changeset 0 ae252e0fd9b8
child 15 cadd89d14ca5
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:ae252e0fd9b8
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (c) 2001,2016 Mario de Sousa (msousa@fe.up.pt)
     3  *
     4  * This file is part of the Modbus library for Beremiz and matiec.
     5  *
     6  * This Modbus library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     7  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
     8  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     9  * (at your option) any later version.
    10  *
    11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    12  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    14  * General Public License for more details.
    15  *
    16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    17  * along with this Modbus library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
    18  *
    19  * This code is made available on the understanding that it will not be
    20  * used in safety-critical situations without a full and competent review.
    21  */
    25 #include <fcntl.h>      /* File control definitions */
    26 #include <stdio.h>      /* Standard input/output */
    27 #include <string.h>
    28 #include <stdlib.h>
    29 #include <termio.h>     /* POSIX terminal control definitions */
    30 #include <sys/time.h>   /* Time structures for select() */
    31 #include <unistd.h>     /* POSIX Symbolic Constants */
    32 #include <assert.h>
    33 #include <errno.h>      /* Error definitions */
    34 #include <time.h>       /* clock_gettime()   */
    35 #include <limits.h>     /* required for INT_MAX */
    37 #include <netinet/in.h> /* required for htons() and ntohs() */
    39 #include "mb_layer1.h"  /* The public interface this file implements... */
    40 #include "mb_rtu_private.h"
    43 #define ERRMSG
    44 #define ERRMSG_HEAD "ModbusRTU: "
    46 // #define DEBUG   /* uncomment to see the data sent and received */
    48 #ifdef DEBUG
    49 #ifndef ERRMSG
    50 #define ERRMSG
    51 #endif
    52 #endif
    55 #define SAFETY_MARGIN 10
    57 /************************************/
    58 /**                                **/
    59 /** Include common code...         **/
    60 /**                                **/
    61 /************************************/
    63 #include "mb_ds_util.h"    /* data structures... */
    64 #include "mb_time_util.h"  /* time conversion routines... */
    68 /**************************************************************/
    69 /**************************************************************/
    70 /****                                                      ****/
    71 /****                                                      ****/
    72 /****                Forward Declarations                  ****/
    73 /****                    and Defaults                      ****/
    74 /****                                                      ****/
    75 /**************************************************************/
    76 /**************************************************************/
    78  /* CRC funtions... */
    79 typedef u16 (*crc_func_t)(u8 *buf, int cnt);
    80 static u16 crc_slow(u8 *buf, int cnt);
    81 static u16 crc_fast(u8 *buf, int cnt);
    83  /* slow version does not need to be initialised, so we use it as default. */
    84 #define DEF_CRC_FUNCTION crc_slow
    87 /**************************************************************/
    88 /**************************************************************/
    89 /****                                                      ****/
    90 /****                                                      ****/
    91 /****              Local Utility functions...              ****/
    92 /****                                                      ****/
    93 /****                                                      ****/
    94 /**************************************************************/
    95 /**************************************************************/
    97 /************************************/
    98 /**                                **/
    99 /** Miscelaneous Utility functions **/
   100 /**                                **/
   101 /************************************/
   103 /*
   104  * Functions to convert u16 variables
   105  * between network and host byte order
   106  *
   107  * NOTE: Modbus uses MSByte first, just like
   108  *       tcp/ip, so we use the htons() and
   109  *       ntoh() functions to guarantee
   110  *       code portability.
   111  */
   112 static inline u16 mb_hton(u16 h_value) 
   113   {return htons(h_value);} /*  return h_value; */
   115 static inline u16 mb_ntoh(u16 m_value)
   116   {return ntohs(m_value);} /*  return m_value; */
   118 /*  return Most Significant Byte of value; */
   119 static inline u8 msb(u16 value)
   120   {return (value >> 8) & 0xFF;}
   122 /*  return Least Significant Byte of value; */
   123 static inline u8 lsb(u16 value)
   124   {return value & 0xFF;}
   126 #define u16_v(char_ptr)  (*((u16 *)(&(char_ptr))))
   130 /**************************************/
   131 /**                                  **/
   132 /**    Initialise a termios struct   **/
   133 /**                                  **/
   134 /**************************************/
   135 static int termios_init(struct termios *tios,
   136                         int baud,
   137                         int parity,
   138                         int data_bits,
   139                         int stop_bits) {
   140   speed_t baud_rate;
   142   if (tios == NULL)
   143     return -1;
   145   /* reset all the values... */
   146   /* NOTE: the following are initialised later on...
   147   tios->c_iflag = 0;
   148   tios->c_oflag = 0;
   149   tios->c_cflag = 0;
   150   tios->c_lflag = 0;
   151   */
   152   tios->c_line  = 0;
   154  /* The minimum number of characters that should be received
   155   * to satisfy a call to read().
   156   */
   157   tios->c_cc[VMIN ] = 0;
   159  /* The maximum inter-arrival interval between two characters,
   160   * in deciseconds.
   161   *
   162   * NOTE: we could use this to detect the end of RTU frames,
   163   *       but we prefer to use select() that has higher resolution,
   164   *       even though this higher resolution is most probably not
   165   *       supported, and the effective resolution is 10ms,
   166   *       one tenth of a decisecond.
   167   */
   168   tios->c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
   170   /* configure the input modes... */
   171   tios->c_iflag =  IGNBRK |  /* ignore BREAK condition on input         */
   172                    IGNPAR |  /* ignore framing errors and parity errors */
   173                    IXANY;    /* enable any character to restart output  */
   174   /*               BRKINT       Only active if IGNBRK is not set.
   175    *                            generate SIGINT on BREAK condition,
   176    *                            otherwise read BREAK as character \0.
   177    *               PARMRK       Only active if IGNPAR is not set.
   178    *                            replace bytes with parity errors with
   179    *                            \377 \0, instead of \0.
   180    *               INPCK        enable input parity checking
   181    *               ISTRIP       strip off eighth bit
   182    *               IGNCR        ignore carriage return on input
   183    *               INLCR        only active if IGNCR is not set.
   184    *                            translate newline to carriage return  on input
   185    *               ICRNL        only active if IGNCR is not set.
   186    *                            translate carriage return to newline on input
   187    *               IUCLC        map uppercase characters to lowercase on input
   188    *               IXON         enable XON/XOFF flow control on output
   189    *               IXOFF        enable XON/XOFF flow control on input
   190    *               IMAXBEL      ring bell when input queue is full
   191    */
   193   /* configure the output modes... */
   194   tios->c_oflag = OPOST;     /* enable implementation-defined output processing */
   195   /*              ONOCR         don't output CR at column 0
   196    *              OLCUC         map lowercase characters to uppercase on output
   197    *              ONLCR         map NL to CR-NL on output
   198    *              OCRNL         map CR to NL on output
   199    *              OFILL         send fill characters for a delay, rather than
   200    *                            using a timed delay
   201    *              OFDEL         fill character is ASCII DEL. If unset, fill
   202    *                            character is ASCII NUL
   203    *              ONLRET        don't output CR
   204    *              NLDLY         NL delay mask. Values are NL0 and NL1.
   205    *              CRDLY         CR delay mask. Values are CR0, CR1, CR2, or CR3.
   206    *              TABDLY        horizontal tab delay mask. Values are TAB0, TAB1,
   207    *                            TAB2, TAB3, or XTABS. A value of XTABS expands
   208    *                            tabs to spaces (with tab stops every eight columns).
   209    *              BSDLY         backspace delay mask. Values are BS0 or BS1.
   210    *              VTDLY         vertical tab delay mask. Values are VT0 or VT1.
   211    *              FFDLY         form feed delay mask. Values are FF0 or FF1.
   212    */
   214   /* configure the control modes... */
   215   tios->c_cflag = CREAD |    /* enable receiver.               */
   216                   CLOCAL;    /* ignore modem control lines     */
   217   /*              HUPCL         lower modem control lines after last process
   218    *                            closes the device (hang up).
   219    *              CRTSCTS       flow control (Request/Clear To Send).
   220    */
   221        if (data_bits == 5) tios->c_cflag |= CS5;
   222   else if (data_bits == 6) tios->c_cflag |= CS6;
   223   else if (data_bits == 7) tios->c_cflag |= CS7;
   224   else if (data_bits == 8) tios->c_cflag |= CS8;
   225   else return -1;
   227        if (stop_bits == 1) tios->c_cflag &=~ CSTOPB;
   228   else if (stop_bits == 2) tios->c_cflag |= CSTOPB;
   229   else return -1;
   231          if(parity == 0) { /* none */
   232     tios->c_cflag &=~ PARENB;
   233     tios->c_cflag &=~ PARODD;
   234   } else if(parity == 2)  { /* even */
   235     tios->c_cflag |=  PARENB;
   236     tios->c_cflag &=~ PARODD;
   237   } else if(parity == 1)  { /* odd */
   238     tios->c_cflag |=  PARENB;
   239     tios->c_cflag |=  PARODD;
   240   } else return -1;
   243   /* configure the local modes... */
   244   tios->c_lflag = IEXTEN;    /* enable implementation-defined input processing   */
   245   /*              ISIG          when any of the characters INTR, QUIT, SUSP, or DSUSP
   246    *                            are received, generate the corresponding signal.
   247    *              ICANON        enable canonical mode. This enables the special
   248    *                            characters EOF, EOL, EOL2, ERASE, KILL, REPRINT,
   249    *                            STATUS, and WERASE, and buffers by lines.
   250    *              ECHO          echo input characters.
   251    */
   253   /* Set the baud rate */
   254   /* Must be done before reseting all the values to 0! */
   255   switch(baud) {
   256     case 110:    baud_rate = B110;    break;
   257     case 300:    baud_rate = B300;    break;
   258     case 600:    baud_rate = B600;    break;
   259     case 1200:   baud_rate = B1200;   break;
   260     case 2400:   baud_rate = B2400;   break;
   261     case 4800:   baud_rate = B4800;   break;
   262     case 9600:   baud_rate = B9600;   break;
   263     case 19200:  baud_rate = B19200;  break;
   264     case 38400:  baud_rate = B38400;  break;
   265     case 57600:  baud_rate = B57600;  break;
   266     case 115200: baud_rate = B115200; break;
   267     default: return -1;
   268   } /* switch() */
   270   if ((cfsetispeed(tios, baud_rate) < 0) ||
   271       (cfsetospeed(tios, baud_rate) < 0))
   272     return -1;;
   274   return 0;
   275 }
   278 /************************************/
   279 /**                                **/
   280 /** A data structure - recv buffer **/
   281 /**                                **/
   282 /************************************/
   284 /* A data structutre used for the receive buffer, i.e. the buffer
   285  * that stores the bytes we receive from the bus.
   286  *
   287  * What we realy needed here is an unbounded buffer. This may be
   288  * implemented by:
   289  *   - a circular buffer the size of the maximum frame length
   290  *   - a linear buffer somewhat larger than the maximum frame length
   291  *
   292  * Due to the fact that this library's API hands over the frame data
   293  * in a linear buffer, and also reads the data (i,e, calls to read())
   294  * into a linear buffer:
   295  *  - the circular buffer would be more efficient in aborted frame
   296  *    situations
   297  *  - the linear is more efficient when no aborted frames are recieved.
   298  *
   299  * I have decided to optimize for the most often encountered situation,
   300  * i.e. when no aborted frames are received.
   301  *
   302  * The linear buffer has a size larger than the maximum
   303  * number of bytes we intend to store in it. We simply start ignoring
   304  * the first bytes in the buffer in which we are not interested in, and
   305  * continue with the extra bytes of the buffer. When we reach the limit
   306  * of these extra bytes, we shift the data down so it once again
   307  * uses the first bytes of the buffer. The more number of extra bytes,
   308  * the more efficient it will be.
   309  *
   310  * Note that if we don't receive any aborted frames, it will work as a
   311  * simple linear buffer, and no memory shifts will be required!
   312  */
   314 typedef struct {
   315         lb_buf_t data_buf;
   316           /* Flag:
   317             *  1 => We have detected a frame boundary using 3.5 character silence
   318             *  0 => We have not yet detected any frame boundary
   319            */
   320         int found_frame_boundary; /* ==1 => valid data ends at a frame boundary. */
   321           /* Flag:
   322             *  Used in the call to search_for_frame() as the history parameter!
   323            */
   324         int frame_search_history;
   325         } recv_buf_t;
   327 /* A small auxiliary function... */
   328 static inline u8 *recv_buf_init(recv_buf_t *buf, int size, int max_data_start) {
   329   buf->found_frame_boundary = 0;
   330   buf->frame_search_history = 0;
   331   return lb_init(&buf->data_buf, size, max_data_start);
   332 }
   335 /* A small auxiliary function... */
   336 static inline void recv_buf_done(recv_buf_t *buf) {
   337   buf->found_frame_boundary = 0;
   338   buf->frame_search_history = 0;
   339   lb_done(&buf->data_buf);
   340 }
   343 /* A small auxiliary function... */
   344 static inline void recv_buf_reset(recv_buf_t *buf) {
   345   buf->found_frame_boundary = 0;
   346   buf->frame_search_history = 0;
   347   lb_data_purge_all(&buf->data_buf);
   348 }
   351 /************************************/
   352 /**                                **/
   353 /**  A data structure - nd entry   **/
   354 /**                                **/
   355 /************************************/
   357 /* NOTE: nd = node descriptor */
   359 typedef struct {
   360          /* The file descriptor associated with this node */
   361          /* NOTE: if the node is not yet in use, i.e. if the node is free,
   362           *       then fd will be set to -1
   363           */
   364         int    fd;
   366          /* the time it takes to transmit 1.5 characters at the current baud rate */
   367         struct timeval time_15_char_;
   368          /* the time it takes to transmit 3.5 characters at the current baud rate */
   369         struct timeval time_35_char_;
   371          /* Due to the algorithm used to work around aborted frames, the modbus_read()
   372           * function might read beyond the current modbus frame. The extra bytes
   373           * must be stored for the subsequent call to modbus_read().
   374           */
   375         recv_buf_t recv_buf_;
   377           /* The old settings of the serial port, to be reset when the library is closed... */
   378         struct termios old_tty_settings_;
   380           /* ignore echo flag.
   381            * If set to 1, then it means that we will be reading every byte we
   382            * ourselves write out to the bus, so we must ignore those bytes read
   383            * before we really read the data sent by remote nodes.
   384            *
   385            * This comes in useful when using a RS232-RS485 converter that does
   386            * not correctly control the RTS-CTS lines...
   387            */
   388         int ignore_echo;
   389  } nd_entry_t;
   392 static inline void nd_entry_init(nd_entry_t *nde) {
   393   nde->fd = -1; /* The node is free... */
   394 }
   398 static int nd_entry_connect(nd_entry_t *nde,
   399                             node_addr_t *node_addr,
   400                             optimization_t opt) {
   402   int parity_bits, start_bits, char_bits;
   403   struct termios settings;
   404   int buf_size;
   406   /*
   407   if (nde == NULL)
   408     goto error_exit_0;
   409   */
   410   if (nde->fd >= 0)
   411     goto error_exit_0;
   413   /* initialise the termios data structure */
   414   if (termios_init(&settings,
   415                    node_addr->addr.rtu.baud,
   416                    node_addr->addr.rtu.parity,
   417                    node_addr->addr.rtu.data_bits,
   418                    node_addr->addr.rtu.stop_bits)
   419       < 0) {
   420 #ifdef ERRMSG
   421     fprintf(stderr, ERRMSG_HEAD "Invalid serial line settings"
   422                     "(baud=%d, parity=%d, data_bits=%d, stop_bits=%d)\n",
   423                     node_addr->addr.rtu.baud,
   424                     node_addr->addr.rtu.parity,
   425                     node_addr->addr.rtu.data_bits,
   426                     node_addr->addr.rtu.stop_bits);
   427 #endif
   428     goto error_exit_1;
   429   }
   431     /* set the ignore_echo flag */
   432   nde->ignore_echo = node_addr->addr.rtu.ignore_echo;
   434     /* initialise recv buffer */
   435   buf_size = (opt == optimize_size)?RECV_BUFFER_SIZE_SMALL:
   436                                     RECV_BUFFER_SIZE_LARGE;
   437   if (recv_buf_init(&nde->recv_buf_, buf_size, buf_size - MAX_RTU_FRAME_LENGTH)
   438       == NULL) {
   439 #ifdef ERRMSG
   440     fprintf(stderr, ERRMSG_HEAD "Out of memory: error initializing receive buffer\n");
   441 #endif
   442     goto error_exit_2;
   443   }
   445     /* open the serial port */
   446   if((nde->fd = open(node_addr->addr.rtu.device, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY))
   447      < 0) {
   448 #ifdef ERRMSG
   449     perror("open()");
   450     fprintf(stderr, ERRMSG_HEAD "Error opening device %s\n",
   451                    node_addr->addr.rtu.device);
   452 #endif
   453     goto error_exit_3;
   454   }
   456   if(tcgetattr(nde->fd, &nde->old_tty_settings_) < 0) {
   457 #ifdef ERRMSG
   458     perror("tcgetattr()");
   459     fprintf(stderr, ERRMSG_HEAD "Error reading device's %s original settings.\n",
   460                       node_addr->addr.rtu.device);
   461 #endif
   462     goto error_exit_4;
   463   }
   465   if(tcsetattr(nde->fd, TCSANOW, &settings) < 0) {
   466 #ifdef ERRMSG
   467     perror("tcsetattr()");
   468     fprintf(stderr, ERRMSG_HEAD "Error configuring device %s "
   469                     "(baud=%d, parity=%d, data_bits=%d, stop_bits=%d)\n",
   470                     node_addr->addr.rtu.device,
   471                     node_addr->addr.rtu.baud,
   472                     node_addr->addr.rtu.parity,
   473                     node_addr->addr.rtu.data_bits,
   474                     node_addr->addr.rtu.stop_bits);
   475 #endif
   476     goto error_exit_4;
   477   }
   479   parity_bits   = (node_addr->addr.rtu.parity == 0)?0:1;
   480   start_bits    = 1;
   481   char_bits     = start_bits  + node_addr->addr.rtu.data_bits +
   482                   parity_bits + node_addr->addr.rtu.stop_bits;
   483   nde->time_15_char_ = d_to_timeval(SAFETY_MARGIN*1.5*char_bits/node_addr->addr.rtu.baud);
   484   nde->time_35_char_ = d_to_timeval(SAFETY_MARGIN*3.5*char_bits/node_addr->addr.rtu.baud);
   486 #ifdef DEBUG
   487   fprintf(stderr, "nd_entry_connect(): %s ope{.node=NULL, .node_count=0};n\n", node_addr->addr.rtu.device );
   488   fprintf(stderr, "nd_entry_connect(): returning fd=%d\n", nde->fd);
   489 #endif
   490   return nde->fd;
   492   error_exit_4:
   493     close(nde->fd);
   494   error_exit_3:
   495     recv_buf_done(&nde->recv_buf_);
   496   error_exit_2:
   497   error_exit_1:
   498     nde->fd = -1; /* set the node as free... */
   499   error_exit_0:
   500     return -1;
   501 }
   505 static int nd_entry_free(nd_entry_t *nde) {
   506   if (nde->fd < 0)
   507     /* already free */
   508     return -1;
   510   /* reset the tty device old settings... */
   511 #ifdef ERRMSG
   512   int res =
   513 #endif
   514             tcsetattr(nde->fd, TCSANOW, &nde->old_tty_settings_);
   515 #ifdef ERRMSG
   516   if(res < 0)
   517     fprintf(stderr, ERRMSG_HEAD "Error reconfiguring serial port to it's original settings.\n");
   518 #endif
   520   recv_buf_done(&nde->recv_buf_);
   521   close(nde->fd);
   522   nde->fd = -1;
   524   return 0;
   525 }
   530 static inline int nd_entry_is_free(nd_entry_t *nde) {
   531   return (nde->fd < 0);
   532 }
   537 /************************************/
   538 /**                                **/
   539 /**  A data structure - nd table   **/
   540 /**                                **/
   541 /************************************/
   543 typedef struct {
   544       /* the array of node descriptors, and current size... */
   545     nd_entry_t *node;
   546     int        node_count;      /* total number of nodes in the node[] array */
   547 } nd_table_t;
   550 #if 1
   551 /* nd_table_init()
   552  *   Version 1 of the nd_table_init() function. 
   553  *   If called more than once, 2nd and any subsequent calls will
   554  *   be interpreted as a request to confirm that it was already correctly 
   555  *   initialized with the requested number of nodes.
   556  */
   557 static int nd_table_init(nd_table_t *ndt, int nd_count) {
   558   int count;
   560   if (ndt->node != NULL) {
   561     /* this function has already been called, and the node table is already initialised */
   562     return (ndt->node_count == nd_count)?0:-1;
   563   }
   565   /* initialise the node descriptor metadata array... */
   566   ndt->node = malloc(sizeof(nd_entry_t) * nd_count);
   567   if (ndt->node == NULL) {
   568 #ifdef ERRMSG
   569     fprintf(stderr, ERRMSG_HEAD "Out of memory: error initializing node address buffer\n");
   570 #endif
   571     return -1;
   572   }
   573   ndt->node_count = nd_count;
   575     /* initialise the state of each node in the array... */
   576   for (count = 0; count < ndt->node_count; count++) {
   577     nd_entry_init(&ndt->node[count]);
   578   } /* for() */
   580   return nd_count; /* number of succesfully created nodes! */
   581 }
   582 #else
   583 /* nd_table_init()
   584  *   Version 2 of the nd_table_init() function. 
   585  *   If called more than once, 2nd and any subsequent calls will
   586  *   be interpreted as a request to reserve an extra new_nd_count
   587  *   number of nodes. This will be done using realloc().
   588  */
   589 static int nd_table_init(nd_table_t *ndt, int new_nd_count) {
   590   int count;
   592   /* initialise the node descriptor metadata array... */
   593   ndt->node = realloc(ndt->node, sizeof(nd_entry_t) * (ndt->node_count + new_nd_count));
   594   if (ndt->node == NULL) {
   595 #ifdef ERRMSG
   596     fprintf(stderr, ERRMSG_HEAD "Out of memory: error initializing node address buffer\n");
   597 #endif
   598     return -1;
   599   }
   601   /* initialise the state of each newly added node in the array... */
   602   for (count = ndt->node_count; count < ndt->node_count + new_nd_count; count++) {
   603     nd_entry_init(&ndt->node[count]);
   604   } /* for() */
   605   ndt->node_count += new_nd_count;
   607   return new_nd_count; /* number of succesfully created nodes! */
   608 }
   609 #endif
   612 static inline nd_entry_t *nd_table_get_nd(nd_table_t *ndt, int nd) {
   613   if ((nd < 0) || (nd >= ndt->node_count))
   614     return NULL;
   616   return &ndt->node[nd];
   617 }
   620 static inline void nd_table_done(nd_table_t *ndt) {
   621   int i;
   623   if (ndt->node == NULL) 
   624     return;
   626     /* close all the connections... */
   627   for (i = 0; i < ndt->node_count; i++)
   628     nd_entry_free(&ndt->node[i]);
   630   /* Free memory... */
   631   free(ndt->node);
   632   *ndt = (nd_table_t){.node=NULL, .node_count=0};
   633 }
   637 static inline int nd_table_get_free_nd(nd_table_t *ndt) {
   638   int count;
   640   for (count = 0; count < ndt->node_count; count++) {
   641     if (nd_entry_is_free(&ndt->node[count]))
   642       return count;
   643   }
   645    /* none found... */
   646   return -1;
   647 }
   650 static inline int nd_table_free_nd(nd_table_t *ndt, int nd) {
   651   if ((nd < 0) || (nd >= ndt->node_count))
   652     return -1;
   654   return nd_entry_free(&ndt->node[nd]);
   655 }
   659 /**************************************************************/
   660 /**************************************************************/
   661 /****                                                      ****/
   662 /****                                                      ****/
   663 /****                Global Library State                  ****/
   664 /****                                                      ****/
   665 /****                                                      ****/
   666 /**************************************************************/
   667 /**************************************************************/
   669  /* The node descriptor table... */
   670  /* NOTE: This variable must be correctly initialised here!! */
   671 static nd_table_t nd_table_ = {.node=NULL, .node_count=0};
   673  /* The optimization choice... */
   674 static optimization_t optimization_;
   676  /* the crc function currently in use... */
   677  /* This will depend on the optimisation choice... */
   678 crc_func_t crc_calc = DEF_CRC_FUNCTION;
   682 /**************************************************************/
   683 /**************************************************************/
   684 /****                                                      ****/
   685 /****                                                      ****/
   686 /****                      CRC functions                   ****/
   687 /****                                                      ****/
   688 /****                                                      ****/
   689 /**************************************************************/
   690 /**************************************************************/
   692 #if     RTU_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH < 2
   693 #error  The CRC on modbus RTU frames requires at least 2 bytes in the frame length.
   694 #endif
   697 /************************************/
   698 /**                                **/
   699 /**     Read the CRC of a frame    **/
   700 /**                                **/
   701 /************************************/
   703 /* NOTE: cnt is number of bytes in the frame _excluding_ CRC! */
   704 static inline u16 crc_read(u8 *buf, int cnt) {
   705   /* For some strange reason, the crc is transmited
   706    * LSB first, unlike all other values...
   707    */
   708   return (buf[cnt + 1] << 8) | buf[cnt];
   709 }
   712 /************************************/
   713 /**                                **/
   714 /**    Write the CRC of a frame    **/
   715 /**                                **/
   716 /************************************/
   718 /* NOTE: cnt is number of bytes in the frame _excluding_ CRC! */
   719 static inline void crc_write(u8 *buf, int cnt) {
   720   /* For some strange reason, the crc is transmited
   721    * LSB first, unlike all other values...
   722    *
   723    * u16_v(query[string_length]) = mb_hton(temp_crc);  -> This is wrong !!
   724    */
   725   /* NOTE: We have already checked above that RTU_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH is >= 2 */
   726   u16 crc = crc_calc(buf, cnt);
   727   buf[cnt]   = lsb(crc);
   728   buf[cnt+1] = msb(crc);
   729 }
   733 /************************************/
   734 /**                                **/
   735 /**     A slow version of the      **/
   736 /**          CRC function          **/
   737 /**                                **/
   738 /************************************/
   740 /* crc optimized for smallest memory footprint */
   741 static u16 crc_slow(u8 *buf, int cnt)
   742 {
   743   int bit;
   744   u16 temp,flag;
   746   temp=0xFFFF;
   748   while (cnt-- != 0) {
   749     temp=temp ^ *buf++;
   750     for (bit=1; bit<=8; bit++) {
   751       flag = temp & 0x0001;
   752       /* NOTE:
   753        *  - since temp is unsigned, we are guaranteed a zero in MSbit;
   754        *  - if it were signed, the value placed in the MSbit would be
   755        *      compiler dependent!
   756        */
   757       temp >>= 1;
   758       if (flag)
   759         temp=temp ^ 0xA001;
   760     }
   761   }
   762   return(temp);
   763 }
   768 /************************************/
   769 /**                                **/
   770 /**     A fast version of the      **/
   771 /**          CRC function          **/
   772 /**                                **/
   773 /************************************/
   774 static u8 *crc_fast_buf = NULL;
   776 /* crc optimized for speed */
   777 static u16 crc_fast(u8 *buf, int cnt)
   778 {
   779 /* NOTE: The following arrays have been replaced by an equivalent
   780  *      array (crc_fast_buf[]) initialised at run-time.
   781  */
   782 /*
   783   static u8 buf_lsb[] = {0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41,
   784                          0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40,
   785                          0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40,
   786                          0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41,
   787                          0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40,
   788                          0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41,
   789                          0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41,
   790                          0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40,
   791                          0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40,
   792                          0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41,
   793                          0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41,
   794                          0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40,
   795                          0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41,
   796                          0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40,
   797                          0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40,
   798                          0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41,
   799                          0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40,
   800                          0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41,
   801                          0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41,
   802                          0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40,
   803                          0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41,
   804                          0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40,
   805                          0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40,
   806                          0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41,
   807                          0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41,
   808                          0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40,
   809                          0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40,
   810                          0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41,
   811                          0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40,
   812                          0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41,
   813                          0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41,
   814                          0x01, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x41, 0x00, 0xc1, 0x81, 0x40
   815                         };
   817   static u8 buf_msb[] = {0x00, 0xc0, 0xc1, 0x01, 0xc3, 0x03, 0x02, 0xc2,
   818                          0xc6, 0x06, 0x07, 0xc7, 0x05, 0xc5, 0xc4, 0x04,
   819                          0xcc, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0xcd, 0x0f, 0xcf, 0xce, 0x0e,
   820                          0x0a, 0xca, 0xcb, 0x0b, 0xc9, 0x09, 0x08, 0xc8,
   821                          0xd8, 0x18, 0x19, 0xd9, 0x1b, 0xdb, 0xda, 0x1a,
   822                          0x1e, 0xde, 0xdf, 0x1f, 0xdd, 0x1d, 0x1c, 0xdc,
   823                          0x14, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0x15, 0xd7, 0x17, 0x16, 0xd6,
   824                          0xd2, 0x12, 0x13, 0xd3, 0x11, 0xd1, 0xd0, 0x10,
   825                          0xf0, 0x30, 0x31, 0xf1, 0x33, 0xf3, 0xf2, 0x32,
   826                          0x36, 0xf6, 0xf7, 0x37, 0xf5, 0x35, 0x34, 0xf4,
   827                          0x3c, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0x3d, 0xff, 0x3f, 0x3e, 0xfe,
   828                          0xfa, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0xfb, 0x39, 0xf9, 0xf8, 0x38,
   829                          0x28, 0xe8, 0xe9, 0x29, 0xeb, 0x2b, 0x2a, 0xea,
   830                          0xee, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0xef, 0x2d, 0xed, 0xec, 0x2c,
   831                          0xe4, 0x24, 0x25, 0xe5, 0x27, 0xe7, 0xe6, 0x26,
   832                          0x22, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0x23, 0xe1, 0x21, 0x20, 0xe0,
   833                          0xa0, 0x60, 0x61, 0xa1, 0x63, 0xa3, 0xa2, 0x62,
   834                          0x66, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0x67, 0xa5, 0x65, 0x64, 0xa4,
   835                          0x6c, 0xac, 0xad, 0x6d, 0xaf, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0xae,
   836                          0xaa, 0x6a, 0x6b, 0xab, 0x69, 0xa9, 0xa8, 0x68,
   837                          0x78, 0xb8, 0xb9, 0x79, 0xbb, 0x7b, 0x7a, 0xba,
   838                          0xbe, 0x7e, 0x7f, 0xbf, 0x7d, 0xbd, 0xbc, 0x7c,
   839                          0xb4, 0x74, 0x75, 0xb5, 0x77, 0xb7, 0xb6, 0x76,
   840                          0x72, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0x73, 0xb1, 0x71, 0x70, 0xb0,
   841                          0x50, 0x90, 0x91, 0x51, 0x93, 0x53, 0x52, 0x92,
   842                          0x96, 0x56, 0x57, 0x97, 0x55, 0x95, 0x94, 0x54,
   843                          0x9c, 0x5c, 0x5d, 0x9d, 0x5f, 0x9f, 0x9e, 0x5e,
   844                          0x5a, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x5b, 0x99, 0x59, 0x58, 0x98,
   845                          0x88, 0x48, 0x49, 0x89, 0x4b, 0x8b, 0x8a, 0x4a,
   846                          0x4e, 0x8e, 0x8f, 0x4f, 0x8d, 0x4d, 0x4c, 0x8c,
   847                          0x44, 0x84, 0x85, 0x45, 0x87, 0x47, 0x46, 0x86,
   848                          0x82, 0x42, 0x43, 0x83, 0x41, 0x81, 0x80, 0x40
   849                         };
   850 */
   851   u8 crc_msb = 0xFF;
   852   u8 crc_lsb = 0xFF;
   853   int index;
   855   if (cnt <= 0) {
   856     fprintf(stderr, "\nInternal program error in file %s at line %d\n\n\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
   857     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
   858   }
   860   while (cnt-- != 0) {
   861     index = 2 * (crc_lsb ^ *buf++);
   862     crc_lsb = crc_msb ^ crc_fast_buf[index]/* buf_lsb[index/2] */;
   863     crc_msb = crc_fast_buf[index + 1] /* buf_msb[index/2] */;
   864   }
   866   return crc_msb*0x0100 + crc_lsb;
   867 }
   870 /************************************/
   871 /**                                **/
   872 /**  init() and done() functions   **/
   873 /**      of fast CRC version       **/
   874 /**                                **/
   875 /************************************/
   877 static inline int crc_fast_init(void) {
   878   int i;
   879   u8  data[2];
   880   u16 tmp_crc;
   882   if ((crc_fast_buf = (u8 *)malloc(256 * 2)) == NULL)
   883     return -1;
   885   for (i = 0x00; i < 0x100; i++) {
   886     data[0] = 0xFF;
   887     data[1] = i;
   888     data[1] = ~data[1];
   889     tmp_crc = crc_slow(data, 2);
   890     crc_fast_buf[2*i    ] = lsb(tmp_crc);
   891     crc_fast_buf[2*i + 1] = msb(tmp_crc);
   892   }
   894   return 0;
   895 }
   898 static inline void crc_fast_done(void) {
   899   free(crc_fast_buf);
   900 }
   903 /************************************/
   904 /**                                **/
   905 /**  init() and done() functions   **/
   906 /**         of generic CRC         **/
   907 /**                                **/
   908 /************************************/
   910 static inline int crc_init(optimization_t opt) {
   911   switch (opt) {
   912     case optimize_speed:
   913       if (crc_fast_init() < 0)
   914         return -1;
   915       crc_calc = crc_fast;
   916       return 0;
   917     case optimize_size :
   918       crc_calc = crc_slow;
   919       return 0;
   920     default:
   921       return -1;
   922   }
   924   /* humour the compiler */
   925   return -1;
   926 }
   929 static inline int crc_done(void) {
   930   if (crc_calc == crc_fast)
   931     crc_fast_done();
   933   crc_calc = DEF_CRC_FUNCTION;
   934   return 0;
   935 }
   939 /**************************************************************/
   940 /**************************************************************/
   941 /****                                                      ****/
   942 /****                                                      ****/
   943 /****              Sending of Modbus RTU Frames            ****/
   944 /****                                                      ****/
   945 /****                                                      ****/
   946 /**************************************************************/
   947 /**************************************************************/
   949 /*  W A R N I N G
   950  *  =============
   951  *     The modbus_rtu_write() function assumes that the caller
   952  *     has allocated a few bytes extra for the buffer containing
   953  *     the data. These bytes will be used to write the crc.
   954  *
   955  *     The caller of this function MUST make sure that the data
   956  *     buffer, although only containing data_length bytes, has
   957  *     been allocated with a size equal to or larger than
   958  *     data_length + RTU_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH bytes
   959  *
   960  *     I know, this is a very ugly hack, but we don't have much
   961  *     choice (please read other comments further on for more
   962  *     explanations)
   963  *
   964  *     We will nevertheless try and make this explicit by having the
   965  *     library initialisation function (modbus_rtu_init() ) return a
   966  *     value specifying how many extra bytes this buffer should have.
   967  *     Maybe this way this very ugly hack won't go unnoticed, and we
   968  *     won't be having any segmentation faults...!
   969  * 
   970  *     NOTE: for now the transmit_timeout is silently ignored in RTU version!
   971  */
   972 int modbus_rtu_write(int    nd,
   973                      u8    *data,
   974                      size_t data_length,
   975                      u16    transaction_id,
   976                      const struct timespec *transmit_timeout
   977                     )
   978 {
   979   fd_set rfds;
   980   struct timeval timeout;
   981   int res, send_retries;
   982   nd_entry_t *nd_entry;
   984 #ifdef DEBUG
   985   fprintf(stderr, "modbus_rtu_write(fd=%d) called...\n", nd);
   986 #endif
   987   /* check if nd is correct... */
   988   if ((nd_entry = nd_table_get_nd(&nd_table_, nd)) == NULL)
   989     return -1;
   991   /* check if nd is initialzed... */
   992   if (nd_entry->fd < 0)
   993     return -1;
   995   /**************************
   996   * append crc to frame... *
   997   **************************/
   998 /* WARNING:
   999  *     The crc_write() function assumes that we have an extra
  1000  *     RTU_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH free bytes at the end of the *data
  1001  *     buffer.
  1002  *     The caller of this function had better make sure he has
  1003  *     allocated those extra bytes, or a segmentation fault will
  1004  *     occur.
  1005  *     Please read on why we leave this as it is...
  1006  *
  1007  * REASONS:
  1008  *     We want to write the data and the crc in a single call to
  1009  *     the OS. This is the only way we can minimally try to gurantee
  1010  *     that we will not be introducing a silence of more than 1.5
  1011  *     character transmission times between any two characters.
  1012  *
  1013  *     We could do the above using one of two methods:
  1014  *       (a) use a special writev() call in which the data
  1015  *           to be sent is stored in two buffers (one for the
  1016  *           data and the other for the crc).
  1017  *       (b) place all the data in a single linear buffer and
  1018  *           use the normal write() function.
  1019  *
  1020  *     We cannot use (a) since the writev(2) function does not seem
  1021  *     to be POSIX compliant...
  1022  *     (b) has the drawback that we would need to allocate a new buffer,
  1023  *      and copy all the data into that buffer. We have enough copying of
  1024  *      data between buffers as it is, so we won't be doing it here
  1025  *      yet again!
  1026  *
  1027  *      The only option that seems left over is to have the caller
  1028  *      of this function allocate a few extra bytes. Let's hope he
  1029  *      does not forget!
  1030 */
  1031   crc_write(data, data_length);
  1032   data_length += RTU_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH;
  1034 #ifdef DEBUG
  1035 /* Print the hex value of each character that is about to be
  1036  * sent over the bus.
  1037  */
  1038   { int i;
  1039     for(i = 0; i < data_length; i++)
  1040       fprintf(stderr, "[0x%2X]", data[i]);
  1041     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
  1042   }
  1043 #endif
  1044    /* THE MAIN LOOP!!! */
  1045   /* NOTE: The modbus standard specifies that the message must
  1046    *       be sent continuosly over the wire with maximum
  1047    *       inter-character delays of 1.5 character intervals.
  1048    *
  1049    *       If the write() call is interrupted by a signal, then
  1050    *       this delay will most probably be exceeded. We should then
  1051    *       re-start writing the query from the begining.
  1052    *
  1053    *       BUT, can we really expect the write() call to return
  1054    *       query_length on every platform when no error occurs?
  1055    *       The write call would still be correct if it only wrote
  1056    *       1 byte at a time!
  1057    *
  1058    *       To protect ourselves getting into an infinte loop in the
  1059    *       above cases, we specify a maximum number of retries, and
  1060    *       hope for the best...! The worst will now be we simply do
  1061    *       not get to send out a whole frame, and will therefore always
  1062    *       fail on writing a modbus frame!
  1063    */
  1064   send_retries = RTU_FRAME_SEND_RETRY + 1; /* must try at least once... */
  1065   while (send_retries > 0) {
  1067     /*******************************
  1068      * synchronise with the bus... *
  1069      *******************************/
  1070     /* Remember that a RS485 bus is half-duplex, so we have to wait until
  1071      * nobody is transmitting over the bus for our turn to transmit.
  1072      * This will never happen on a modbus network if the master and
  1073      * slave state machines never get out of synch (granted, it probably
  1074      * only has two states, but a state machine nonetheless), but we want
  1075      * to make sure we can re-synchronise if they ever do get out of synch.
  1076      *
  1077      * The following lines will guarantee that we will re-synchronise our
  1078      * state machine with the current state of the bus.
  1079      *
  1080      * We first wait until the bus has been silent for at least
  1081      * char_interval_timeout (i.e. 3.5 character interval). We then flush
  1082      * any input and output that might be on the cache.
  1083      */
  1084       /* NOTES:
  1085        *   - we do not need to reset the rfds with FD_SET(ttyfd, &rfds)
  1086        *     before every call to select! We only wait on one file descriptor,
  1087        *     so if select returns succesfully, it must have that same file
  1088        *     decriptor set in the rdfs!
  1089        *     If select returns with a timeout, then we do not get to call
  1090        *     select again!
  1091        *   -  On Linux, timeout (i.e. timeout) is modified by select() to
  1092        *      reflect the amount of time not slept; most other implementations
  1093        *      do not do this. In the cases in which timeout is not modified,
  1094        *      we will simply have to wait for longer periods if select is
  1095        *      interrupted by a signal.
  1096        */
  1097     FD_ZERO(&rfds);
  1098     FD_SET(nd_entry->fd, &rfds);
  1099     timeout = nd_entry->time_35_char_;
  1100     while ((res = select(nd_entry->fd+1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout)) != 0) {
  1101       if (res > 0) {
  1102         /* we are receiving data over the serial port! */
  1103         /* Throw the data away!                        */
  1104         tcflush(nd_entry->fd, TCIFLUSH); /* flush the input stream */
  1105         /* reset the timeout value! */
  1106         timeout = nd_entry->time_35_char_;
  1107         /* We do not need to reset the FD SET here! */
  1108       } else {
  1109         /* some kind of error ocurred */
  1110         if (errno != EINTR)
  1111           /* we were not interrupted by a signal */
  1112           return -1;
  1113         /* We will be calling select() again.
  1114          * We need to reset the FD SET !
  1115          */
  1116         FD_ZERO(&rfds);
  1117         FD_SET(nd_entry->fd, &rfds);
  1118       }
  1119     } /* while (select()) */
  1121     /* Flush both input and output streams... */
  1122     /* NOTE: Due to the nature of the modbus protocol,
  1123      *       when a frame is sent all previous
  1124      *       frames that may have arrived at the sending node become
  1125      *       irrelevant.
  1126      */
  1127     tcflush(nd_entry->fd, TCIOFLUSH);       /* flush the input & output streams */
  1128     recv_buf_reset(&nd_entry->recv_buf_);   /* reset the recv buffer            */
  1130     /**********************
  1131      * write to output... *
  1132      **********************/
  1133      /* Please see the comment just above the main loop!! */
  1134     if ((res = write(nd_entry->fd, data, data_length)) != data_length) {
  1135       if ((res < 0) && (errno != EAGAIN ) && (errno != EINTR ))
  1136         return -1;
  1137     } else {
  1138       /* query succesfully sent! */
  1139       /* res == query_length     */
  1141       /*  NOTE: We do not flush the input stream after sending the frame!
  1142        *        If the process gets swapped out between the end of writing
  1143        *        to the serial port, and the call to flush the input of the
  1144        *        same serial port, the response to the modbus query may be
  1145        *        sent over between those two calls. This would result in the
  1146        *        tcflush(ttyfd, TCIFLUSH) call flushing out the response
  1147        *        to the query we have just sent!
  1148        *        Not a good thing at all... ;-)
  1149        */
  1150       return data_length - RTU_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH;
  1151     }
  1152     /* NOTE: The maximum inter-character delay of 1.5 character times
  1153      *       has most probably been exceeded, so we abort the frame and
  1154      *       retry again...
  1155      */
  1156     send_retries--;
  1157   } /* while()  MAIN LOOP */
  1159    /* maximum retries exceeded */
  1160   return -1;
  1161 }
  1165 /**************************************************************/
  1166 /**************************************************************/
  1167 /****                                                      ****/
  1168 /****                                                      ****/
  1169 /****              Receiving Modbus RTU Frames             ****/
  1170 /****                                                      ****/
  1171 /****                                                      ****/
  1172 /**************************************************************/
  1173 /**************************************************************/
  1175 #if     MIN_FRAME_LENGTH < 2
  1176 #error  Modbus RTU frames have a minimum length larger than MIN_FRAME_LENGTH.
  1177 #endif
  1179 /************************************/
  1180 /**                                **/
  1181 /**     Guess length of frame      **/
  1182 /**         being read.            **/
  1183 /**                                **/
  1184 /************************************/
  1186 /*  Auxiliary function to the search_for_frame() function.
  1187  *
  1188  *  NOTE: data_byte_count must be >=2 for correct operation, therefore
  1189  *        the #error condition above.
  1190  *
  1191  *  Function to determine the length of the frame currently being read,
  1192  *  assuming it is a query/response frame.
  1193  *
  1194  *  The guess is obtained by analysing the bytes that have already been
  1195  *  read. Sometimes we cannot be sure what is the frame length, because
  1196  *  not enough bytes of the frame have been read yet (for example, frames
  1197  *  that have a byte_count value which has not yet been read). In these
  1198  *  cases we return not the frame length, but an error (-1).
  1199  *
  1200  *  If we find the data does not make any sense (i.e. it cannot be a valid
  1201  *  modbus frame), we return -1.
  1202  */
  1203 static int frame_length(u8 *frame_data,
  1204                         int frame_data_length,
  1205                           /* The array containing the lengths of frames. */
  1206                           /*   - query_frame_length[]
  1207                            *   - response_frame_length[]
  1208                            */
  1209                         i8  *frame_length_array) {
  1211   u8  function_code;
  1212   int res;
  1214    /* check consistency of input parameters... */
  1215  /*
  1216   if ((frame_data == NULL) || (frame_length_array == NULL) || (frame_data_length < 2))
  1217     return -1;
  1218   */
  1220   function_code = frame_data[L2_FRAME_FUNCTION_OFS];
  1222    /* hard code the length of response to diagnostic function 8 (0x08), with
  1223     * subfunction 21 (0x15), and sub-sub-function (a.k.a. operation) 3 (0x03),
  1224     * which contains a byte count...
  1225     */
  1226   if ((function_code == 0x08) && (frame_length_array == response_frame_lengths)) {
  1227     if (frame_data_length < 4) {
  1228       /* not enough info to determine the sub-function... */
  1229       return -1;
  1230     } else {
  1231       if ((frame_data[2] == 0x00) && (frame_data[3] == 0x15)) {
  1232         /* we need a couple more bytes to figure out the sub-sub-function... */
  1233         if (frame_data_length < 6) {
  1234           /* not enough info to determine the sub-sub-function... */
  1235           return -1;
  1236         } else {
  1237           if ((frame_data[4] == 0x00) && (frame_data[5] == 0x03)) {
  1238             /* We have found a response frame to diagnostic sub-function ... */
  1239             if (frame_data_length < 8) {
  1240               /* not enough info to determine the frame length */
  1241               return -1;
  1242             } else {
  1243               return /*HEADER*/ 6 + mb_ntoh(u16_v(frame_data[6])) + RTU_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH;
  1244             }
  1245           }
  1246         }
  1247       }
  1248     }
  1249   }
  1251   res = frame_length_array[function_code];
  1253   switch(res) {
  1254     case BYTE_COUNT_3 :
  1255       if (frame_data_length >= 3)
  1256         return BYTE_COUNT_3_HEADER  + frame_data[2] + RTU_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH;
  1257       break;
  1258     case BYTE_COUNT_34:
  1259       if (frame_data_length >= 4)
  1260         return BYTE_COUNT_34_HEADER + mb_ntoh(u16_v(frame_data[2])) + RTU_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH;
  1261       break;
  1262     case BYTE_COUNT_7 :
  1263       if (frame_data_length >= 7)
  1264         return BYTE_COUNT_7_HEADER  + frame_data[6] + RTU_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH;
  1265       break;
  1266     case BYTE_COUNT_11:
  1267       if (frame_data_length >= 11)
  1268         return BYTE_COUNT_11_HEADER + frame_data[10] + RTU_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH;
  1269       break;
  1270     case BYTE_COUNT_U :
  1271       return -1;
  1272     default:
  1273       return res + RTU_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH;
  1274   } /* switch() */
  1276   /* unknown frame length */
  1277   return -1;
  1278 }
  1282 /************************************/
  1283 /**                                **/
  1284 /**      Search for a frame        **/
  1285 /**                                **/
  1286 /************************************/
  1288 /* Search for a valid frame in the current data.
  1289  * If no valid frame is found, then we return -1.
  1290  *
  1291  * NOTE: Since frame verification is done by calculating the CRC, which is rather
  1292  *       CPU intensive, and this function may be called several times with the same,
  1293  *       data, we keep state regarding the result of previous invocations...
  1294  *       That is the reason for the *search_history parameter!
  1295  */
  1296 static int search_for_frame(u8 *frame_data,
  1297                             int frame_data_length,
  1298                             int *search_history) {
  1299   int query_length, resp_length;
  1300   u8  function_code;
  1301     /* *search_history flag will have or'ed of following values... */
  1302 #define SFF_HIST_NO_QUERY_FRAME     0x01
  1303 #define SFF_HIST_NO_RESPONSE_FRAME  0x02
  1306   if ((*search_history == SFF_HIST_NO_FRAME) ||
  1307       (frame_data_length < MIN_FRAME_LENGTH) ||
  1308       (frame_data_length > MAX_RTU_FRAME_LENGTH))
  1309     return -1;
  1311   function_code = frame_data[L2_FRAME_FUNCTION_OFS];
  1313   /* check for exception frame... */
  1314   if ((function_code && 0x80) == 0x80) {
  1315     if (frame_data_length >= EXCEPTION_FRAME_LENGTH + RTU_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH) {
  1316       /* let's check CRC for valid frame. */
  1317       if (   crc_calc(frame_data, EXCEPTION_FRAME_LENGTH)
  1318           == crc_read(frame_data, EXCEPTION_FRAME_LENGTH))
  1320       else
  1321         /* We have checked the CRC, and it is not a valid frame! */
  1322         *search_history |= SFF_HIST_NO_FRAME;
  1323     }
  1324     return -1;
  1325   }
  1327   /* check for valid function code */
  1328   if ((function_code > MAX_FUNCTION_CODE) || (function_code < 1)) {
  1329     /* This is an invalid frame!!! */
  1330     *search_history |= SFF_HIST_NO_FRAME;
  1331     return -1;
  1332   }
  1334   /* let's guess the frame length */
  1335   query_length = resp_length = -1;
  1336   if ((*search_history & SFF_HIST_NO_QUERY_FRAME) == 0)
  1337     query_length = frame_length(frame_data, frame_data_length, query_frame_lengths);
  1338   if ((*search_history & SFF_HIST_NO_RESPONSE_FRAME) == 0)
  1339     resp_length  = frame_length(frame_data, frame_data_length, response_frame_lengths);
  1341   /* let's check whether any of the lengths are valid...*/
  1342   /* If any of the guesses coincides with the available data length
  1343    * we check that length first...
  1344    */
  1345   if ((frame_data_length == query_length) || (frame_data_length == resp_length)) {
  1346     if (   crc_calc(frame_data, frame_data_length - RTU_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH)
  1347         == crc_read(frame_data, frame_data_length - RTU_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH))
  1348       return frame_data_length;
  1349     /* nope, wrong guess...*/
  1350     if (frame_data_length == query_length)
  1351       *search_history |= SFF_HIST_NO_QUERY_FRAME;
  1352     if (frame_data_length == resp_length)
  1353       *search_history |= SFF_HIST_NO_RESPONSE_FRAME;
  1354   }
  1356   /* let's shoot for a query frame */
  1357   if ((*search_history & SFF_HIST_NO_QUERY_FRAME) == 0) {
  1358     if (query_length >= 0) {
  1359       if (frame_data_length >= query_length) {
  1360         /* let's check if we have a valid frame */
  1361         if (   crc_calc(frame_data, query_length - RTU_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH)
  1362             == crc_read(frame_data, query_length - RTU_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH))
  1363           return query_length;
  1364         else
  1365           /* We have checked the CRC, and it is not a valid frame! */
  1366           *search_history |= SFF_HIST_NO_QUERY_FRAME;
  1367       }
  1368     }
  1369   }
  1371   /* let's shoot for a response frame */
  1372   if ((*search_history & SFF_HIST_NO_RESPONSE_FRAME) == 0) {
  1373     if (resp_length >= 0) {
  1374       if (frame_data_length >= resp_length) {
  1375         /* let's check if we have a valid frame */
  1376         if (   crc_calc(frame_data, resp_length - RTU_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH)
  1377             == crc_read(frame_data, resp_length - RTU_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH))
  1378           return resp_length;
  1379         else
  1380           *search_history |= SFF_HIST_NO_RESPONSE_FRAME;
  1381       }
  1382     }
  1383   }
  1385   /* Could not find valid frame... */
  1386   return -1;
  1387 }
  1391 /************************************/
  1392 /**                                **/
  1393 /**          Read a frame          **/
  1394 /**                                **/
  1395 /************************************/
  1397 /* A small auxiliary function, just to make the code easier to read... */
  1398 static inline void next_frame_offset(recv_buf_t *buf, u8 *slave_id) {
  1399   buf->frame_search_history = 0;
  1400   lb_data_purge(&(buf->data_buf), 1 /* skip one byte */);
  1402   if (slave_id == NULL)
  1403     return;
  1405   /* keep ignoring bytes, until we find one == *slave_id,
  1406    * or no more bytes...
  1407    */
  1408   while (lb_data_count(&(buf->data_buf)) != 0) {
  1409     if (*lb_data(&(buf->data_buf)) == *slave_id)
  1410       return;
  1411     lb_data_purge(&(buf->data_buf), 1 /* skip one byte */);
  1412   }
  1413 }
  1415 /* A small auxiliary function, just to make the code easier to read... */
  1416 static inline int return_frame(recv_buf_t *buf,
  1417                                int frame_length,
  1418                                u8 **recv_data_ptr) {
  1419 #ifdef DEBUG
  1420   fprintf(stderr, "\n" );
  1421   fprintf(stderr, "returning valid frame of %d bytes.\n", frame_length);
  1422 #endif
  1423     /* set the data pointer */
  1424   *recv_data_ptr = lb_data(&(buf->data_buf));
  1425     /* remove the frame bytes off the buffer */
  1426   lb_data_purge(&(buf->data_buf), frame_length);
  1427     /* reset the search_history flag */
  1428   buf->frame_search_history = 0;
  1429     /* if the buffer becomes empty, then reset boundary flag */
  1430   if (lb_data_count(&(buf->data_buf)) <= 0)
  1431     buf->found_frame_boundary = 0;
  1432     /* return the frame length, excluding CRC */
  1433   return frame_length - RTU_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH;
  1434 }
  1436 /* A function to read a valid frame off the rtu bus.
  1437  *
  1438  * NOTES:
  1439  *        - The returned frame is guaranteed to be a valid frame.
  1440  *        - The returned length does *not* include the CRC.
  1441  *        - The returned frame is not guaranteed to have the same
  1442  *          slave id as that stored in (*slave_id). This value is used
  1443  *          merely in optimizing the search for wanted valid frames
  1444  *          after reading an aborted frame. Only in this situation do
  1445  *          we limit our search for frames with a slvae id == (*slave_id).
  1446  *          Under normal circumstances, the value in (*slave_id) is
  1447  *          simply ignored...
  1448  *          If any valid frame is desired, then slave_id should be NULL.
  1449  *
  1450  */
  1452 /* NOTE: We cannot relly on the 3.5 character interval between frames to detect
  1453  *       end of frame. We are reading the bytes from a user process, so in
  1454  *       essence the bytes we are reading are coming off a cache.
  1455  *       Any inter-character delays between the arrival of the bytes are
  1456  *       lost as soon as they were placed in the cache.
  1457  *
  1458  *       Our only recourse is to analyse the frame we are reading in real-time,
  1459  *       and check if it is a valid frame by checking it's CRC.
  1460  *       To optimise this, we must be able to figure out the length
  1461  *       of the frame currently being received by analysing the first bytes
  1462  *       of that frame. Unfortunately, we have three problems with this:
  1463  *         1) The spec does not specify the format of every possible modbus
  1464  *            frame. For ex.functions 9, 10, 13, 14, 18 and 19(?).
  1465  *         2) It is not possible to figure out whether a frame is a query
  1466  *            or a response by just analysing the frame, and query and response
  1467  *            frames have different sizes...
  1468  *         3) A frame may be aborted in the middle! We have no easy way of telling
  1469  *            if what we are reading is a partial (aborted) frame, followed by a
  1470  *            correct frame.
  1471  *       Possible solutions to:
  1472  *         1) We could try to reverse engineer, but at the moment I have no
  1473  *            PLCs that will generate the required frames.
  1474  *            The chosen method is to verify the CRC if we are lucky enough to
  1475  *            detect the 3.5 frame boundary imediately following one of these
  1476  *            frames of unknown length.
  1477  *            If we do not detect any frame boundary, then our only option
  1478  *            is to consider it an aborted frame.
  1479  *         2) We aim for the query frame (usually the shortest), and check
  1480  *            it's CRC. If it matches, we accept, the frame, otherwise we try
  1481  *            a response frame.
  1482  *         3) The only way is to consider a frame boundary after each byte,
  1483  *            (i.e. ignore one bye at a time) and verify if the following bytes
  1484  *            constitue a valid frame (by checking the CRC).
  1485  *
  1486  *       When reading an aborted frame followed by two or more valid frames, if
  1487  *       we are unlucky and do not detetect any frame boundary using the 3.5
  1488  *       character interval, then we will most likely be reading in bytes
  1489  *       beyond the first valid frame. This means we will have to store the extra
  1490  *       bytes we have already read, so they may be handled the next time the
  1491  *       read_frame() function is called.
  1492  */
  1493  /*
  1494   * NOTE: The modbus RTU spec is inconsistent on how to handle
  1495   *       inter-character delays larger than 1.5 characters.
  1496   *       - On one paragraph it is stated that any delay larger than
  1497   *         1.5 character times aborts the current frame, and a new
  1498   *         frame is started.
  1499   *       - On another paragraph it is stated that a frame must begin
  1500   *         with a silence of 3.5 character times.
  1501   *
  1502   * We will therefore consider that any delay larger than 1.5 character
  1503   * times terminates a valid frame. All the above references to the 3.5 character
  1504   * interval should therefore be read as a 1.5 character interval.
  1505   */
  1506 /* NOTE: This function is only called from one place in the rest of the code,
  1507  * so we might just as well make it inline...
  1508  */
  1509 /* RETURNS: number of bytes in received frame
  1510  *          -1 on read file error
  1511  *          -2 on timeout
  1512  */
  1513 static inline int read_frame(nd_entry_t *nd_entry,
  1514                              u8 **recv_data_ptr,
  1515                              struct timespec *end_time,
  1516                              u8 *slave_id)
  1517 {
  1518   /* temporary variables... */
  1519   fd_set rfds;
  1520   struct timeval timeout;
  1521   int res, read_stat;
  1522   int frame_length;
  1523   recv_buf_t *recv_buf = &nd_entry->recv_buf_;
  1525     /* Flag:
  1526      *       1 => we are reading in an aborted frame, so we must
  1527      *            start ignoring bytes...
  1528      */
  1529   int found_aborted_frame;
  1531   /* assume error... */
  1532   *recv_data_ptr = NULL;
  1534   /*===================================*
  1535    * Check for frame in left over data *
  1536    *===================================*/
  1537   /* If we have any data left over from previous call to read_frame()
  1538    * (i.e. this very same function), then we try to interpret that
  1539    * data, and do not wait for any extra bytes...
  1540    */
  1541   frame_length = search_for_frame(lb_data(&recv_buf->data_buf),
  1542                                   lb_data_count(&recv_buf->data_buf),
  1543                                   &recv_buf->frame_search_history);
  1544   if (frame_length > 0)
  1545     /* We found a valid frame! */
  1546     return return_frame(recv_buf, frame_length, recv_data_ptr);
  1548   /* If the left over data finished at a frame boundary, and since it
  1549    * doesn't contain any valid frame, we discard those bytes...
  1550    */
  1551   if (recv_buf->found_frame_boundary == 1)
  1552     recv_buf_reset(recv_buf);
  1554   /*============================*
  1555    * wait for data availability *
  1556    *============================*/
  1557   /* if we can't find a valid frame in the existing data, or no data
  1558    * was left over, then we need to read more bytes!
  1559    */
  1560     FD_ZERO(&rfds);
  1561     FD_SET(nd_entry->fd, &rfds);
  1562     {int sel_res = my_select(nd_entry->fd + 1, &rfds, NULL, end_time);
  1563       if (sel_res < 0)
  1564         return -1;
  1565       if (sel_res == 0)
  1566         return -2;
  1567     }
  1569   /*==============*
  1570    * read a frame *
  1571    *==============*/
  1572   /* The main loop that reads one frame               */
  1573   /*  (multiple calls to read() )                     */
  1574   /* and jumps out as soon as it finds a valid frame. */
  1576   found_aborted_frame = 0;
  1577   FD_ZERO(&rfds);
  1578   FD_SET(nd_entry->fd, &rfds);
  1579   while (1) {
  1581     /*------------------*
  1582      * read frame bytes *
  1583      *------------------*/
  1584      /* Read in as many bytes as possible...
  1585       * But only if we have not found a frame boundary. Once we find
  1586       *  a frame boundary, we do not want to read in any more bytes
  1587       *  and mix them up with the current frame's bytes.
  1588       */
  1589     if (recv_buf->found_frame_boundary == 0) {
  1590       read_stat = read(nd_entry->fd,
  1591                        lb_free(&recv_buf->data_buf),
  1592                        lb_free_count(&recv_buf->data_buf));
  1593       if (read_stat < 0) {
  1594         if (errno != EINTR)
  1595           return -1;
  1596         else
  1597           read_stat = 0;
  1598       }
  1599 #ifdef DEBUG
  1600       {/* display the hex code of each character received */
  1601         int i;
  1602         fprintf(stderr, "-");
  1603         for (i=0; i < read_stat; i++)
  1604           fprintf(stderr, "<0x%2X>", *(lb_free(&recv_buf->data_buf) + i));
  1605       }
  1606 #endif
  1607       lb_data_add(&recv_buf->data_buf, read_stat);
  1608     }
  1610     /*-----------------------*
  1611      * check for valid frame *
  1612      *-----------------------*/
  1613     frame_length = search_for_frame(lb_data(&recv_buf->data_buf),
  1614                                     lb_data_count(&recv_buf->data_buf),
  1615                                     &recv_buf->frame_search_history);
  1616     if (frame_length > 0)
  1617       /* We found a valid frame! */
  1618       return return_frame(recv_buf, frame_length, recv_data_ptr);
  1620     /* if we reach this point, we are sure we do not have valid frame
  1621      * of known length in the current data with the current offset...
  1622      */
  1624     /*---------------------------------*
  1625      * Have we found an aborted frame? *
  1626      *---------------------------------*/
  1627     if (lb_data_count(&recv_buf->data_buf) >= MAX_RTU_FRAME_LENGTH)
  1628       found_aborted_frame = 1;
  1630     /*---------------------------------*
  1631      * Must we try a new frame_offset? *
  1632      *---------------------------------*/
  1633     if (found_aborted_frame == 1) {
  1634       /* Note that the found_aborted_frame flag is only set if:
  1635        *   1 - we have previously detected a frame_boundary,
  1636        *       (i.e. found_frame_boundary is == 1 !!) so we won't be
  1637        *       reading in more bytes;
  1638        *   2 - we have read more bytes than the maximum frame length
  1639        *
  1640        * Considering we have just failed finding a valid frame, and the above
  1641        * points (1) and (2), then there is no way we are still going to
  1642        * find a valid frame in the current data.
  1643        * We must therefore try a new first byte for the frame...
  1644        */
  1645       next_frame_offset(recv_buf, slave_id);
  1646     }
  1648     /*-----------------------------*
  1649      * check for data availability *
  1650      *-----------------------------*/
  1651     if (recv_buf->found_frame_boundary == 0) {
  1652       /* We need more bytes!! */
  1653       /*
  1654        * if no character at the buffer, then we wait time_15_char_
  1655        * before accepting end of frame
  1656        */
  1657       /* NOTES:
  1658        *   - On Linux, timeout is modified by select() to reflect
  1659        *     the amount of time not slept; most other implementations do
  1660        *     not do this. On those platforms we will simply have to wait
  1661        *     longer than we wished if select() is by any chance interrupted
  1662        *     by a signal...
  1663        */
  1664       timeout = nd_entry->time_15_char_;
  1665       while ((res = select(nd_entry->fd+1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout)) < 0) {
  1666         if (errno != EINTR)
  1667           return -1;
  1668         /* We will be calling select() again.
  1669          * We need to reset the FD SET !
  1670          */
  1671         FD_ZERO(&rfds);
  1672         FD_SET(nd_entry->fd, &rfds);
  1673       }
  1675       if (res == 0) {
  1676         int frame_length = lb_data_count(&recv_buf->data_buf);
  1677         /* We have detected an end of frame using timing boundaries... */
  1678         recv_buf->found_frame_boundary = 1; /* => stop trying to read any more bytes! */
  1680         /* Let's check if we happen to have a correct frame... */
  1681         if ((frame_length <= MAX_RTU_FRAME_LENGTH) &&
  1682 	    (frame_length - RTU_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH > 0)) {
  1683           if (   crc_calc(lb_data(&recv_buf->data_buf), frame_length - RTU_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH)
  1684               == crc_read(lb_data(&recv_buf->data_buf), frame_length - RTU_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH)) {
  1685             /* We have found a valid frame. Let's get out of here! */
  1686             return return_frame(recv_buf, frame_length, recv_data_ptr);
  1687           }
  1688 	}
  1690         /* We have detected a frame boundary, but the frame we read
  1691          * is not valid...
  1692          *
  1693          * One of the following reasons must be the cause:
  1694          *   1 - we are reading a single aborted frame.
  1695          *   2 - we are reading more than one frame. The first frame,
  1696          *       followed by any number of valid and/or aborted frames,
  1697          *       may be one of:
  1698          *       a - a valid frame whose length is unknown to us,
  1699          *           i.e. it is not specified in the public Modbus spec.
  1700          *       b - an aborted frame.
  1701          *
  1702          * Due to the complexity of reading 2a as a correct frame, we will
  1703          * consider it as an aborted frame. (NOTE: it is possible, but
  1704          * we will ignore it until the need arises... hopefully, never!)
  1705          *
  1706          * To put it succintly, what wee now have is an 'aborted' frame
  1707          * followed by one or more aborted and/or valid frames. To get to
  1708          * any valid frames, and since we do not know where they begin,
  1709          * we will have to consider every byte as the possible begining
  1710          * of a valid frame. For this permutation, we ignore the first byte,
  1711          * and carry on from there...
  1712          */
  1713         found_aborted_frame = 1;
  1714         lb_data_purge(&recv_buf->data_buf, 1 /* skip one byte */);
  1715         recv_buf->frame_search_history = 0;
  1716       }
  1717     }
  1719     /*-------------------------------*
  1720      * check for data yet to process *
  1721      *-------------------------------*/
  1722     if ((lb_data_count(&recv_buf->data_buf) < MIN_FRAME_LENGTH) &&
  1723         (recv_buf->found_frame_boundary == 1)) {
  1724       /* We have no more data to process, and will not read anymore! */
  1725       recv_buf_reset(recv_buf);
  1726       /* Return TIMEOUT error */
  1727       return -2;
  1728     }
  1729   } /* while (1)*/
  1731   /* humour the compiler... */
  1732   return -1;
  1733 }
  1739 /************************************/
  1740 /**                                **/
  1741 /**    Read a Modbus RTU frame     **/
  1742 /**                                **/
  1743 /************************************/
  1745 /* The public function that reads a valid modbus frame.
  1746  *
  1747  * The returned frame is guaranteed to be different to the
  1748  * the frame stored in send_data, and to start with the
  1749  * same slave address stored in send_data[0].
  1750  *
  1751  * If send_data is NULL, send_data_length = 0, or
  1752  * ignore_echo == 0, then the first valid frame read off
  1753  * the bus is returned.
  1754  *
  1755  * return value: The length (in bytes) of the valid frame,
  1756  *               -1 on error
  1757  *               -2 on timeout
  1758  */
  1760 int modbus_rtu_read(int *nd,
  1761                     u8 **recv_data_ptr,
  1762                     u16 *transaction_id,
  1763                     const u8 *send_data,
  1764                     int send_length,
  1765                     const struct timespec *recv_timeout) {
  1766   struct timespec end_time, *ts_ptr;
  1767   int res, recv_length, iter;
  1768   u8 *local_recv_data_ptr;
  1769   u8 *slave_id, local_slave_id;
  1770   nd_entry_t *nd_entry;
  1772   /* Check input parameters... */
  1773   if (nd == NULL)
  1774     return -1;
  1776   if (recv_data_ptr == NULL)
  1777     recv_data_ptr = &local_recv_data_ptr;
  1779   if ((send_data == NULL) && (send_length != 0))
  1780     return -1;
  1782   /* check if nd is correct... */
  1783   if ((nd_entry = nd_table_get_nd(&nd_table_, *nd)) == NULL)
  1784     return -1;
  1786   /* check if nd is initialzed... */
  1787   if (nd_entry->fd < 0)
  1788     return -1;
  1790   slave_id = NULL;
  1791   if (send_length > L2_FRAME_SLAVEID_OFS) {
  1792     local_slave_id = send_data[L2_FRAME_SLAVEID_OFS];
  1793     slave_id = &local_slave_id;
  1794   }
  1796   /* We will potentially read many frames, and we cannot reset the timeout
  1797    * for every frame we read. We therefore determine the absolute time_out,
  1798    * and use this as a parameter for each call to read_frame() instead of
  1799    * using a relative timeout.
  1800    *
  1801    * NOTE: see also the timeout related comment in the read_frame()= function!
  1802    */
  1803   /* get the current time... */
  1804   ts_ptr = NULL;
  1805   if (recv_timeout != NULL) {
  1806      ts_ptr = &end_time;
  1807     *ts_ptr = timespec_add_curtime(*recv_timeout);
  1808   }
  1810   /* NOTE: When using a half-duplex RS-485 bus, some (most ?) RS232-485
  1811    *       converters will send back to the RS232 port whatever we write,
  1812    *       so we will read in whatever we write out onto the bus.
  1813    *       We will therefore have to compare
  1814    *       the first frame we read with the one we sent. If they are
  1815    *       identical it is because we are in fact working on a RS-485
  1816    *       bus and must therefore read in a second frame which will be
  1817    *       the true response to our query.
  1818    *       If the first frame we receive is different to the query we
  1819    *       just sent, then we are *not* working on a RS-485 bus, and
  1820    *       that is already the real response to our query.
  1821    *
  1822    *       Flushing the input cache immediately after sending the query
  1823    *       could solve this issue, but we have no guarantee that this
  1824    *       process would not get swapped out between the write() and
  1825    *       flush() calls, and we could therefore be flushing the response
  1826    *       frame!
  1827    */
  1829   iter = 0;
  1830   while ((res = recv_length = read_frame(nd_entry, recv_data_ptr, ts_ptr, slave_id)) >= 0) {
  1831     if (iter < INT_MAX) iter++;
  1833     if ((send_length <= 0) || (nd_entry->ignore_echo == 0))
  1834       /* any valid frame will do... */
  1835       return recv_length;
  1837     if ((send_length > L2_FRAME_SLAVEID_OFS + 1) && (iter == 1))
  1838      /* We have a frame in send_data,
  1839       * so we must make sure we are not reading in the frame just sent...
  1840       *
  1841       * We must only do this for the first frame we read. Subsequent
  1842       * frames are guaranteed not to be the previously sent frame
  1843       * since the modbus_rtu_write() resets the recv buffer.
  1844       * Remember too that valid modbus responses may be exactly the same
  1845       * as the request frame!!
  1846       */
  1847       if (recv_length == send_length)
  1848         if (memcmp(*recv_data_ptr, send_data, recv_length) == 0)
  1849           /* recv == send !!! */
  1850           /* read in another frame.  */
  1851           continue;
  1853     /* The frame read is either:
  1854      *  - different to the frame in send_data
  1855      *  - or there is only the slave id in send_data[0]
  1856      *  - or both of the above...
  1857      */
  1858     if (send_length > L2_FRAME_SLAVEID_OFS)
  1859       if (recv_length > L2_FRAME_SLAVEID_OFS)
  1860         /* check that frame is from/to the correct slave... */
  1861         if ((*recv_data_ptr)[L2_FRAME_SLAVEID_OFS] == send_data[L2_FRAME_SLAVEID_OFS])
  1862           /* yep, it is... */
  1863           return recv_length;
  1865     /* The frame we have received is not acceptable...
  1866      * Let's read a new frame.
  1867      */
  1868   } /* while(...) */
  1870   /* error reading response! */
  1871   /* Return the error returned by read_frame! */
  1872   return res;
  1873 }
  1879 /**************************************************************/
  1880 /**************************************************************/
  1881 /****                                                      ****/
  1882 /****                                                      ****/
  1883 /****        Initialising and Shutting Down Library        ****/
  1884 /****                                                      ****/
  1885 /****                                                      ****/
  1886 /**************************************************************/
  1887 /**************************************************************/
  1889 /******************************/
  1890 /**                          **/
  1891 /**   Load Default Values    **/
  1892 /**                          **/
  1893 /******************************/
  1895 static void set_defaults(int *baud,
  1896                          int *parity,
  1897                          int *data_bits,
  1898                          int *stop_bits) {
  1899   /* Set the default values, if required... */
  1900   if (*baud == 0)
  1901     *baud = DEF_BAUD_RATE;
  1902   if (*data_bits == 0)
  1903     *data_bits = DEF_DATA_BITS;
  1904   if (*stop_bits == 0) {
  1905     if (*parity == 0)
  1906       *stop_bits = DEF_STOP_BITS_NOP; /* no parity */
  1907     else
  1908       *stop_bits = DEF_STOP_BITS_PAR; /* parity used */
  1909   }
  1910 }
  1913 /******************************/
  1914 /**                          **/
  1915 /**    Initialise Library    **/
  1916 /**                          **/
  1917 /******************************/
  1919 int modbus_rtu_init(int nd_count,
  1920                     optimization_t opt,
  1921                     int *extra_bytes)
  1922 {
  1923 #ifdef DEBUG
  1924   fprintf(stderr, "modbus_rtu_init(): called...\n");
  1925   fprintf(stderr, "creating %d node descriptors\n", nd_count);
  1926   if (opt == optimize_speed)
  1927     fprintf(stderr, "optimizing for speed\n");
  1928   if (opt == optimize_size)
  1929     fprintf(stderr, "optimizing for size\n");
  1930 #endif
  1932     /* check input parameters...*/
  1933   if (0 == nd_count) {
  1934     if (extra_bytes != NULL)
  1935       // Not the corect value for this layer. 
  1936       // What we set it to in case this layer is not used!
  1937       *extra_bytes = 0; 
  1938     return 0;
  1939   }
  1940   if (nd_count <= 0)
  1941     goto error_exit_0;
  1943   if (extra_bytes == NULL)
  1944     goto error_exit_0;
  1946   if (crc_init(opt) < 0) {
  1947 #ifdef ERRMSG
  1948     fprintf(stderr, ERRMSG_HEAD "Out of memory: error initializing crc buffers\n");
  1949 #endif
  1950     goto error_exit_0;
  1951   }
  1953     /* set the extra_bytes value... */
  1954     /* Please see note before the modbus_rtu_write() function for a
  1955      * better understanding of this extremely ugly hack...
  1956      *
  1957      * The number of extra bytes that must be allocated to the data buffer
  1958      * before calling modbus_rtu_write()
  1959      */
  1960   *extra_bytes = RTU_FRAME_CRC_LENGTH;
  1962     /* initialise nd table... */
  1963   if (nd_table_init(&nd_table_, nd_count) < 0)
  1964     goto error_exit_0;
  1966     /* remember the optimization choice for later reference... */
  1967   optimization_ = opt;
  1969 #ifdef DEBUG
  1970   fprintf(stderr, "modbus_rtu_init(): returning succesfuly...\n");
  1971 #endif
  1972   return 0;
  1974 error_exit_0:
  1975   if (extra_bytes != NULL)
  1976     // Not the corect value for this layer. 
  1977     // What we set it to in case of error!
  1978     *extra_bytes = 0; 
  1979   return -1;
  1980 }
  1984 /******************************/
  1985 /**                          **/
  1986 /**    Open node descriptor  **/
  1987 /**                          **/
  1988 /******************************/
  1990 /* Open a node for master or slave operation.
  1991  * Returns the node descriptor, or -1 on error.
  1992  *
  1993  * This function is mapped onto both
  1994  * modbus_connect() and modbus_listen()
  1995  */
  1996 int modbus_rtu_connect(node_addr_t node_addr) {
  1997   int node_descriptor;
  1998   nd_entry_t *nd_entry;
  2000 #ifdef DEBUG
  2001   fprintf(stderr, "modbus_rtu_connect(): called...\n");
  2002   fprintf(stderr, "opening %s\n", node_addr.addr.rtu.device);
  2003   fprintf(stderr, "baud_rate = %d\n", node_addr.addr.rtu.baud);
  2004   fprintf(stderr, "parity = %d\n", node_addr.addr.rtu.parity);
  2005   fprintf(stderr, "data_bits = %d\n", node_addr.addr.rtu.data_bits);
  2006   fprintf(stderr, "stop_bits = %d\n", node_addr.addr.rtu.stop_bits);
  2007   fprintf(stderr, "ignore_echo = %d\n", node_addr.addr.rtu.ignore_echo);
  2008 #endif
  2010   /* Check for valid address family */
  2011   if (node_addr.naf != naf_rtu)
  2012     /* wrong address type... */
  2013     goto error_exit_0;
  2015   /* find a free node descriptor */
  2016   if ((node_descriptor = nd_table_get_free_nd(&nd_table_)) < 0)
  2017     /* if no free nodes to initialize, then we are finished... */
  2018     goto error_exit_0;
  2019   if ((nd_entry = nd_table_get_nd(&nd_table_, node_descriptor)) == NULL)
  2020     /* strange, this should not occur... */
  2021     goto error_exit_0;
  2023   /* set the default values... */
  2024   set_defaults(&(node_addr.addr.rtu.baud),
  2025                &(node_addr.addr.rtu.parity),
  2026                &(node_addr.addr.rtu.data_bits),
  2027                &(node_addr.addr.rtu.stop_bits));
  2029 #ifdef DEBUG
  2030   fprintf(stderr, "modbus_rtu_connect(): calling nd_entry_connect()\n");
  2031 #endif
  2032   if (nd_entry_connect(nd_entry, &node_addr, optimization_) < 0)
  2033     goto error_exit_0;
  2035 #ifdef DEBUG
  2036   fprintf(stderr, "modbus_rtu_connect(): %s open\n", node_addr.addr.rtu.device);
  2037   fprintf(stderr, "modbus_rtu_connect(): returning nd=%d\n", node_descriptor);
  2038 #endif
  2039   return node_descriptor;
  2041   error_exit_0:
  2042 #ifdef DEBUG
  2043   fprintf(stderr, "modbus_rtu_connect(): error!\n");
  2044 #endif
  2045     return -1;
  2046 }
  2050 int modbus_rtu_listen(node_addr_t node_addr) {
  2051   return modbus_rtu_connect(node_addr);
  2052 }
  2056 /******************************/
  2057 /**                          **/
  2058 /**   Close node descriptor  **/
  2059 /**                          **/
  2060 /******************************/
  2062 int modbus_rtu_close(int nd) {
  2063   return nd_table_free_nd(&nd_table_, nd);
  2064 }
  2068 /******************************/
  2069 /**                          **/
  2070 /**    Shutdown Library      **/
  2071 /**                          **/
  2072 /******************************/
  2074 int modbus_rtu_done(void) {
  2075   nd_table_done(&nd_table_);
  2076   crc_done();
  2078   return 0;
  2079 }
  2084 /******************************/
  2085 /**                          **/
  2086 /**                          **/
  2087 /**                          **/
  2088 /******************************/
  2089 int modbus_rtu_silence_init(void) {
  2090   return 0;
  2091 }
  2096 /******************************/
  2097 /**                          **/
  2098 /**                          **/
  2099 /**                          **/
  2100 /******************************/
  2103 double modbus_rtu_get_min_timeout(int baud,
  2104                                   int parity,
  2105                                   int data_bits,
  2106                                   int stop_bits) {
  2107   int parity_bits, start_bits, char_bits;
  2109   set_defaults(&baud, &parity, &data_bits, &stop_bits);
  2110   parity_bits = (parity == 0)?0:1;
  2111   start_bits  = 1;
  2112   char_bits   = start_bits + data_bits + parity_bits + stop_bits;
  2113   return (double)((MAX_RTU_FRAME_LENGTH * char_bits) / baud);
  2114 }