if nbSlavePDO < 4:
   111             # For the fourth PDO -> cobid = 0x200 + ( numPdo parameters * 0x100) + nodeid
   112             newcobid = (0x200 + nbSlavePDO * 0x100 + nodeid)
   113             if newcobid in ListCobIDAvailable:
   114                 ListCobIDAvailable.remove(newcobid)
   115                 return newcobid, 0x1400 + nbSlavePDO
   116         return ListCobIDAvailable.pop(0), 0x1400 + nbSlavePDO
   118     elif type == TPDO:
   119         if nbSlavePDO < 4:
   120             # For the fourth PDO -> cobid = 0x180 + (numPdo parameters * 0x100) + nodeid
   121             newcobid = (0x180 + nbSlavePDO * 0x100 + nodeid)
   122             if newcobid in ListCobIDAvailable:
   123                 ListCobIDAvailable.remove(newcobid)
   124                 return newcobid, 0x1800 + nbSlavePDO
   125         return ListCobIDAvailable.pop(0), 0x1800 + nbSlavePDO
   127     for number in xrange(4):
   128         if type == RPDO:
   129             # For the fourth PDO -> cobid = 0x200 + ( numPdo * 0x100) + nodeid
   130             newcobid = (0x200 + number * 0x100 + nodeid)
   131         elif type == TPDO:
   132             # For the fourth PDO -> cobid = 0x180 + (numPdo * 0x100) + nodeid
   133             newcobid = (0x180 + number * 0x100 + nodeid)
   134         else:
   135             return None
   136         if newcobid in ListCobIDAvailable:
   137             ListCobIDAvailable.remove(newcobid)
   138             return newcobid
   139     return ListCobIDAvailable.pop(0)
   142 def GenerateConciseDCF(locations, busname, nodelist):
   143     global DictLocations, DictCobID, DictLocationsNotMapped, ListCobIDAvailable, SlavesPdoNumber, DefaultTransmitTypeSlave
   145     DictLocations = {}
   146     DictCobID = {}
   147     DictLocationsNotMapped = {}
   148     DictSDOparams = {}
   149     ListCobIDAvailable = range(0x180, 0x580)
   150     SlavesPdoNumber = {}
   151     DictNameVariable = { "" : 1, "X": 2, "B": 3, "W": 4, "D": 5, "L": 6, "increment": 0x100, 1:("__I", 0x2000), 2:("__Q", 0x4000)}
   152     DefaultTransmitTypeSlave = 0xFF
   153     # Master Node initialisation
   155     manager = nodelist.Manager
   156     masternode = manager.GetCurrentNodeCopy()
   157     if not masternode.IsEntry(0x1F22):
   158         masternode.AddEntry(0x1F22, 1, "")
   159     manager.AddSubentriesToCurrent(0x1F22, 127, masternode)
   160     # Adding trash mappable variables for unused mapped datas
   161     idxTrashVariables = 0x2000 + masternode.GetNodeID()
   162     TrashVariableValue = {}
   163     manager.AddMapVariableToCurrent(idxTrashVariables, "trashvariables", 3, len(TrashVariableSizes), masternode)
   164     for subidx, (size, typeidx) in enumerate(TrashVariableSizes.items()):
   165         manager.SetCurrentEntry(idxTrashVariables, subidx + 1, "TRASH%d" % size, "name", None, masternode)
   166         manager.SetCurrentEntry(idxTrashVariables, subidx + 1, typeidx, "type", None, masternode)
   167         TrashVariableValue[size] = (idxTrashVariables << 16) + ((subidx + 1) << 8) + size
   170     # Extract Master Node current empty mapping index
   171     CurrentPDOParamsIdx = {RPDO : 0x1400 + len(GetSlavePDOIndexes(masternode, RPDO)),
   172                            TPDO : 0x1800 + len(GetSlavePDOIndexes(masternode, TPDO))}
   174     # Get list of all Slave's CobID and Slave's default SDO server parameters
   175     for nodeid, nodeinfos in nodelist.SlaveNodes.items():
   176         node = nodeinfos["Node"]
   177         node.SetNodeID(nodeid)
   178         DictSDOparams[nodeid] = {"RSDO" : node.GetEntry(0x1200,0x01), "TSDO" : node.GetEntry(0x1200,0x02)}
   179         slaveRpdoIndexes = GetSlavePDOIndexes(node, RPDO, True)
   180         slaveTpdoIndexes = GetSlavePDOIndexes(node, TPDO, True)
   181         SlavesPdoNumber[nodeid] = {RPDO : len(slaveRpdoIndexes), TPDO : len(slaveTpdoIndexes)}
   182         for PdoIdx in slaveRpdoIndexes + slaveTpdoIndexes:
   183             pdo_cobid = node.GetEntry(PdoIdx, 0x01)
   184             if pdo_cobid > 0x600 :
   185                 pdo_cobid -= 0x80000000
   186             if pdo_cobid in ListCobIDAvailable:
   187                 ListCobIDAvailable.remove(pdo_cobid)
   189     # Get list of locations check if exists and mappables -> put them in DictLocations
   190     for locationtype, name in locations:    
   191         if name in DictLocations.keys():
   192             if DictLocations[name]["type"] != DicoTypes[locationtype]:
   193                 raise ValueError, "Conflict type for location \"%s\"" % name 
   194         else:
   195             loc = [i for i in name.split("_") if len(i) > 0]
   196             if len(loc) not in (4, 5):
   197                 continue
   199             prefix = loc[0][0]
   201             # Extract and check busname
   202             if loc[0][1].isdigit():
   203                 sizelocation = ""
   204                 busnamelocation = int(loc[0][1:])
   205             else:
   206                 sizelocation = loc[0][1]
   207                 busnamelocation = int(loc[0][2:])
   208             if busnamelocation != busname:
   209                 continue # A ne pas remplacer par un message d'erreur
   211             # Extract and check nodeid
   212             nodeid = int(loc[1])
   213             if nodeid not in nodelist.SlaveNodes.keys():
   214                 continue
   215             node = nodelist.SlaveNodes[nodeid]["Node"]
   217             # Extract and check index and subindex
   218             index = int(loc[2])
   219             subindex = int(loc[3])
   220             if not node.IsEntry(index, subindex):
   221                 continue
   222             subentry_infos = node.GetSubentryInfos(index, subindex)
   224             if subentry_infos and subentry_infos["pdo"]:
   225                 if sizelocation == "X" and len(loc) > 4:
   226                     numbit = loc[4]
   227                 elif sizelocation != "X" and len(loc) > 4:
   228                     continue
   229                 else:
   230                     numbit = None
   232                 locationtype = DicoTypes[locationtype]
   233                 entryinfos = node.GetSubentryInfos(index, subindex)
   234                 if entryinfos["type"] != locationtype:
   235                     raise ValueError, "Invalid type for location \"%s\"" % name
   237                 typeinfos = node.GetEntryInfos(locationtype)
   238                 DictLocations[name] = {"type":locationtype, "pdotype":SlavePDOType[prefix],
   239                                        "nodeid": nodeid, "index": index,"subindex": subindex, 
   240                                        "bit": numbit, "size": typeinfos["size"], "busname": busname, "sizelocation": sizelocation}
   242     # Create DictCobID with variables already mapped and add them in DictValidLocations
   243     for name, locationinfos in DictLocations.items():
   244         node = nodelist.SlaveNodes[locationinfos["nodeid"]]["Node"]
   245         result = SearchSlavePDOMapping(locationinfos, node)
   246         if result != None:
   247             index, subindex = result
   248             cobid = nodelist.GetSlaveNodeEntry(locationinfos["nodeid"], index - 0x200, 1)
   249             if cobid not in DictCobID.keys():
   250                 mapping = [None]
   251                 values = node.GetEntry(index)
   252                 for value in values[1:]:
   253                     mapping.append(value % 0x100)
   254                 DictCobID[cobid] = {"type" : InvertPDOType[locationinfos["pdotype"]], "mapping" : mapping}
   256             DictCobID[cobid]["mapping"][subindex] = (locationinfos["type"], name)
   258         else:
   259             if locationinfos["nodeid"] not in DictLocationsNotMapped.keys():
   260                 DictLocationsNotMapped[locationinfos["nodeid"]] = {TPDO : [], RPDO : []}
   261             DictLocationsNotMapped[locationinfos["nodeid"]][locationinfos["pdotype"]].append((name, locationinfos))
   263     # Check Master Pdo parameters for cobid already used and remove it in ListCobIDAvailable
   264     ListPdoParams = [idx for idx in masternode.GetIndexes() if 0x1400 <= idx <= 0x15FF or  0x1800 <= idx <= 0x19FF]
   265     for idx in ListPdoParams:
   266         cobid = masternode.GetEntry(idx, 0x01)
   267         if cobid not in DictCobID.keys():
   268             ListCobIDAvailable.pop(cobid)
   270     #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   271     #                         Build concise DCF for the others locations
   272     #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   274     for nodeid, locations in DictLocationsNotMapped.items():
   275         # Get current concise DCF
   276         node = nodelist.SlaveNodes[nodeid]["Node"]
   277         nodeDCF = masternode.GetEntry(0x1F22, nodeid)
   279         if nodeDCF != None and nodeDCF != '':
   280             tmpnbparams = [i for i in nodeDCF[:4]]
   281             tmpnbparams.reverse()
   282             nbparams = int(''.join(["%2.2x"%ord(i) for i in tmpnbparams]), 16)
   283             dataparams = nodeDCF[4:]
   284         else:
   285             nbparams = 0
   286             dataparams = ""
   288         for pdotype in (TPDO, RPDO):
   289             pdosize = 0
   290             pdomapping = []
   291             for name, loc_infos in locations[pdotype]:
   292                 pdosize += loc_infos["size"]
   293                 # If pdo's size > 64 bits
   294                 if pdosize > 64:
   295                     result = GetNewCobID(nodeid, pdotype)
   296                     if result:
   297                         SlavesPdoNumber[nodeid][pdotype] += 1
   298                         new_cobid, new_idx = result
   299                         data, nbaddedparams = GenerateMappingDCF(new_cobid, new_idx, pdomapping, False)
   300                         dataparams += data
   301                         nbparams += nbaddedparams
   302                         DictCobID[new_cobid] = {"type" : InvertPDOType[pdotype], "mapping" : GenerateMasterMapping(pdomapping)}
   303                     pdosize = loc_infos["size"]
   304                     pdomapping = [(name, loc_infos)]
   305                 else:
   306                     pdomapping.append((name, loc_infos))
   307             if len(pdomapping) > 0:
   308                 result = GetNewCobID(nodeid, pdotype)
   309                 if result:
   310                     SlavesPdoNumber[nodeid][pdotype] += 1
   311                     new_cobid, new_idx = result
   312                     data, nbaddedparams = GenerateMappingDCF(new_cobid, new_idx, pdomapping, False)
   313                     dataparams += data
   314                     nbparams += nbaddedparams
   315                     DictCobID[new_cobid] = {"type" : InvertPDOType[pdotype], "mapping" : GenerateMasterMapping(pdomapping)}
   317         dcf = LE_to_BE(nbparams, 0x04) + dataparams
   318         masternode.SetEntry(0x1F22, nodeid, dcf)
   321     #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   322     #                         Master Node Configuration
   323     #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   325     # Configure Master's SDO parameters entries
   326     for nodeid, SDOparams in DictSDOparams.items():
   327         SdoClient_index = [0x1280 + nodeid]
   328         manager.ManageEntriesOfCurrent(SdoClient_index,[], masternode)
   329         if SDOparams["RSDO"] != None:
   330             RSDO_cobid = SDOparams["RSDO"]
   331         else:
   332             RSDO_cobid = 0x600 + nodeid 
   334         if SDOparams["TSDO"] != None:
   335             TSDO_cobid = SDOparams["TSDO"]
   336         else:
   337             TSDO_cobid = 0x580 + nodeid
   339         masternode.SetEntry(SdoClient_index[0], 0x01, RSDO_cobid)
   340         masternode.SetEntry(SdoClient_index[0], 0x02, TSDO_cobid)
   341         masternode.SetEntry(SdoClient_index[0], 0x03, nodeid)
   343     # Configure Master's PDO parameters entries and set cobid, transmit type
   344     for cobid, pdo_infos in DictCobID.items():
   345         current_idx = CurrentPDOParamsIdx[pdo_infos["type"]]
   346         addinglist = [current_idx, current_idx + 0x200]
   347         manager.ManageEntriesOfCurrent(addinglist, [], masternode)
   348         masternode.SetEntry(current_idx, 0x01, cobid)
   349         masternode.SetEntry(current_idx, 0x02, DefaultTransmitTypeMaster)
   350         if len(pdo_infos["mapping"]) > 2:
   351             manager.AddSubentriesToCurrent(current_idx + 0x200, len(pdo_infos["mapping"]) - 2, masternode)
   353         # Create Master's PDO mapping
   354         for subindex, variable in enumerate(pdo_infos["mapping"]):
   355             if subindex == 0:
   356                 continue
   357             new_index = False
   359             if type(variable) != IntType:
   361                 typeidx, varname = variable
   362                 indexname = DictNameVariable[DictLocations[variable[1]]["pdotype"]][0] + DictLocations[variable[1]]["sizelocation"] + str(DictLocations[variable[1]]["busname"]) + "_" + str(DictLocations[variable[1]]["nodeid"])
   363                 mapvariableidx = DictNameVariable[DictLocations[variable[1]]["pdotype"]][1] +  DictNameVariable[DictLocations[variable[1]]["sizelocation"]] * DictNameVariable["increment"]
   365                 if not masternode.IsEntry(mapvariableidx):
   366                     manager.AddMapVariableToCurrent(mapvariableidx, indexname, 3, 1, masternode)
   367                     new_index = True
   368                     nbsubentries = masternode.GetEntry(mapvariableidx, 0x00)
   369                 else:
   370                     nbsubentries = masternode.GetEntry(mapvariableidx, 0x00)
   371                     mapvariableidxbase = mapvariableidx 
   372                     while mapvariableidx < (mapvariableidxbase + 0x1FF) and nbsubentries == 0xFF:
   373                         mapvariableidx += 0x800
   374                         if not manager.IsCurrentEntry(mapvariableidx):
   375                             manager.AddMapVariableToCurrent(mapvariableidx, indexname, 3, 1, masternode)
   376                             new_index = True
   377                         nbsubentries = masternode.GetEntry(mapvariableidx, 0x00)
   379                 if mapvariableidx < 0x6000:
   380                     if DictLocations[variable[1]]["bit"] != None:
   381                         subindexname = "_" + str(DictLocations[variable[1]]["index"]) + "_" + str(DictLocations[variable[1]]["subindex"]) + "_" + str(DictLocations[variable[1]]["bit"])
   382                     else:
   383                         subindexname = "_" + str(DictLocations[variable[1]]["index"]) + "_" + str(DictLocations[variable[1]]["subindex"])
   384                     if not new_index:
   385                         manager.AddSubentriesToCurrent(mapvariableidx, 1, masternode)
   386                         nbsubentries += 1
   387                     masternode.SetMappingEntry(mapvariableidx, nbsubentries, values = {"name" : subindexname})
   388                     masternode.SetMappingEntry(mapvariableidx, nbsubentries, values = {"type" : typeidx})
   390                     # Map Variable
   391                     typeinfos = manager.GetEntryInfos(typeidx)
   392                     if typeinfos != None:
   393                         value = (mapvariableidx << 16) + ((nbsubentries) << 8) + typeinfos["size"]
   394                         masternode.SetEntry(current_idx + 0x200, subindex, value)
   395             else:
   396                 masternode.SetEntry(current_idx + 0x200, subindex, TrashVariableValue[variable])
   398         CurrentPDOParamsIdx[pdo_infos["type"]] += 1
   399     #masternode.Print()
   400     return masternode
   402 if __name__ == "__main__":
   403     from nodemanager import *
   404     from nodelist import *
   405     import sys
   407     manager = NodeManager(sys.path[0])
   408     nodelist = NodeList(manager)
   409     result = nodelist.LoadProject("/home/deobox/Desktop/TestMapping")
   411 ##    if result != None:
   412 ##        print result
   413 ##    else:
   414 ##        print "MasterNode :"
   415 ##        manager.CurrentNode.Print()
   416 ##        for nodeid, node in nodelist.SlaveNodes.items():
   417 ##            print "SlaveNode name=%s id=0x%2.2X :"%(node["Name"], nodeid)
   418 ##            node["Node"].Print()
   420     #filepath = "/home/deobox/beremiz/test_nodelist/listlocations.txt"
   421     filepath = "/home/deobox/Desktop/TestMapping/listlocations.txt"
   423     file = open(filepath,'r')
   424     locations = [location.split(' ') for location in [line.strip() for line in file.readlines() if len(line) > 0]] 
   425     file.close()
   426     GenerateConciseDCF(locations, 32, nodelist)
   427     print "MasterNode :"
   428     manager.CurrentNode.Print()
   429     #masternode.Print()