changeset 725 31dade089db5
parent 724 e0630d262ac3
child 726 ae63ccc29444
equal deleted inserted replaced
724:e0630d262ac3 725:31dade089db5
     1 """
     2 Base definitions for beremiz confnodes
     3 """
     5 import os,sys,traceback
     6 import time
     7 import features
     8 import types
     9 import shutil
    10 from xml.dom import minidom
    11 import wx
    13 #Quick hack to be able to find Beremiz IEC tools. Should be config params.
    14 base_folder = os.path.split(sys.path[0])[0]
    16 from xmlclass import GenerateClassesFromXSDstring
    17 from ProcessLogger import ProcessLogger
    21 _BaseParamsClass = GenerateClassesFromXSDstring("""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
    22         <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
    23           <xsd:element name="BaseParams">
    24             <xsd:complexType>
    25               <xsd:attribute name="Name" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="__unnamed__"/>
    26               <xsd:attribute name="IEC_Channel" type="xsd:integer" use="required"/>
    27               <xsd:attribute name="Enabled" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional" default="true"/>
    28             </xsd:complexType>
    29           </xsd:element>
    30         </xsd:schema>""")["BaseParams"]
    32 NameTypeSeparator = '@'
    34 class MiniTextControler:
    36     def __init__(self, filepath):
    37         self.FilePath = filepath
    39     def CTNFullName(self):
    40         return ""
    42     def SetEditedElementText(self, tagname, text):
    43         file = open(self.FilePath, "w")
    44         file.write(text)
    45         file.close()
    47     def GetEditedElementText(self, tagname, debug = False):
    48         if os.path.isfile(self.FilePath):
    49             file = open(self.FilePath, "r")
    50             text =
    51             file.close()
    52             return text
    53         return ""
    55     def GetEditedElementInterfaceVars(self, tagname, debug = False):
    56         return []
    58     def GetEditedElementType(self, tagname, debug = False):
    59         return "program"
    61     def GetBlockTypes(self, tagname = "", debug = False):
    62         return []
    64     def GetDataTypes(self, tagname = "", basetypes = True, only_locatables = False, debug = False):
    65         return []
    67     def GetEnumeratedDataValues(self, debug = False):
    68         return []
    70     def StartBuffering(self):
    71         pass
    73     def EndBuffering(self):
    74         pass
    76     def BufferProject(self):
    77         pass
    79 # helper func to get path to images
    80 def opjimg(imgname):
    81     return os.path.join(base_folder, "beremiz", "images",imgname)
    83 # helper func to check path write permission
    84 def CheckPathPerm(path):
    85     if path is None or not os.path.isdir(path):
    86         return False
    87     for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
    88          for name in files:
    89              if os.access(root, os.W_OK) is not True or os.access(os.path.join(root, name), os.W_OK) is not True:
    90                  return False
    91     return True
    93 class ConfigTreeNode:
    94     """
    95     This class is the one that define confnodes.
    96     """
    98     XSD = None
    99     CTNChildrenTypes = []
   100     CTNMaxCount = None
   101     ConfNodeMethods = []
   102     LibraryControler = None
   103     EditorType = None
   105     def _AddParamsMembers(self):
   106         self.CTNParams = None
   107         if self.XSD:
   108             self.Classes = GenerateClassesFromXSDstring(self.XSD)
   109             Classes = [(name, XSDclass) for name, XSDclass in self.Classes.items() if XSDclass.IsBaseClass]
   110             if len(Classes) == 1:
   111                 name, XSDclass = Classes[0]
   112                 obj = XSDclass()
   113                 self.CTNParams = (name, obj)
   114                 setattr(self, name, obj)
   116     def __init__(self):
   117         # Create BaseParam 
   118         self.BaseParams = _BaseParamsClass()
   119         self.MandatoryParams = ("BaseParams", self.BaseParams)
   120         self._AddParamsMembers()
   121         self.Children = {}
   122         self._View = None
   123         # copy ConfNodeMethods so that it can be later customized
   124         self.ConfNodeMethods = [dic.copy() for dic in self.ConfNodeMethods]
   125         self.LoadSTLibrary()
   127     def ConfNodeBaseXmlFilePath(self, CTNName=None):
   128         return os.path.join(self.CTNPath(CTNName), "baseconfnode.xml")
   130     def ConfNodeXmlFilePath(self, CTNName=None):
   131         return os.path.join(self.CTNPath(CTNName), "confnode.xml")
   133     def ConfNodeLibraryFilePath(self):
   134         return os.path.join(self.ConfNodePath(), "pous.xml")
   136     def ConfNodePath(self):
   137         return os.path.join(self.CTNParent.ConfNodePath(), self.CTNType)
   139     def CTNPath(self,CTNName=None):
   140         if not CTNName:
   141             CTNName = self.CTNName()
   142         return os.path.join(self.CTNParent.CTNPath(),
   143                             CTNName + NameTypeSeparator + self.CTNType)
   145     def CTNName(self):
   146         return self.BaseParams.getName()
   148     def CTNEnabled(self):
   149         return self.BaseParams.getEnabled()
   151     def CTNFullName(self):
   152         parent = self.CTNParent.CTNFullName()
   153         if parent != "":
   154             return parent + "." + self.CTNName()
   155         return self.BaseParams.getName()
   157     def GetIconPath(self, name):
   158         return opjimg(name)
   160     def CTNTestModified(self):
   161         return self.ChangesToSave
   163     def ProjectTestModified(self):
   164         """
   165         recursively check modified status
   166         """
   167         if self.CTNTestModified():
   168             return True
   170         for CTNChild in self.IterChildren():
   171             if CTNChild.ProjectTestModified():
   172                 return True
   174         return False
   176     def RemoteExec(self, script, **kwargs):
   177         return self.CTNParent.RemoteExec(script, **kwargs)
   179     def OnCTNSave(self):
   180         #Default, do nothing and return success
   181         return True
   183     def GetParamsAttributes(self, path = None):
   184         if path:
   185             parts = path.split(".", 1)
   186             if self.MandatoryParams and parts[0] == self.MandatoryParams[0]:
   187                 return self.MandatoryParams[1].getElementInfos(parts[0], parts[1])
   188             elif self.CTNParams and parts[0] == self.CTNParams[0]:
   189                 return self.CTNParams[1].getElementInfos(parts[0], parts[1])
   190         else:
   191             params = []
   192             if wx.VERSION < (2, 8, 0) and self.MandatoryParams:
   193                 params.append(self.MandatoryParams[1].getElementInfos(self.MandatoryParams[0]))
   194             if self.CTNParams:
   195                 params.append(self.CTNParams[1].getElementInfos(self.CTNParams[0]))
   196             return params
   198     def SetParamsAttribute(self, path, value):
   199         self.ChangesToSave = True
   200         # Filter IEC_Channel and Name, that have specific behavior
   201         if path == "BaseParams.IEC_Channel":
   202             old_leading = ".".join(map(str, self.GetCurrentLocation()))
   203             new_value = self.FindNewIEC_Channel(value)
   204             new_leading = ".".join(map(str, self.CTNParent.GetCurrentLocation() + (new_value,)))
   205             self.GetCTRoot().UpdateProjectVariableLocation(old_leading, new_leading)
   206             return new_value, True
   207         elif path == "BaseParams.Name":
   208             res = self.FindNewName(value)
   209             self.CTNRequestSave()
   210             return res, True
   212         parts = path.split(".", 1)
   213         if self.MandatoryParams and parts[0] == self.MandatoryParams[0]:
   214             self.MandatoryParams[1].setElementValue(parts[1], value)
   215         elif self.CTNParams and parts[0] == self.CTNParams[0]:
   216             self.CTNParams[1].setElementValue(parts[1], value)
   217         return value, False
   219     def CTNMakeDir(self):
   220         os.mkdir(self.CTNPath())
   222     def CTNRequestSave(self):
   223         if self.GetCTRoot().CheckProjectPathPerm(False):
   224             # If confnode do not have corresponding directory
   225             ctnpath = self.CTNPath()
   226             if not os.path.isdir(ctnpath):
   227                 # Create it
   228                 os.mkdir(ctnpath)
   230             # generate XML for base XML parameters controller of the confnode
   231             if self.MandatoryParams:
   232                 BaseXMLFile = open(self.ConfNodeBaseXmlFilePath(),'w')
   233                 BaseXMLFile.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n")
   234                 BaseXMLFile.write(self.MandatoryParams[1].generateXMLText(self.MandatoryParams[0], 0).encode("utf-8"))
   235                 BaseXMLFile.close()
   237             # generate XML for XML parameters controller of the confnode
   238             if self.CTNParams:
   239                 XMLFile = open(self.ConfNodeXmlFilePath(),'w')
   240                 XMLFile.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n")
   241                 XMLFile.write(self.CTNParams[1].generateXMLText(self.CTNParams[0], 0).encode("utf-8"))
   242                 XMLFile.close()
   244             # Call the confnode specific OnCTNSave method
   245             result = self.OnCTNSave()
   246             if not result:
   247                 return _("Error while saving \"%s\"\n")%self.CTNPath()
   249             # mark confnode as saved
   250             self.ChangesToSave = False
   251             # go through all children and do the same
   252             for CTNChild in self.IterChildren():
   253                 result = CTNChild.CTNRequestSave()
   254                 if result:
   255                     return result
   256         return None
   258     def CTNImport(self, src_CTNPath):
   259         shutil.copytree(src_CTNPath, self.CTNPath)
   260         return True
   262     def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
   263         """
   264         Generate C code
   265         @param locations: List of complete variables locations \
   266             [{"IEC_TYPE" : the IEC type (i.e. "INT", "STRING", ...)
   267             "NAME" : name of the variable (generally "__IW0_1_2" style)
   268             "DIR" : direction "Q","I" or "M"
   269             "SIZE" : size "X", "B", "W", "D", "L"
   270             "LOC" : tuple of interger for IEC location (0,1,2,...)
   271             }, ...]
   272         @return: [(C_file_name, CFLAGS),...] , LDFLAGS_TO_APPEND
   273         """
   274         self.GetCTRoot().logger.write_warning(".".join(map(lambda x:str(x), self.GetCurrentLocation())) + " -> Nothing to do\n")
   275         return [],"",False
   277     def _Generate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
   278         # Generate confnodes [(Cfiles, CFLAGS)], LDFLAGS, DoCalls, extra_files
   279         # extra_files = [(fname,fobject), ...]
   280         gen_result = self.CTNGenerate_C(buildpath, locations)
   281         CTNCFilesAndCFLAGS, CTNLDFLAGS, DoCalls = gen_result[:3]
   282         extra_files = gen_result[3:]
   283         # if some files have been generated put them in the list with their location
   284         if CTNCFilesAndCFLAGS:
   285             LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS = [(self.GetCurrentLocation(), CTNCFilesAndCFLAGS, DoCalls)]
   286         else:
   287             LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS = []
   289         # confnode asks for some LDFLAGS
   290         if CTNLDFLAGS:
   291             # LDFLAGS can be either string
   292             if type(CTNLDFLAGS)==type(str()):
   293                 LDFLAGS=[CTNLDFLAGS]
   294             #or list of strings
   295             elif type(CTNLDFLAGS)==type(list()):
   296                 LDFLAGS=CTNLDFLAGS[:]
   297         else:
   298             LDFLAGS=[]
   300         # recurse through all children, and stack their results
   301         for CTNChild in self.IECSortedChildren():
   302             new_location = CTNChild.GetCurrentLocation()
   303             # How deep are we in the tree ?
   304             depth=len(new_location)
   305             _LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS, _LDFLAGS, _extra_files = \
   306                 CTNChild._Generate_C(
   307                     #keep the same path
   308                     buildpath,
   309                     # filter locations that start with current IEC location
   310                     [loc for loc in locations if loc["LOC"][0:depth] == new_location ])
   311             # stack the result
   312             LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS += _LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS
   313             LDFLAGS += _LDFLAGS
   314             extra_files += _extra_files
   316         return LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS, LDFLAGS, extra_files
   318     def ConfNodeTypesFactory(self):
   319         if self.LibraryControler is not None:
   320             return [{"name" : self.CTNType, "types": self.LibraryControler.Project}]
   321         return []
   323     def ParentsTypesFactory(self):
   324         return self.CTNParent.ParentsTypesFactory() + self.ConfNodeTypesFactory()
   326     def ConfNodesTypesFactory(self):
   327         list = self.ConfNodeTypesFactory()
   328         for CTNChild in self.IterChildren():
   329             list += CTNChild.ConfNodesTypesFactory()
   330         return list
   332     def STLibraryFactory(self):
   333         if self.LibraryControler is not None:
   334             program, errors, warnings = self.LibraryControler.GenerateProgram()
   335             return program + "\n"
   336         return ""
   338     def ConfNodesSTLibraryFactory(self):
   339         program = self.STLibraryFactory()
   340         for CTNChild in self.IECSortedChildren():
   341             program += CTNChild.ConfNodesSTLibraryFactory()
   342         return program
   344     def IterChildren(self):
   345         for CTNType, Children in self.Children.items():
   346             for CTNInstance in Children:
   347                 yield CTNInstance
   349     def IECSortedChildren(self):
   350         # reorder children by IEC_channels
   351         ordered = [(chld.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel(),chld) for chld in self.IterChildren()]
   352         if ordered:
   353             ordered.sort()
   354             return zip(*ordered)[1]
   355         else:
   356             return []
   358     def _GetChildBySomething(self, something, toks):
   359         for CTNInstance in self.IterChildren():
   360             # if match component of the name
   361             if getattr(CTNInstance.BaseParams, something) == toks[0]:
   362                 # if Name have other components
   363                 if len(toks) >= 2:
   364                     # Recurse in order to find the latest object
   365                     return CTNInstance._GetChildBySomething( something, toks[1:])
   366                 # No sub name -> found
   367                 return CTNInstance
   368         # Not found
   369         return None
   371     def GetChildByName(self, Name):
   372         if Name:
   373             toks = Name.split('.')
   374             return self._GetChildBySomething("Name", toks)
   375         else:
   376             return self
   378     def GetChildByIECLocation(self, Location):
   379         if Location:
   380             return self._GetChildBySomething("IEC_Channel", Location)
   381         else:
   382             return self
   384     def GetCurrentLocation(self):
   385         """
   386         @return:  Tupple containing confnode IEC location of current confnode : %I0.0.4.5 => (0,0,4,5)
   387         """
   388         return self.CTNParent.GetCurrentLocation() + (self.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel(),)
   390     def GetCurrentName(self):
   391         """
   392         @return:  String "ParentParentName.ParentName.Name"
   393         """
   394         return  self.CTNParent._GetCurrentName() + self.BaseParams.getName()
   396     def _GetCurrentName(self):
   397         """
   398         @return:  String "ParentParentName.ParentName.Name."
   399         """
   400         return  self.CTNParent._GetCurrentName() + self.BaseParams.getName() + "."
   402     def GetCTRoot(self):
   403         return self.CTNParent.GetCTRoot()
   405     def GetFullIEC_Channel(self):
   406         return ".".join([str(i) for i in self.GetCurrentLocation()]) + ".x"
   408     def GetLocations(self):
   409         location = self.GetCurrentLocation()
   410         return [loc for loc in self.CTNParent.GetLocations() if loc["LOC"][0:len(location)] == location]
   412     def GetVariableLocationTree(self):
   413         '''
   414         This function is meant to be overridden by confnodes.
   416         It should returns an list of dictionaries
   418         - IEC_type is an IEC type like BOOL/BYTE/SINT/...
   419         - location is a string of this variable's location, like "%IX0.0.0"
   420         '''
   421         children = []
   422         for child in self.IECSortedChildren():
   423             children.append(child.GetVariableLocationTree())
   424         return {"name": self.BaseParams.getName(),
   425                 "type": LOCATION_CONFNODE,
   426                 "location": self.GetFullIEC_Channel(),
   427                 "children": children}
   429     def FindNewName(self, DesiredName):
   430         """
   431         Changes Name to DesiredName if available, Name-N if not.
   432         @param DesiredName: The desired Name (string)
   433         """
   434         # Get Current Name
   435         CurrentName = self.BaseParams.getName()
   436         # Do nothing if no change
   437         #if CurrentName == DesiredName: return CurrentName
   438         # Build a list of used Name out of parent's Children
   439         AllNames=[]
   440         for CTNInstance in self.CTNParent.IterChildren():
   441             if CTNInstance != self:
   442                 AllNames.append(CTNInstance.BaseParams.getName())
   444         # Find a free name, eventually appending digit
   445         res = DesiredName
   446         suffix = 1
   447         while res in AllNames:
   448             res = "%s-%d"%(DesiredName, suffix)
   449             suffix += 1
   451         # Get old path
   452         oldname = self.CTNPath()
   453         # Check previous confnode existance
   454         dontexist = self.BaseParams.getName() == "__unnamed__"
   455         # Set the new name
   456         self.BaseParams.setName(res)
   457         # Rename confnode dir if exist
   458         if not dontexist:
   459             shutil.move(oldname, self.CTNPath())
   460         # warn user he has two left hands
   461         if DesiredName != res:
   462             self.GetCTRoot().logger.write_warning(_("A child names \"%s\" already exist -> \"%s\"\n")%(DesiredName,res))
   463         return res
   465     def GetAllChannels(self):
   466         AllChannels=[]
   467         for CTNInstance in self.CTNParent.IterChildren():
   468             if CTNInstance != self:
   469                 AllChannels.append(CTNInstance.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel())
   470         AllChannels.sort()
   471         return AllChannels
   473     def FindNewIEC_Channel(self, DesiredChannel):
   474         """
   475         Changes IEC Channel number to DesiredChannel if available, nearest available if not.
   476         @param DesiredChannel: The desired IEC channel (int)
   477         """
   478         # Get Current IEC channel
   479         CurrentChannel = self.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel()
   480         # Do nothing if no change
   481         #if CurrentChannel == DesiredChannel: return CurrentChannel
   482         # Build a list of used Channels out of parent's Children
   483         AllChannels = self.GetAllChannels()
   485         # Now, try to guess the nearest available channel
   486         res = DesiredChannel
   487         while res in AllChannels: # While channel not free
   488             if res < CurrentChannel: # Want to go down ?
   489                 res -=  1 # Test for n-1
   490                 if res < 0 :
   491                     self.GetCTRoot().logger.write_warning(_("Cannot find lower free IEC channel than %d\n")%CurrentChannel)
   492                     return CurrentChannel # Can't go bellow 0, do nothing
   493             else : # Want to go up ?
   494                 res +=  1 # Test for n-1
   495         # Finally set IEC Channel
   496         self.BaseParams.setIEC_Channel(res)
   497         return res
   499     def _OpenView(self, name=None):
   500         if self.EditorType is not None and self._View is None:
   501             app_frame = self.GetCTRoot().AppFrame
   503             self._View = self.EditorType(app_frame.TabsOpened, self, app_frame)
   505             app_frame.EditProjectElement(self._View, self.CTNName())
   507             return self._View
   508         return None
   510     def OnCloseEditor(self, view):
   511         if self._View == view:
   512             self._View = None
   514     def OnCTNClose(self):
   515         if self._View is not None:
   516             app_frame = self.GetCTRoot().AppFrame
   517             if app_frame is not None:
   518                 app_frame.DeletePage(self._View)
   519         return True
   521     def _doRemoveChild(self, CTNInstance):
   522         # Remove all children of child
   523         for SubCTNInstance in CTNInstance.IterChildren():
   524             CTNInstance._doRemoveChild(SubCTNInstance)
   525         # Call the OnCloseMethod
   526         CTNInstance.OnCTNClose()
   527         # Delete confnode dir
   528         shutil.rmtree(CTNInstance.CTNPath())
   529         # Remove child of Children
   530         self.Children[CTNInstance.CTNType].remove(CTNInstance)
   531         # Forget it... (View have to refresh)
   533     def CTNRemove(self):
   534         # Fetch the confnode
   535         #CTNInstance = self.GetChildByName(CTNName)
   536         # Ask to his parent to remove it
   537         self.CTNParent._doRemoveChild(self)
   539     def CTNAddChild(self, CTNName, CTNType, IEC_Channel=0):
   540         """
   541         Create the confnodes that may be added as child to this node self
   542         @param CTNType: string desining the confnode class name (get name from CTNChildrenTypes)
   543         @param CTNName: string for the name of the confnode instance
   544         """
   545         # reorganize self.CTNChildrenTypes tuples from (name, CTNClass, Help)
   546         # to ( name, (CTNClass, Help)), an make a dict
   547         transpose = zip(*self.CTNChildrenTypes)
   548         CTNChildrenTypes = dict(zip(transpose[0],zip(transpose[1],transpose[2])))
   549         # Check that adding this confnode is allowed
   550         try:
   551             CTNClass, CTNHelp = CTNChildrenTypes[CTNType]
   552         except KeyError:
   553             raise Exception, _("Cannot create child %s of type %s ")%(CTNName, CTNType)
   555         # if CTNClass is a class factory, call it. (prevent unneeded imports)
   556         if type(CTNClass) == types.FunctionType:
   557             CTNClass = CTNClass()
   559         # Eventualy Initialize child instance list for this class of confnode
   560         ChildrenWithSameClass = self.Children.setdefault(CTNType, list())
   561         # Check count
   562         if getattr(CTNClass, "CTNMaxCount", None) and len(ChildrenWithSameClass) >= CTNClass.CTNMaxCount:
   563             raise Exception, _("Max count (%d) reached for this confnode of type %s ")%(CTNClass.CTNMaxCount, CTNType)
   565         # create the final class, derived of provided confnode and template
   566         class FinalCTNClass(CTNClass, ConfigTreeNode):
   567             """
   568             ConfNode class is derivated into FinalCTNClass before being instanciated
   569             This way __init__ is overloaded to ensure ConfigTreeNode.__init__ is called 
   570             before CTNClass.__init__, and to do the file related stuff.
   571             """
   572             def __init__(_self):
   573                 # self is the parent
   574                 _self.CTNParent = self
   575                 # Keep track of the confnode type name
   576                 _self.CTNType = CTNType
   577                 # remind the help string, for more fancy display
   578                 _self.CTNHelp = CTNHelp
   579                 # Call the base confnode template init - change XSD into class members
   580                 ConfigTreeNode.__init__(_self)
   581                 # check name is unique
   582                 NewCTNName = _self.FindNewName(CTNName)
   583                 # If dir have already be made, and file exist
   584                 if os.path.isdir(_self.CTNPath(NewCTNName)): #and os.path.isfile(_self.ConfNodeXmlFilePath(CTNName)):
   585                     #Load the confnode.xml file into parameters members
   586                     _self.LoadXMLParams(NewCTNName)
   587                     # Basic check. Better to fail immediately.
   588                     if (_self.BaseParams.getName() != NewCTNName):
   589                         raise Exception, _("Project tree layout do not match confnode.xml %s!=%s ")%(NewCTNName, _self.BaseParams.getName())
   591                     # Now, self.CTNPath() should be OK
   593                     # Check that IEC_Channel is not already in use.
   594                     _self.FindNewIEC_Channel(_self.BaseParams.getIEC_Channel())
   595                     # Call the confnode real __init__
   596                     if getattr(CTNClass, "__init__", None):
   597                         CTNClass.__init__(_self)
   598                     #Load and init all the children
   599                     _self.LoadChildren()
   600                     #just loaded, nothing to saved
   601                     _self.ChangesToSave = False
   602                 else:
   603                     # If confnode do not have corresponding file/dirs - they will be created on Save
   604                     _self.CTNMakeDir()
   605                     # Find an IEC number
   606                     _self.FindNewIEC_Channel(IEC_Channel)
   607                     # Call the confnode real __init__
   608                     if getattr(CTNClass, "__init__", None):
   609                         CTNClass.__init__(_self)
   610                     _self.CTNRequestSave()
   611                     #just created, must be saved
   612                     _self.ChangesToSave = True
   614             def _getBuildPath(_self):
   615                 return self._getBuildPath()
   617         # Create the object out of the resulting class
   618         newConfNodeOpj = FinalCTNClass()
   619         # Store it in CTNgedChils
   620         ChildrenWithSameClass.append(newConfNodeOpj)
   622         return newConfNodeOpj
   624     def ClearChildren(self):
   625         for child in self.IterChildren():
   626             child.ClearChildren()
   627         self.Children = {}
   629     def LoadSTLibrary(self):
   630         # Get library blocks if plcopen library exist
   631         library_path = self.ConfNodeLibraryFilePath()
   632         if os.path.isfile(library_path):
   633             self.LibraryControler = PLCControler()
   634             self.LibraryControler.OpenXMLFile(library_path)
   635             self.LibraryControler.ClearConfNodeTypes()
   636             self.LibraryControler.AddConfNodeTypesList(self.ParentsTypesFactory())
   638     def LoadXMLParams(self, CTNName = None):
   639         methode_name = os.path.join(self.CTNPath(CTNName), "")
   640         if os.path.isfile(methode_name):
   641             execfile(methode_name)
   643         # Get the base xml tree
   644         if self.MandatoryParams:
   645             try:
   646                 basexmlfile = open(self.ConfNodeBaseXmlFilePath(CTNName), 'r')
   647                 basetree = minidom.parse(basexmlfile)
   648                 self.MandatoryParams[1].loadXMLTree(basetree.childNodes[0])
   649                 basexmlfile.close()
   650             except Exception, exc:
   651                 self.GetCTRoot().logger.write_error(_("Couldn't load confnode base parameters %s :\n %s") % (CTNName, str(exc)))
   652                 self.GetCTRoot().logger.write_error(traceback.format_exc())
   654         # Get the xml tree
   655         if self.CTNParams:
   656             try:
   657                 xmlfile = open(self.ConfNodeXmlFilePath(CTNName), 'r')
   658                 tree = minidom.parse(xmlfile)
   659                 self.CTNParams[1].loadXMLTree(tree.childNodes[0])
   660                 xmlfile.close()
   661             except Exception, exc:
   662                 self.GetCTRoot().logger.write_error(_("Couldn't load confnode parameters %s :\n %s") % (CTNName, str(exc)))
   663                 self.GetCTRoot().logger.write_error(traceback.format_exc())
   665     def LoadChildren(self):
   666         # Iterate over all CTNName@CTNType in confnode directory, and try to open them
   667         for CTNDir in os.listdir(self.CTNPath()):
   668             if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.CTNPath(), CTNDir)) and \
   669                CTNDir.count(NameTypeSeparator) == 1:
   670                 pname, ptype = CTNDir.split(NameTypeSeparator)
   671                 try:
   672                     self.CTNAddChild(pname, ptype)
   673                 except Exception, exc:
   674                     self.GetCTRoot().logger.write_error(_("Could not add child \"%s\", type %s :\n%s\n")%(pname, ptype, str(exc)))
   675                     self.GetCTRoot().logger.write_error(traceback.format_exc())
   677     def EnableMethod(self, method, value):
   678         for d in self.ConfNodeMethods:
   679             if d["method"]==method:
   680                 d["enabled"]=value
   681                 return True
   682         return False
   684     def ShowMethod(self, method, value):
   685         for d in self.ConfNodeMethods:
   686             if d["method"]==method:
   687                 d["shown"]=value
   688                 return True
   689         return False
   691     def CallMethod(self, method):
   692         for d in self.ConfNodeMethods:
   693             if d["method"]==method and d.get("enabled", True) and d.get("shown", True):
   694                 getattr(self, method)()
   697 ####################################################################################
   698 ####################################################################################
   699 ####################################################################################
   700 ###################################   ROOT    ######################################
   701 ####################################################################################
   702 ####################################################################################
   703 ####################################################################################
   705 if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
   706     exe_ext=".exe"
   707 else:
   708     exe_ext=""
   710 # import for project creation timestamping
   711 from threading import Timer, Lock, Thread, Semaphore
   712 from time import localtime
   713 from datetime import datetime
   714 # import necessary stuff from PLCOpenEditor
   715 from PLCOpenEditor import PLCOpenEditor, ProjectDialog
   716 from TextViewer import TextViewer
   717 from plcopen.structures import IEC_KEYWORDS, TypeHierarchy_list
   720 import re, tempfile
   721 import targets
   722 from targets.typemapping import DebugTypesSize
   724 import connectors
   725 from discovery import DiscoveryDialog
   726 from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary
   728 MATIEC_ERROR_MODEL = re.compile(".*\.st:(\d+)-(\d+)\.\.(\d+)-(\d+): error : (.*)$")
   733 def CTNClassFactory(classpath):
   734     if type(classpath)==str:
   735         def fac():
   736             mod=__import__(classpath.rsplit('.',1)[0])
   737             return reduce(getattr, classpath.split('.')[1:], mod)
   738         return fac
   739     else:
   740         return lambda:classpath
   742 class ConfigTreeRoot(ConfigTreeNode, PLCControler):
   743     """
   744     This class define Root object of the confnode tree. 
   745     It is responsible of :
   746     - Managing project directory
   747     - Building project
   748     - Handling PLCOpenEditor controler and view
   749     - Loading user confnodes and instanciante them as children
   750     - ...
   752     """
   754     # For root object, available Children Types are modules of the confnode packages.
   755     CTNChildrenTypes =  [(n, CTNClassFactory(c), d) for n,d,h,c in features.catalog]
   757     XSD = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
   758     <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
   759       <xsd:element name="BeremizRoot">
   760         <xsd:complexType>
   761           <xsd:sequence>
   762             <xsd:element name="TargetType">
   763               <xsd:complexType>
   764                 <xsd:choice minOccurs="0">
   765                 """+targets.targetchoices+"""
   766                 </xsd:choice>
   767               </xsd:complexType>
   768             </xsd:element>
   769           </xsd:sequence>
   770           <xsd:attribute name="URI_location" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default=""/>
   771           <xsd:attribute name="Enable_ConfNodes" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional" default="true"/>
   772         </xsd:complexType>
   773       </xsd:element>
   774     </xsd:schema>
   775     """
   777     def __init__(self, frame, logger):
   778         PLCControler.__init__(self)
   780         self.MandatoryParams = None
   781         self.SetAppFrame(frame, logger)
   782         self._builder = None
   783         self._connector = None
   785         self.iec2c_path = os.path.join(base_folder, "matiec", "iec2c"+exe_ext)
   786         self.ieclib_path = os.path.join(base_folder, "matiec", "lib")
   788         # Setup debug information
   789         self.IECdebug_datas = {}
   790         self.IECdebug_lock = Lock()
   792         self.DebugTimer=None
   793         self.ResetIECProgramsAndVariables()
   795         #This method are not called here... but in NewProject and OpenProject
   796         #self._AddParamsMembers()
   797         #self.Children = {}
   799         # In both new or load scenario, no need to save
   800         self.ChangesToSave = False
   801         # root have no parent
   802         self.CTNParent = None
   803         # Keep track of the confnode type name
   804         self.CTNType = "Beremiz"
   805         self.Children = {}
   806         # After __init__ root confnode is not valid
   807         self.ProjectPath = None
   808         self._setBuildPath(None)
   809         self.DebugThread = None
   810         self.debug_break = False
   811         self.previous_plcstate = None
   812         # copy ConfNodeMethods so that it can be later customized
   813         self.ConfNodeMethods = [dic.copy() for dic in self.ConfNodeMethods]
   814         self.LoadSTLibrary()
   816     def __del__(self):
   817         if self.DebugTimer:
   818             self.DebugTimer.cancel()
   819         self.KillDebugThread()
   821     def SetAppFrame(self, frame, logger):
   822         self.AppFrame = frame
   823         self.logger = logger
   824         self.StatusTimer = None
   826         if frame is not None:
   827             # Timer to pull PLC status
   828             ID_STATUSTIMER = wx.NewId()
   829             self.StatusTimer = wx.Timer(self.AppFrame, ID_STATUSTIMER)
   830             self.AppFrame.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.PullPLCStatusProc, self.StatusTimer)
   832             self.RefreshConfNodesBlockLists()
   834     def ResetAppFrame(self, logger):
   835         if self.AppFrame is not None:
   836             self.AppFrame.Unbind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.StatusTimer)
   837             self.StatusTimer = None
   838             self.AppFrame = None
   840         self.logger = logger
   842     def ConfNodeLibraryFilePath(self):
   843         return os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "pous.xml")
   845     def CTNTestModified(self):
   846          return self.ChangesToSave or not self.ProjectIsSaved()
   848     def CTNFullName(self):
   849         return ""
   851     def GetCTRoot(self):
   852         return self
   854     def GetIECLibPath(self):
   855         return self.ieclib_path
   857     def GetIEC2cPath(self):
   858         return self.iec2c_path
   860     def GetCurrentLocation(self):
   861         return ()
   863     def GetCurrentName(self):
   864         return ""
   866     def _GetCurrentName(self):
   867         return ""
   869     def GetProjectPath(self):
   870         return self.ProjectPath
   872     def GetProjectName(self):
   873         return os.path.split(self.ProjectPath)[1]
   875     def GetDefaultTargetName(self):
   876         if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
   877             return "Win32"
   878         else:
   879             return "Linux"
   881     def GetTarget(self):
   882         target = self.BeremizRoot.getTargetType()
   883         if target.getcontent() is None:
   884             target = self.Classes["BeremizRoot_TargetType"]()
   885             target_name = self.GetDefaultTargetName()
   886             target.setcontent({"name": target_name, "value": self.Classes["TargetType_%s"%target_name]()})
   887         return target
   889     def GetParamsAttributes(self, path = None):
   890         params = ConfigTreeNode.GetParamsAttributes(self, path)
   891         if params[0]["name"] == "BeremizRoot":
   892             for child in params[0]["children"]:
   893                 if child["name"] == "TargetType" and child["value"] == '':
   894                     child.update(self.GetTarget().getElementInfos("TargetType")) 
   895         return params
   897     def SetParamsAttribute(self, path, value):
   898         if path.startswith("BeremizRoot.TargetType.") and self.BeremizRoot.getTargetType().getcontent() is None:
   899             self.BeremizRoot.setTargetType(self.GetTarget())
   900         return ConfigTreeNode.SetParamsAttribute(self, path, value)
   902     # helper func to check project path write permission
   903     def CheckProjectPathPerm(self, dosave=True):
   904         if CheckPathPerm(self.ProjectPath):
   905             return True
   906         dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self.AppFrame, 
   907                     _('You must have permission to work on the project\nWork on a project copy ?'),
   908                     _('Error'), 
   909                     wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT | wx.ICON_QUESTION)
   910         answer = dialog.ShowModal()
   911         dialog.Destroy()
   912         if answer == wx.ID_YES:
   913             if self.SaveProjectAs():
   914                 self.AppFrame.RefreshAll()
   915                 self.AppFrame.RefreshTitle()
   916                 self.AppFrame.RefreshFileMenu()
   917                 return True
   918         return False
   920     def NewProject(self, ProjectPath, BuildPath=None):
   921         """
   922         Create a new project in an empty folder
   923         @param ProjectPath: path of the folder where project have to be created
   924         @param PLCParams: properties of the PLCOpen program created
   925         """
   926         # Verify that chosen folder is empty
   927         if not os.path.isdir(ProjectPath) or len(os.listdir(ProjectPath)) > 0:
   928             return _("Chosen folder isn't empty. You can't use it for a new project!")
   930         dialog = ProjectDialog(self.AppFrame)
   931         if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
   932             values = dialog.GetValues()
   933             values["creationDateTime"] = datetime(*localtime()[:6])
   934             dialog.Destroy()
   935         else:
   936             dialog.Destroy()
   937             return _("Project not created")
   939         # Create PLCOpen program
   940         self.CreateNewProject(values)
   941         # Change XSD into class members
   942         self._AddParamsMembers()
   943         self.Children = {}
   944         # Keep track of the root confnode (i.e. project path)
   945         self.ProjectPath = ProjectPath
   946         self._setBuildPath(BuildPath)
   947         # get confnodes bloclist (is that usefull at project creation?)
   948         self.RefreshConfNodesBlockLists()
   949         # this will create files base XML files
   950         self.SaveProject()
   951         return None
   953     def LoadProject(self, ProjectPath, BuildPath=None):
   954         """
   955         Load a project contained in a folder
   956         @param ProjectPath: path of the project folder
   957         """
   958         if os.path.basename(ProjectPath) == "":
   959             ProjectPath = os.path.dirname(ProjectPath)
   960 		# Verify that project contains a PLCOpen program
   961         plc_file = os.path.join(ProjectPath, "plc.xml")
   962         if not os.path.isfile(plc_file):
   963             return _("Chosen folder doesn't contain a program. It's not a valid project!")
   964         # Load PLCOpen file
   965         result = self.OpenXMLFile(plc_file)
   966         if result:
   967             return result
   968         # Change XSD into class members
   969         self._AddParamsMembers()
   970         self.Children = {}
   971         # Keep track of the root confnode (i.e. project path)
   972         self.ProjectPath = ProjectPath
   973         self._setBuildPath(BuildPath)
   974         # If dir have already be made, and file exist
   975         if os.path.isdir(self.CTNPath()) and os.path.isfile(self.ConfNodeXmlFilePath()):
   976             #Load the confnode.xml file into parameters members
   977             result = self.LoadXMLParams()
   978             if result:
   979                 return result
   980             #Load and init all the children
   981             self.LoadChildren()
   982         self.RefreshConfNodesBlockLists()
   984         if os.path.exists(self._getBuildPath()):
   985             self.EnableMethod("_Clean", True)
   987         if os.path.isfile(self._getIECrawcodepath()):
   988             self.ShowMethod("_showIECcode", True)
   990         return None
   992     def CloseProject(self):
   993         self.ClearChildren()
   994         self.ResetAppFrame(None)
   996     def SaveProject(self):
   997         if self.CheckProjectPathPerm(False):
   998             self.SaveXMLFile(os.path.join(self.ProjectPath, 'plc.xml'))
   999             result = self.CTNRequestSave()
  1000             if result:
  1001                 self.logger.write_error(result)
  1003     def SaveProjectAs(self, dosave=True):
  1004         # Ask user to choose a path with write permissions
  1005         if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
  1006             path = os.getenv("USERPROFILE")
  1007         else:
  1008             path = os.getenv("HOME")
  1009         dirdialog = wx.DirDialog(self.AppFrame , _("Choose a directory to save project"), path, wx.DD_NEW_DIR_BUTTON)
  1010         answer = dirdialog.ShowModal()
  1011         dirdialog.Destroy()
  1012         if answer == wx.ID_OK:
  1013             newprojectpath = dirdialog.GetPath()
  1014             if os.path.isdir(newprojectpath):
  1015                 self.ProjectPath = newprojectpath
  1016                 if dosave:
  1017                     self.SaveProject()
  1018                 self._setBuildPath(self.BuildPath)
  1019                 return True
  1020         return False
  1022     # Update PLCOpenEditor ConfNode Block types from loaded confnodes
  1023     def RefreshConfNodesBlockLists(self):
  1024         if getattr(self, "Children", None) is not None:
  1025             self.ClearConfNodeTypes()
  1026             self.AddConfNodeTypesList(self.ConfNodesTypesFactory())
  1027         if self.AppFrame is not None:
  1028             self.AppFrame.RefreshLibraryPanel()
  1029             self.AppFrame.RefreshEditor()
  1031     # Update a PLCOpenEditor Pou variable location
  1032     def UpdateProjectVariableLocation(self, old_leading, new_leading):
  1033         self.Project.updateElementAddress(old_leading, new_leading)
  1034         self.BufferProject()
  1035         if self.AppFrame is not None:
  1036             self.AppFrame.RefreshTitle()
  1037             self.AppFrame.RefreshInstancesTree()
  1038             self.AppFrame.RefreshFileMenu()
  1039             self.AppFrame.RefreshEditMenu()
  1040             self.AppFrame.RefreshEditor()
  1042     def GetVariableLocationTree(self):
  1043         '''
  1044         This function is meant to be overridden by confnodes.
  1046         It should returns an list of dictionaries
  1048         - IEC_type is an IEC type like BOOL/BYTE/SINT/...
  1049         - location is a string of this variable's location, like "%IX0.0.0"
  1050         '''
  1051         children = []
  1052         for child in self.IECSortedChildren():
  1053             children.append(child.GetVariableLocationTree())
  1054         return children
  1056     def ConfNodePath(self):
  1057         return os.path.split(__file__)[0]
  1059     def CTNPath(self, CTNName=None):
  1060         return self.ProjectPath
  1062     def ConfNodeXmlFilePath(self, CTNName=None):
  1063         return os.path.join(self.CTNPath(CTNName), "beremiz.xml")
  1065     def ParentsTypesFactory(self):
  1066         return self.ConfNodeTypesFactory()
  1068     def _setBuildPath(self, buildpath):
  1069         if CheckPathPerm(buildpath):
  1070             self.BuildPath = buildpath
  1071         else:
  1072             self.BuildPath = None
  1073         self.BuildPath = buildpath
  1074         self.DefaultBuildPath = None
  1075         if self._builder is not None:
  1076             self._builder.SetBuildPath(self._getBuildPath())
  1078     def _getBuildPath(self):
  1079         # BuildPath is defined by user
  1080         if self.BuildPath is not None:
  1081             return self.BuildPath
  1082         # BuildPath isn't defined by user but already created by default
  1083         if self.DefaultBuildPath is not None:
  1084             return self.DefaultBuildPath
  1085         # Create a build path in project folder if user has permissions
  1086         if CheckPathPerm(self.ProjectPath):
  1087             self.DefaultBuildPath = os.path.join(self.ProjectPath, "build")
  1088         # Create a build path in temp folder
  1089         else:
  1090             self.DefaultBuildPath = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), os.path.basename(self.ProjectPath), "build")
  1092         if not os.path.exists(self.DefaultBuildPath):
  1093             os.makedirs(self.DefaultBuildPath)
  1094         return self.DefaultBuildPath
  1096     def _getExtraFilesPath(self):
  1097         return os.path.join(self._getBuildPath(), "extra_files")
  1099     def _getIECcodepath(self):
  1100         # define name for IEC code file
  1101         return os.path.join(self._getBuildPath(), "")
  1103     def _getIECgeneratedcodepath(self):
  1104         # define name for IEC generated code file
  1105         return os.path.join(self._getBuildPath(), "")
  1107     def _getIECrawcodepath(self):
  1108         # define name for IEC raw code file
  1109         return os.path.join(self.CTNPath(), "")
  1111     def GetLocations(self):
  1112         locations = []
  1113         filepath = os.path.join(self._getBuildPath(),"LOCATED_VARIABLES.h")
  1114         if os.path.isfile(filepath):
  1115             # IEC2C compiler generate a list of located variables : LOCATED_VARIABLES.h
  1116             location_file = open(os.path.join(self._getBuildPath(),"LOCATED_VARIABLES.h"))
  1117             # each line of LOCATED_VARIABLES.h declares a located variable
  1118             lines = [line.strip() for line in location_file.readlines()]
  1119             # This regular expression parses the lines genereated by IEC2C
  1120             LOCATED_MODEL = re.compile("__LOCATED_VAR\((?P<IEC_TYPE>[A-Z]*),(?P<NAME>[_A-Za-z0-9]*),(?P<DIR>[QMI])(?:,(?P<SIZE>[XBWDL]))?,(?P<LOC>[,0-9]*)\)")
  1121             for line in lines:
  1122                 # If line match RE, 
  1123                 result = LOCATED_MODEL.match(line)
  1124                 if result:
  1125                     # Get the resulting dict
  1126                     resdict = result.groupdict()
  1127                     # rewrite string for variadic location as a tuple of integers
  1128                     resdict['LOC'] = tuple(map(int,resdict['LOC'].split(',')))
  1129                     # set located size to 'X' if not given 
  1130                     if not resdict['SIZE']:
  1131                         resdict['SIZE'] = 'X'
  1132                     # finally store into located variable list
  1133                     locations.append(resdict)
  1134         return locations
  1136     def _Generate_SoftPLC(self):
  1137         """
  1138         Generate SoftPLC ST/IL/SFC code out of PLCOpenEditor controller, and compile it with IEC2C
  1139         @param buildpath: path where files should be created
  1140         """
  1142         # Update PLCOpenEditor ConfNode Block types before generate ST code
  1143         self.RefreshConfNodesBlockLists()
  1145         self.logger.write(_("Generating SoftPLC IEC-61131 ST/IL/SFC code...\n"))
  1146         buildpath = self._getBuildPath()
  1147         # ask PLCOpenEditor controller to write ST/IL/SFC code file
  1148         program, errors, warnings = self.GenerateProgram(self._getIECgeneratedcodepath())
  1149         if len(warnings) > 0:
  1150             self.logger.write_warning(_("Warnings in ST/IL/SFC code generator :\n"))
  1151             for warning in warnings:
  1152                 self.logger.write_warning("%s\n"%warning)
  1153         if len(errors) > 0:
  1154             # Failed !
  1155             self.logger.write_error(_("Error in ST/IL/SFC code generator :\n%s\n")%errors[0])
  1156             return False
  1157         plc_file = open(self._getIECcodepath(), "w")
  1158         # Add ST Library from confnodes
  1159         plc_file.write(self.ConfNodesSTLibraryFactory())
  1160         if os.path.isfile(self._getIECrawcodepath()):
  1161             plc_file.write(open(self._getIECrawcodepath(), "r").read())
  1162             plc_file.write("\n")
  1163         plc_file.close()
  1164         plc_file = open(self._getIECcodepath(), "r")
  1165         self.ProgramOffset = 0
  1166         for line in plc_file.xreadlines():
  1167             self.ProgramOffset += 1
  1168         plc_file.close()
  1169         plc_file = open(self._getIECcodepath(), "a")
  1170         plc_file.write(open(self._getIECgeneratedcodepath(), "r").read())
  1171         plc_file.close()
  1173         self.logger.write(_("Compiling IEC Program into C code...\n"))
  1175         # Now compile IEC code into many C files
  1176         # files are listed to stdout, and errors to stderr. 
  1177         status, result, err_result = ProcessLogger(
  1178                self.logger,
  1179                "\"%s\" -f -I \"%s\" -T \"%s\" \"%s\""%(
  1180                          self.iec2c_path,
  1181                          self.ieclib_path, 
  1182                          buildpath,
  1183                          self._getIECcodepath()),
  1184                no_stdout=True, no_stderr=True).spin()
  1185         if status:
  1186             # Failed !
  1188             # parse iec2c's error message. if it contains a line number,
  1189             # then print those lines from the generated IEC file.
  1190             for err_line in err_result.split('\n'):
  1191                 self.logger.write_warning(err_line + "\n")
  1193                 m_result = MATIEC_ERROR_MODEL.match(err_line)
  1194                 if m_result is not None:
  1195                     first_line, first_column, last_line, last_column, error = m_result.groups()
  1196                     first_line, last_line = int(first_line), int(last_line)
  1198                     last_section = None
  1199                     f = open(self._getIECcodepath())
  1201                     for i, line in enumerate(f.readlines()):
  1202                         i = i + 1
  1203                         if line[0] not in '\t \r\n':
  1204                             last_section = line
  1206                         if first_line <= i <= last_line:
  1207                             if last_section is not None:
  1208                                 self.logger.write_warning("In section: " + last_section)
  1209                                 last_section = None # only write section once
  1210                             self.logger.write_warning("%04d: %s" % (i, line))
  1212                     f.close()
  1214             self.logger.write_error(_("Error : IEC to C compiler returned %d\n")%status)
  1215             return False
  1217         # Now extract C files of stdout
  1218         C_files = [ fname for fname in result.splitlines() if fname[-2:]==".c" or fname[-2:]==".C" ]
  1219         # remove those that are not to be compiled because included by others
  1220         C_files.remove("POUS.c")
  1221         if not C_files:
  1222             self.logger.write_error(_("Error : At least one configuration and one resource must be declared in PLC !\n"))
  1223             return False
  1224         # transform those base names to full names with path
  1225         C_files = map(lambda filename:os.path.join(buildpath, filename), C_files)
  1226         self.logger.write(_("Extracting Located Variables...\n"))
  1227         # Keep track of generated located variables for later use by self._Generate_C
  1228         self.PLCGeneratedLocatedVars = self.GetLocations()
  1229         # Keep track of generated C files for later use by self.CTNGenerate_C
  1230         self.PLCGeneratedCFiles = C_files
  1231         # compute CFLAGS for plc
  1232         self.plcCFLAGS = "\"-I"+self.ieclib_path+"\""
  1233         return True
  1235     def GetBuilder(self):
  1236         """
  1237         Return a Builder (compile C code into machine code)
  1238         """
  1239         # Get target, module and class name
  1240         targetname = self.GetTarget().getcontent()["name"]
  1241         modulename = "targets." + targetname
  1242         classname = targetname + "_target"
  1244         # Get module reference
  1245         try :
  1246             targetmodule = getattr(__import__(modulename), targetname)
  1248         except Exception, msg:
  1249             self.logger.write_error(_("Can't find module for target %s!\n")%targetname)
  1250             self.logger.write_error(str(msg))
  1251             return None
  1253         # Get target class
  1254         targetclass = getattr(targetmodule, classname)
  1256         # if target already 
  1257         if self._builder is None or not isinstance(self._builder,targetclass):
  1258             # Get classname instance
  1259             self._builder = targetclass(self)
  1260         return self._builder
  1262     def ResetBuildMD5(self):
  1263         builder=self.GetBuilder()
  1264         if builder is not None:
  1265             builder.ResetBinaryCodeMD5()
  1266         self.EnableMethod("_Transfer", False)
  1268     def GetLastBuildMD5(self):
  1269         builder=self.GetBuilder()
  1270         if builder is not None:
  1271             return builder.GetBinaryCodeMD5()
  1272         else:
  1273             return None
  1275     #######################################################################
  1276     #
  1277     #                C CODE GENERATION METHODS
  1278     #
  1279     #######################################################################
  1281     def CTNGenerate_C(self, buildpath, locations):
  1282         """
  1283         Return C code generated by iec2c compiler 
  1284         when _generate_softPLC have been called
  1285         @param locations: ignored
  1286         @return: [(C_file_name, CFLAGS),...] , LDFLAGS_TO_APPEND
  1287         """
  1289         return ([(C_file_name, self.plcCFLAGS) 
  1290                 for C_file_name in self.PLCGeneratedCFiles ], 
  1291                "", # no ldflags
  1292                False) # do not expose retreive/publish calls
  1294     def ResetIECProgramsAndVariables(self):
  1295         """
  1296         Reset variable and program list that are parsed from
  1297         CSV file generated by IEC2C compiler.
  1298         """
  1299         self._ProgramList = None
  1300         self._VariablesList = None
  1301         self._IECPathToIdx = {}
  1302         self._Ticktime = 0
  1303         self.TracedIECPath = []
  1305     def GetIECProgramsAndVariables(self):
  1306         """
  1307         Parse CSV-like file  VARIABLES.csv resulting from IEC2C compiler.
  1308         Each section is marked with a line staring with '//'
  1309         list of all variables used in various POUs
  1310         """
  1311         if self._ProgramList is None or self._VariablesList is None:
  1312             try:
  1313                 csvfile = os.path.join(self._getBuildPath(),"VARIABLES.csv")
  1314                 # describes CSV columns
  1315                 ProgramsListAttributeName = ["num", "C_path", "type"]
  1316                 VariablesListAttributeName = ["num", "vartype", "IEC_path", "C_path", "type"]
  1317                 self._ProgramList = []
  1318                 self._VariablesList = []
  1319                 self._IECPathToIdx = {}
  1321                 # Separate sections
  1322                 ListGroup = []
  1323                 for line in open(csvfile,'r').xreadlines():
  1324                     strippedline = line.strip()
  1325                     if strippedline.startswith("//"):
  1326                         # Start new section
  1327                         ListGroup.append([])
  1328                     elif len(strippedline) > 0 and len(ListGroup) > 0:
  1329                         # append to this section
  1330                         ListGroup[-1].append(strippedline)
  1332                 # first section contains programs
  1333                 for line in ListGroup[0]:
  1334                     # Split and Maps each field to dictionnary entries
  1335                     attrs = dict(zip(ProgramsListAttributeName,line.strip().split(';')))
  1336                     # Truncate "C_path" to remove conf an ressources names
  1337                     attrs["C_path"] = '__'.join(attrs["C_path"].split(".",2)[1:])
  1338                     # Push this dictionnary into result.
  1339                     self._ProgramList.append(attrs)
  1341                 # second section contains all variables
  1342                 for line in ListGroup[1]:
  1343                     # Split and Maps each field to dictionnary entries
  1344                     attrs = dict(zip(VariablesListAttributeName,line.strip().split(';')))
  1345                     # Truncate "C_path" to remove conf an ressources names
  1346                     parts = attrs["C_path"].split(".",2)
  1347                     if len(parts) > 2:
  1348                         attrs["C_path"] = '__'.join(parts[1:])
  1349                     else:
  1350                         attrs["C_path"] = '__'.join(parts)
  1351                     # Push this dictionnary into result.
  1352                     self._VariablesList.append(attrs)
  1353                     # Fill in IEC<->C translation dicts
  1354                     IEC_path=attrs["IEC_path"]
  1355                     Idx=int(attrs["num"])
  1356                     self._IECPathToIdx[IEC_path]=(Idx, attrs["type"])
  1358                 # third section contains ticktime
  1359                 if len(ListGroup) > 2:
  1360                     self._Ticktime = int(ListGroup[2][0]) 
  1362             except Exception,e:
  1363                 self.logger.write_error(_("Cannot open/parse VARIABLES.csv!\n"))
  1364                 self.logger.write_error(traceback.format_exc())
  1365                 self.ResetIECProgramsAndVariables()
  1366                 return False
  1368         return True
  1370     def Generate_plc_debugger(self):
  1371         """
  1372         Generate trace/debug code out of PLC variable list
  1373         """
  1374         self.GetIECProgramsAndVariables()
  1376         # prepare debug code
  1377         debug_code = targets.code("plc_debug") % {
  1378            "buffer_size": reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, [DebugTypesSize.get(v["type"], 0) for v in self._VariablesList], 0),
  1379            "programs_declarations":
  1380                "\n".join(["extern %(type)s %(C_path)s;"%p for p in self._ProgramList]),
  1381            "extern_variables_declarations":"\n".join([
  1382               {"EXT":"extern __IEC_%(type)s_p %(C_path)s;",
  1383                "IN":"extern __IEC_%(type)s_p %(C_path)s;",
  1384                "MEM":"extern __IEC_%(type)s_p %(C_path)s;",
  1385                "OUT":"extern __IEC_%(type)s_p %(C_path)s;",
  1386                "VAR":"extern __IEC_%(type)s_t %(C_path)s;"}[v["vartype"]]%v 
  1387                for v in self._VariablesList if v["vartype"] != "FB" and v["C_path"].find('.')<0]),
  1388            "for_each_variable_do_code":"\n".join([
  1389                {"EXT":"    (*fp)((void*)&%(C_path)s,%(type)s_P_ENUM);\n",
  1390                 "IN":"    (*fp)((void*)&%(C_path)s,%(type)s_P_ENUM);\n",
  1391                 "MEM":"    (*fp)((void*)&%(C_path)s,%(type)s_O_ENUM);\n",
  1392                 "OUT":"    (*fp)((void*)&%(C_path)s,%(type)s_O_ENUM);\n",
  1393                 "VAR":"    (*fp)((void*)&%(C_path)s,%(type)s_ENUM);\n"}[v["vartype"]]%v
  1394                 for v in self._VariablesList if v["vartype"] != "FB" and v["type"] in DebugTypesSize ]),
  1395            "find_variable_case_code":"\n".join([
  1396                "    case %(num)s:\n"%v+
  1397                "        *varp = (void*)&%(C_path)s;\n"%v+
  1398                {"EXT":"        return %(type)s_P_ENUM;\n",
  1399                 "IN":"        return %(type)s_P_ENUM;\n",
  1400                 "MEM":"        return %(type)s_O_ENUM;\n",
  1401                 "OUT":"        return %(type)s_O_ENUM;\n",
  1402                 "VAR":"        return %(type)s_ENUM;\n"}[v["vartype"]]%v
  1403                 for v in self._VariablesList if v["vartype"] != "FB" and v["type"] in DebugTypesSize ])}
  1405         return debug_code
  1407     def Generate_plc_common_main(self):
  1408         """
  1409         Use confnodes layout given in LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS to
  1410         generate glue code that dispatch calls to all confnodes
  1411         """
  1412         # filter location that are related to code that will be called
  1413         # in retreive, publish, init, cleanup
  1414         locstrs = map(lambda x:"_".join(map(str,x)),
  1415            [loc for loc,Cfiles,DoCalls in self.LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS if loc and DoCalls])
  1417         # Generate main, based on template
  1418         if self.BeremizRoot.getEnable_ConfNodes():
  1419             plc_main_code = targets.code("plc_common_main") % {
  1420                 "calls_prototypes":"\n".join([(
  1421                       "int __init_%(s)s(int argc,char **argv);\n"+
  1422                       "void __cleanup_%(s)s(void);\n"+
  1423                       "void __retrieve_%(s)s(void);\n"+
  1424                       "void __publish_%(s)s(void);")%{'s':locstr} for locstr in locstrs]),
  1425                 "retrieve_calls":"\n    ".join([
  1426                       "__retrieve_%s();"%locstrs[i-1] for i in xrange(len(locstrs), 0, -1)]),
  1427                 "publish_calls":"\n    ".join([ #Call publish in reverse order
  1428                       "__publish_%s();"%locstr for locstr in locstrs]),
  1429                 "init_calls":"\n    ".join([
  1430                       "init_level=%d; "%(i+1)+
  1431                       "if((res = __init_%s(argc,argv))){"%locstr +
  1432                       #"printf(\"%s\"); "%locstr + #for debug
  1433                       "return res;}" for i,locstr in enumerate(locstrs)]),
  1434                 "cleanup_calls":"\n    ".join([
  1435                       "if(init_level >= %d) "%i+
  1436                       "__cleanup_%s();"%locstrs[i-1] for i in xrange(len(locstrs), 0, -1)])
  1437                 }
  1438         else:
  1439             plc_main_code = targets.code("plc_common_main") % {
  1440                 "calls_prototypes":"\n",
  1441                 "retrieve_calls":"\n",
  1442                 "publish_calls":"\n",
  1443                 "init_calls":"\n",
  1444                 "cleanup_calls":"\n"
  1445                 }
  1446         plc_main_code += targets.targetcode(self.GetTarget().getcontent()["name"])
  1447         return plc_main_code
  1450     def _Build(self):
  1451         """
  1452         Method called by user to (re)build SoftPLC and confnode tree
  1453         """
  1454         if self.AppFrame is not None:
  1455             self.AppFrame.ClearErrors()
  1457         buildpath = self._getBuildPath()
  1459         # Eventually create build dir
  1460         if not os.path.exists(buildpath):
  1461             os.mkdir(buildpath)
  1462         # There is something to clean
  1463         self.EnableMethod("_Clean", True)
  1465         self.logger.flush()
  1466         self.logger.write(_("Start build in %s\n") % buildpath)
  1468         # Generate SoftPLC IEC code
  1469         IECGenRes = self._Generate_SoftPLC()
  1470         self.ShowMethod("_showIECcode", True)
  1472         # If IEC code gen fail, bail out.
  1473         if not IECGenRes:
  1474             self.logger.write_error(_("IEC-61131-3 code generation failed !\n"))
  1475             self.ResetBuildMD5()
  1476             return False
  1478         # Reset variable and program list that are parsed from
  1479         # CSV file generated by IEC2C compiler.
  1480         self.ResetIECProgramsAndVariables()
  1482         # Generate C code and compilation params from confnode hierarchy
  1483         try:
  1484             self.LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS, self.LDFLAGS, ExtraFiles = self._Generate_C(
  1485                 buildpath, 
  1486                 self.PLCGeneratedLocatedVars)
  1487         except Exception, exc:
  1488             self.logger.write_error(_("Runtime extensions C code generation failed !\n"))
  1489             self.logger.write_error(traceback.format_exc())
  1490             self.ResetBuildMD5()
  1491             return False
  1493         # Get temporary directory path
  1494         extrafilespath = self._getExtraFilesPath()
  1495         # Remove old directory
  1496         if os.path.exists(extrafilespath):
  1497             shutil.rmtree(extrafilespath)
  1498         # Recreate directory
  1499         os.mkdir(extrafilespath)
  1500         # Then write the files
  1501         for fname,fobject in ExtraFiles:
  1502             fpath = os.path.join(extrafilespath,fname)
  1503             open(fpath, "wb").write(
  1504         # Now we can forget ExtraFiles (will close files object)
  1505         del ExtraFiles
  1507         # Template based part of C code generation
  1508         # files are stacked at the beginning, as files of confnode tree root
  1509         for generator, filename, name in [
  1510            # debugger code
  1511            (self.Generate_plc_debugger, "plc_debugger.c", "Debugger"),
  1512            # init/cleanup/retrieve/publish, run and align code
  1513            (self.Generate_plc_common_main,"plc_common_main.c","Common runtime")]:
  1514             try:
  1515                 # Do generate
  1516                 code = generator()
  1517                 if code is None:
  1518                      raise
  1519                 code_path = os.path.join(buildpath,filename)
  1520                 open(code_path, "w").write(code)
  1521                 # Insert this file as first file to be compiled at root confnode
  1522                 self.LocationCFilesAndCFLAGS[0][1].insert(0,(code_path, self.plcCFLAGS))
  1523             except Exception, exc:
  1524                 self.logger.write_error(name+_(" generation failed !\n"))
  1525                 self.logger.write_error(traceback.format_exc())
  1526                 self.ResetBuildMD5()
  1527                 return False
  1529         self.logger.write(_("C code generated successfully.\n"))
  1531         # Get current or fresh builder
  1532         builder = self.GetBuilder()
  1533         if builder is None:
  1534             self.logger.write_error(_("Fatal : cannot get builder.\n"))
  1535             self.ResetBuildMD5()
  1536             return False
  1538         # Build
  1539         try:
  1540             if not :
  1541                 self.logger.write_error(_("C Build failed.\n"))
  1542                 return False
  1543         except Exception, exc:
  1544             self.logger.write_error(_("C Build crashed !\n"))
  1545             self.logger.write_error(traceback.format_exc())
  1546             self.ResetBuildMD5()
  1547             return False
  1549         self.logger.write(_("Successfully built.\n"))
  1550         # Update GUI status about need for transfer
  1551         self.CompareLocalAndRemotePLC()
  1552         return True
  1554     def ShowError(self, logger, from_location, to_location):
  1555         chunk_infos = self.GetChunkInfos(from_location, to_location)
  1556         for infos, (start_row, start_col) in chunk_infos:
  1557             start = (from_location[0] - start_row, from_location[1] - start_col)
  1558             end = (to_location[0] - start_row, to_location[1] - start_col)
  1559             #print from_location, to_location, start_row, start_col, start, end
  1560             if self.AppFrame is not None:
  1561                 self.AppFrame.ShowError(infos, start, end)
  1563     def _showIECcode(self):
  1564         self._OpenView("IEC code")
  1566     def _editIECrawcode(self):
  1567         self._OpenView("IEC raw code")
  1569     def _OpenView(self, name=None):
  1570         if name == "IEC code":
  1571             plc_file = self._getIECcodepath()
  1573             IEC_code_viewer = TextViewer(self.AppFrame.TabsOpened, "", None, None, instancepath=name)
  1574             #IEC_code_viewer.Enable(False)
  1575             IEC_code_viewer.SetTextSyntax("ALL")
  1576             IEC_code_viewer.SetKeywords(IEC_KEYWORDS)
  1577             try:
  1578                 text = file(plc_file).read()
  1579             except:
  1580                 text = '(* No IEC code have been generated at that time ! *)'
  1581             IEC_code_viewer.SetText(text = text)
  1582             IEC_code_viewer.SetIcon(self.AppFrame.GenerateBitmap("ST"))
  1584             self.AppFrame.EditProjectElement(IEC_code_viewer, name)
  1586             return IEC_code_viewer
  1588         elif name == "IEC raw code":
  1589             controler = MiniTextControler(self._getIECrawcodepath())
  1590             IEC_raw_code_viewer = TextViewer(self.AppFrame.TabsOpened, "", None, controler, instancepath=name)
  1591             #IEC_raw_code_viewer.Enable(False)
  1592             IEC_raw_code_viewer.SetTextSyntax("ALL")
  1593             IEC_raw_code_viewer.SetKeywords(IEC_KEYWORDS)
  1594             IEC_raw_code_viewer.RefreshView()
  1595             IEC_raw_code_viewer.SetIcon(self.AppFrame.GenerateBitmap("ST"))
  1597             self.AppFrame.EditProjectElement(IEC_raw_code_viewer, name)
  1599             return IEC_raw_code_viewer
  1601         return None
  1603     def _Clean(self):
  1604         if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self._getBuildPath())):
  1605             self.logger.write(_("Cleaning the build directory\n"))
  1606             shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(self._getBuildPath()))
  1607         else:
  1608             self.logger.write_error(_("Build directory already clean\n"))
  1609         self.ShowMethod("_showIECcode", False)
  1610         self.EnableMethod("_Clean", False)
  1611         # kill the builder
  1612         self._builder = None
  1613         self.CompareLocalAndRemotePLC()
  1615     ############# Real PLC object access #############
  1616     def UpdateMethodsFromPLCStatus(self):
  1617         # Get PLC state : Running or Stopped
  1618         # TODO : use explicit status instead of boolean
  1619         status = None
  1620         if self._connector is not None:
  1621             status = self._connector.GetPLCstatus()
  1622         if status is None:
  1623             self._connector = None
  1624             status = "Disconnected"
  1625         if(self.previous_plcstate != status):
  1626             for args in {
  1627                      "Started" :     [("_Run", False),
  1628                                       ("_Stop", True)],
  1629                      "Stopped" :     [("_Run", True),
  1630                                       ("_Stop", False)],
  1631                      "Empty" :       [("_Run", False),
  1632                                       ("_Stop", False)],
  1633                      "Broken" :      [],
  1634                      "Disconnected" :[("_Run", False),
  1635                                       ("_Stop", False),
  1636                                       ("_Transfer", False),
  1637                                       ("_Connect", True),
  1638                                       ("_Disconnect", False)],
  1639                    }.get(status,[]):
  1640                 self.ShowMethod(*args)
  1641             self.previous_plcstate = status
  1642             return True
  1643         return False
  1645     def PullPLCStatusProc(self, event):
  1646         if self._connector is None:
  1647             self.StatusTimer.Stop()
  1648         if self.UpdateMethodsFromPLCStatus():
  1650             status = _(self.previous_plcstate)
  1651             {"Broken": self.logger.write_error,
  1652              None: lambda x: None}.get(
  1653                 self.previous_plcstate, self.logger.write)(_("PLC is %s\n")%status)
  1654             self.AppFrame.RefreshAll()
  1656     def RegisterDebugVarToConnector(self):
  1657         self.DebugTimer=None
  1658         Idxs = []
  1659         self.TracedIECPath = []
  1660         if self._connector is not None:
  1661             self.IECdebug_lock.acquire()
  1662             IECPathsToPop = []
  1663             for IECPath,data_tuple in self.IECdebug_datas.iteritems():
  1664                 WeakCallableDict, data_log, status, fvalue = data_tuple
  1665                 if len(WeakCallableDict) == 0:
  1666                     # Callable Dict is empty.
  1667                     # This variable is not needed anymore!
  1668                     #print "Unused : " + IECPath
  1669                     IECPathsToPop.append(IECPath)
  1670                 elif IECPath != "__tick__":
  1671                     # Convert 
  1672                     Idx, IEC_Type = self._IECPathToIdx.get(IECPath,(None,None))
  1673                     if Idx is not None:
  1674                         if IEC_Type in DebugTypesSize: 
  1675                             Idxs.append((Idx, IEC_Type, fvalue, IECPath))
  1676                         else:
  1677                             self.logger.write_warning(_("Debug : Unsuppoted type to debug %s\n")%IEC_Type)
  1678                     else:
  1679                         self.logger.write_warning(_("Debug : Unknown variable %s\n")%IECPath)
  1680             for IECPathToPop in IECPathsToPop:
  1681                 self.IECdebug_datas.pop(IECPathToPop)
  1683             if Idxs:
  1684                 Idxs.sort()
  1685                 self.TracedIECPath = zip(*Idxs)[3]
  1686                 self._connector.SetTraceVariablesList(zip(*zip(*Idxs)[0:3]))
  1687             else:
  1688                 self.TracedIECPath = []
  1689                 self._connector.SetTraceVariablesList([])
  1690             self.IECdebug_lock.release()
  1692             #for IEC_path, IECdebug_data in self.IECdebug_datas.iteritems():
  1693             #    print IEC_path, IECdebug_data[0].keys()
  1695     def ReArmDebugRegisterTimer(self):
  1696         if self.DebugTimer is not None:
  1697             self.DebugTimer.cancel()
  1699         # Timer to prevent rapid-fire when registering many variables
  1700         # use wx.CallAfter use keep using same thread. TODO : use wx.Timer instead
  1701         self.DebugTimer=Timer(0.5,wx.CallAfter,args = [self.RegisterDebugVarToConnector])
  1702         # Rearm anti-rapid-fire timer
  1703         self.DebugTimer.start()
  1705     def GetDebugIECVariableType(self, IECPath):
  1706         Idx, IEC_Type = self._IECPathToIdx.get(IECPath,(None,None))
  1707         return IEC_Type
  1709     def SubscribeDebugIECVariable(self, IECPath, callableobj, *args, **kwargs):
  1710         """
  1711         Dispatching use a dictionnary linking IEC variable paths
  1712         to a WeakKeyDictionary linking 
  1713         weakly referenced callables to optionnal args
  1714         """
  1715         if IECPath != "__tick__" and not self._IECPathToIdx.has_key(IECPath):
  1716             return None
  1718         self.IECdebug_lock.acquire()
  1719         # If no entry exist, create a new one with a fresh WeakKeyDictionary
  1720         IECdebug_data = self.IECdebug_datas.get(IECPath, None)
  1721         if IECdebug_data is None:
  1722             IECdebug_data  = [
  1723                     WeakKeyDictionary(), # Callables
  1724                     [],                  # Data storage [(tick, data),...]
  1725                     "Registered",        # Variable status
  1726                     None]                # Forced value
  1727             self.IECdebug_datas[IECPath] = IECdebug_data
  1729         IECdebug_data[0][callableobj]=(args, kwargs)
  1731         self.IECdebug_lock.release()
  1733         self.ReArmDebugRegisterTimer()
  1735         return IECdebug_data[1]
  1737     def UnsubscribeDebugIECVariable(self, IECPath, callableobj):
  1738         #print "Unsubscribe", IECPath, callableobj
  1739         self.IECdebug_lock.acquire()
  1740         IECdebug_data = self.IECdebug_datas.get(IECPath, None)
  1741         if IECdebug_data is not None:
  1742             IECdebug_data[0].pop(callableobj,None)
  1743         self.IECdebug_lock.release()
  1745         self.ReArmDebugRegisterTimer()
  1747     def UnsubscribeAllDebugIECVariable(self):
  1748         self.IECdebug_lock.acquire()
  1749         IECdebug_data = {}
  1750         self.IECdebug_lock.release()
  1752         self.ReArmDebugRegisterTimer()
  1754     def ForceDebugIECVariable(self, IECPath, fvalue):
  1755         if not self.IECdebug_datas.has_key(IECPath):
  1756             return
  1758         self.IECdebug_lock.acquire()
  1760         # If no entry exist, create a new one with a fresh WeakKeyDictionary
  1761         IECdebug_data = self.IECdebug_datas.get(IECPath, None)
  1762         IECdebug_data[2] = "Forced"
  1763         IECdebug_data[3] = fvalue
  1765         self.IECdebug_lock.release()
  1767         self.ReArmDebugRegisterTimer()
  1769     def ReleaseDebugIECVariable(self, IECPath):
  1770         if not self.IECdebug_datas.has_key(IECPath):
  1771             return
  1773         self.IECdebug_lock.acquire()
  1775         # If no entry exist, create a new one with a fresh WeakKeyDictionary
  1776         IECdebug_data = self.IECdebug_datas.get(IECPath, None)
  1777         IECdebug_data[2] = "Registered"
  1778         IECdebug_data[3] = None
  1780         self.IECdebug_lock.release()
  1782         self.ReArmDebugRegisterTimer()
  1784     def CallWeakcallables(self, IECPath, function_name, *cargs):
  1785         data_tuple = self.IECdebug_datas.get(IECPath, None)
  1786         if data_tuple is not None:
  1787             WeakCallableDict, data_log, status, fvalue = data_tuple
  1788             #data_log.append((debug_tick, value))
  1789             for weakcallable,(args,kwargs) in WeakCallableDict.iteritems():
  1790                 #print weakcallable, value, args, kwargs
  1791                 function = getattr(weakcallable, function_name, None)
  1792                 if function is not None:
  1793                     if status == "Forced" and cargs[1] == fvalue:
  1794                         function(*(cargs + (True,) + args), **kwargs)
  1795                     else:
  1796                         function(*(cargs + args), **kwargs)
  1797                 # This will block thread if more than one call is waiting
  1799     def GetTicktime(self):
  1800         return self._Ticktime
  1802     def RemoteExec(self, script, **kwargs):
  1803         if self._connector is None:
  1804             return -1, "No runtime connected!"
  1805         return self._connector.RemoteExec(script, **kwargs)
  1807     def DebugThreadProc(self):
  1808         """
  1809         This thread waid PLC debug data, and dispatch them to subscribers
  1810         """
  1811         self.debug_break = False
  1812         debug_getvar_retry = 0
  1813         while (not self.debug_break) and (self._connector is not None):
  1814             Trace = self._connector.GetTraceVariables()
  1815             if(Trace):
  1816                 plc_status, debug_tick, debug_vars = Trace
  1817             else:
  1818                 plc_status = None
  1819             debug_getvar_retry += 1
  1820             #print debug_tick, debug_vars
  1821             if plc_status == "Started":
  1822                 self.IECdebug_lock.acquire()
  1823                 if len(debug_vars) == len(self.TracedIECPath):
  1824                     if debug_getvar_retry > DEBUG_RETRIES_WARN:
  1825                         self.logger.write(_("... debugger recovered\n"))
  1826                     debug_getvar_retry = 0
  1827                     for IECPath,value in zip(self.TracedIECPath, debug_vars):
  1828                         if value is not None:
  1829                             self.CallWeakcallables(IECPath, "NewValue", debug_tick, value)
  1830                     self.CallWeakcallables("__tick__", "NewDataAvailable")
  1831                 self.IECdebug_lock.release()
  1832                 if debug_getvar_retry == DEBUG_RETRIES_WARN:
  1833                     self.logger.write(_("Waiting debugger to recover...\n"))
  1834                 if debug_getvar_retry == DEBUG_RETRIES_REREGISTER:
  1835                     # re-register debug registry to PLC
  1836                     wx.CallAfter(self.RegisterDebugVarToConnector)
  1837                 if debug_getvar_retry != 0:
  1838                     # Be patient, tollerate PLC to come up before debugging
  1839                     time.sleep(0.1)
  1840             else:
  1841                 self.debug_break = True
  1842         self.logger.write(_("Debugger disabled\n"))
  1843         self.DebugThread = None
  1845     def KillDebugThread(self):
  1846         tmp_debugthread = self.DebugThread
  1847         self.debug_break = True
  1848         if tmp_debugthread is not None:
  1849             self.logger.writeyield(_("Stopping debugger...\n"))
  1850             tmp_debugthread.join(timeout=5)
  1851             if tmp_debugthread.isAlive() and self.logger:
  1852                 self.logger.write_warning(_("Couldn't stop debugger.\n"))
  1853             else:
  1854                 self.logger.write(_("Debugger stopped.\n"))
  1855         self.DebugThread = None
  1857     def _connect_debug(self): 
  1858         if self.AppFrame:
  1859             self.AppFrame.ResetGraphicViewers()
  1860         self.RegisterDebugVarToConnector()
  1861         if self.DebugThread is None:
  1862             self.DebugThread = Thread(target=self.DebugThreadProc)
  1863             self.DebugThread.start()
  1865     def _Run(self):
  1866         """
  1867         Start PLC
  1868         """
  1869         if self.GetIECProgramsAndVariables():
  1870             self._connector.StartPLC()
  1871             self.logger.write(_("Starting PLC\n"))
  1872             self._connect_debug()
  1873         else:
  1874             self.logger.write_error(_("Couldn't start PLC !\n"))
  1875         wx.CallAfter(self.UpdateMethodsFromPLCStatus)
  1877     def _Stop(self):
  1878         """
  1879         Stop PLC
  1880         """
  1881         if self._connector is not None and not self._connector.StopPLC():
  1882             self.logger.write_error(_("Couldn't stop PLC !\n"))
  1884         # debugthread should die on his own
  1885         #self.KillDebugThread()
  1887         wx.CallAfter(self.UpdateMethodsFromPLCStatus)
  1889     def _Connect(self):
  1890         # don't accept re-connetion is already connected
  1891         if self._connector is not None:
  1892             self.logger.write_error(_("Already connected. Please disconnect\n"))
  1893             return
  1895         # Get connector uri
  1896         uri = self.\
  1897               BeremizRoot.\
  1898               getURI_location().\
  1899               strip()
  1901         # if uri is empty launch discovery dialog
  1902         if uri == "":
  1903             # Launch Service Discovery dialog
  1904             dialog = DiscoveryDialog(self.AppFrame)
  1905             answer = dialog.ShowModal()
  1906             uri = dialog.GetURI()
  1907             dialog.Destroy()
  1909             # Nothing choosed or cancel button
  1910             if uri is None or answer == wx.ID_CANCEL:
  1911                 self.logger.write_error(_("Connection canceled!\n"))
  1912                 return
  1913             else:
  1914                 self.\
  1915                 BeremizRoot.\
  1916                 setURI_location(uri)
  1918         # Get connector from uri
  1919         try:
  1920             self._connector = connectors.ConnectorFactory(uri, self)
  1921         except Exception, msg:
  1922             self.logger.write_error(_("Exception while connecting %s!\n")%uri)
  1923             self.logger.write_error(traceback.format_exc())
  1925         # Did connection success ?
  1926         if self._connector is None:
  1927             # Oups.
  1928             self.logger.write_error(_("Connection failed to %s!\n")%uri)
  1929         else:
  1930             self.ShowMethod("_Connect", False)
  1931             self.ShowMethod("_Disconnect", True)
  1932             self.ShowMethod("_Transfer", True)
  1934             self.CompareLocalAndRemotePLC()
  1936             # Init with actual PLC status and print it
  1937             self.UpdateMethodsFromPLCStatus()
  1938             if self.previous_plcstate is not None:
  1939                 status = _(self.previous_plcstate)
  1940             else:
  1941                 status = ""
  1942             self.logger.write(_("PLC is %s\n")%status)
  1944             # Start the status Timer
  1945             self.StatusTimer.Start(milliseconds=500, oneShot=False)
  1947             if self.previous_plcstate=="Started":
  1948                 if self.DebugAvailable() and self.GetIECProgramsAndVariables():
  1949                     self.logger.write(_("Debug connect matching running PLC\n"))
  1950                     self._connect_debug()
  1951                 else:
  1952                     self.logger.write_warning(_("Debug do not match PLC - stop/transfert/start to re-enable\n"))
  1954     def CompareLocalAndRemotePLC(self):
  1955         if self._connector is None:
  1956             return
  1957         # We are now connected. Update button status
  1958         MD5 = self.GetLastBuildMD5()
  1959         # Check remote target PLC correspondance to that md5
  1960         if MD5 is not None:
  1961             if not self._connector.MatchMD5(MD5):
  1962 #                self.logger.write_warning(
  1963 #                   _("Latest build does not match with target, please transfer.\n"))
  1964                 self.EnableMethod("_Transfer", True)
  1965             else:
  1966 #                self.logger.write(
  1967 #                   _("Latest build matches target, no transfer needed.\n"))
  1968                 self.EnableMethod("_Transfer", True)
  1969                 # warns controller that program match
  1970                 self.ProgramTransferred()
  1971                 #self.EnableMethod("_Transfer", False)
  1972         else:
  1973 #            self.logger.write_warning(
  1974 #                _("Cannot compare latest build to target. Please build.\n"))
  1975             self.EnableMethod("_Transfer", False)
  1978     def _Disconnect(self):
  1979         self._connector = None
  1980         self.StatusTimer.Stop()
  1981         wx.CallAfter(self.UpdateMethodsFromPLCStatus)
  1983     def _Transfer(self):
  1984         # Get the last build PLC's 
  1985         MD5 = self.GetLastBuildMD5()
  1987         # Check if md5 file is empty : ask user to build PLC 
  1988         if MD5 is None :
  1989             self.logger.write_error(_("Failed : Must build before transfer.\n"))
  1990             return False
  1992         # Compare PLC project with PLC on target
  1993         if self._connector.MatchMD5(MD5):
  1994             self.logger.write(
  1995                 _("Latest build already matches current target. Transfering anyway...\n"))
  1997         # Get temprary directory path
  1998         extrafilespath = self._getExtraFilesPath()
  1999         extrafiles = [(name, open(os.path.join(extrafilespath, name), 
  2000                                   'rb').read()) \
  2001                       for name in os.listdir(extrafilespath) \
  2002                       if not name=="CVS"]
  2004         # Send PLC on target
  2005         builder = self.GetBuilder()
  2006         if builder is not None:
  2007             data = builder.GetBinaryCode()
  2008             if data is not None :
  2009                 if self._connector.NewPLC(MD5, data, extrafiles) and self.GetIECProgramsAndVariables():
  2010                     self.UnsubscribeAllDebugIECVariable()
  2011                     self.ProgramTransferred()
  2012                     if self.AppFrame is not None:
  2013                         self.AppFrame.RefreshInstancesTree()
  2014                         self.AppFrame.CloseObsoleteDebugTabs()
  2015                     self.logger.write(_("Transfer completed successfully.\n"))
  2016                 else:
  2017                     self.logger.write_error(_("Transfer failed\n"))
  2018             else:
  2019                 self.logger.write_error(_("No PLC to transfer (did build succeed ?)\n"))
  2021         wx.CallAfter(self.UpdateMethodsFromPLCStatus)
  2023     ConfNodeMethods = [
  2024         {"bitmap" : opjimg("Build"),
  2025          "name" : _("Build"),
  2026          "tooltip" : _("Build project into build folder"),
  2027          "method" : "_Build"},
  2028         {"bitmap" : opjimg("Clean"),
  2029          "name" : _("Clean"),
  2030          "enabled" : False,
  2031          "tooltip" : _("Clean project build folder"),
  2032          "method" : "_Clean"},
  2033         {"bitmap" : opjimg("Run"),
  2034          "name" : _("Run"),
  2035          "shown" : False,
  2036          "tooltip" : _("Start PLC"),
  2037          "method" : "_Run"},
  2038         {"bitmap" : opjimg("Stop"),
  2039          "name" : _("Stop"),
  2040          "shown" : False,
  2041          "tooltip" : _("Stop Running PLC"),
  2042          "method" : "_Stop"},
  2043         {"bitmap" : opjimg("Connect"),
  2044          "name" : _("Connect"),
  2045          "tooltip" : _("Connect to the target PLC"),
  2046          "method" : "_Connect"},
  2047         {"bitmap" : opjimg("Transfer"),
  2048          "name" : _("Transfer"),
  2049          "shown" : False,
  2050          "tooltip" : _("Transfer PLC"),
  2051          "method" : "_Transfer"},
  2052         {"bitmap" : opjimg("Disconnect"),
  2053          "name" : _("Disconnect"),
  2054          "shown" : False,
  2055          "tooltip" : _("Disconnect from PLC"),
  2056          "method" : "_Disconnect"},
  2057         {"bitmap" : opjimg("ShowIECcode"),
  2058          "name" : _("Show code"),
  2059          "shown" : False,
  2060          "tooltip" : _("Show IEC code generated by PLCGenerator"),
  2061          "method" : "_showIECcode"},
  2062         {"bitmap" : opjimg("editIECrawcode"),
  2063          "name" : _("Raw IEC code"),
  2064          "tooltip" : _("Edit raw IEC code added to code generated by PLCGenerator"),
  2065          "method" : "_editIECrawcode"},
  2066     ]